Reviews for Four Nights in Gorgrond
Urdrald chapter 7 . 9/2
I love your work. Your writing is superb and your stories amazing.
burriew chapter 25 . 9/20/2019
Thanks for writing! This brought back memories of WoD. I'd expected there would be more conflict between the former jailer and his prisoner but this works too :D. It also made me want to read more about Night Elves. I loved how you wrote them.
burriew chapter 23 . 9/20/2019
So this is the part where Isurith escapes Garot'jin's jail. I thought it was a separate one-shot I missed.
burriew chapter 13 . 9/17/2019
-Aww, I liked Sandash. Sad to see him leave the party.

-I think you did a great job on writing Cecilia. I forgot Night Elves lived for so long, and was curious how a being over ten thousand years old would have a connection with somebody who hasn't even passed his thirties. I don't know if its canon but your explanation of the Night Elves' perception of time made sense.
burriew chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
What a surprise at the end! I should've expected something like this but I really suck at forseeing these kind of stuff. This definitely makes the story more interesting.
hihihi8 chapter 25 . 5/16/2019
socmanco chapter 25 . 12/14/2018
Brilliant piece of work.
Loved how you portrayed the characters, how they felt so real and most of all how they interacted with each other.
My favourite part was Olsa's memories. To me, there's where we can come to understand when Isurith/Cici realised how misunderstood orcs really were and what hers and the Sentinels actions were actually accomplishing, therefore starting to question her actions and herself afterwards.
It was a great moment of introspection and as short as the interactions with Olsa were, i felt devastated when she was declared a spy. It made me think how well you had written that to move me so much with so little exposure.
Anyway, just dropping a review to show my appreciation for your work and to let you know that I will be reading the follow up stories soon.

Greetings and keep the keyboard clicking!
iDenis chapter 25 . 3/29/2018
I would have left reviews for each chapter as I went through this but I literally couldn't restrain myself from clicking next chapter. I started reading this around midnight last night (it's 1:45am now), read for a couple hours, read a bit more this afternoon, a bit more this evening, and knocked out the last ~1/4-1/5 of it in the past couple hours and uh- wow. You made me chuckle, grin, tear up, feel fear, feel hurt, feel excitement so vividly over the past 24 hours. Your writing is super evocative, your characters are brilliantly real (well- as real as a motley crew of Warcraft OCs can be, but I digress), and the story you've weaved here was both head and shoulders above what I could have ever expected and one that helped me think about some shit I've been working my way through. I don't mean to presume but you mention 9 years off the grid (to some extent) in your AN and I can't help but suspect some of the things (SOME) you write about here to be inspired by that. Regardless of how insulting and wrong (insultingly wrong, even) that shot in the dark may be, it seems you're in a good place, I'm glad you're here, and I owe you tremendously for writing this story.

Maybe this is a little more of a personal note than a review but it's after midnight, which, as we all know, is overshare-o-clock. Anyways, thank you so much for a wonderful story/experience, I can't wait to read more of your work :)
mirari1 chapter 18 . 5/10/2017
Awww, this chapter is adorable. Nice to see Cecilia finding herself in a more stable place and getting some control back over her life. It helps that I have a soft spot for naga, too. I like the idea of one defecting to the Alliance (and the potential super awkward family reunion if he has any Kaldorei relatives still living, lol). And I completely buy that they, night elves, and blood elves should still be able to understand each other's speech, at least to some extent.

One of the most engaging parts of your stories is how fleshed out the side characters seem to be, and this chapter has that in spades. Poor Sonja and Erikur D:. I’m going to be thinking about that one for a while, I think. And ouch, the rudeness of those night elves was an unpleasant reality check after how well everyone on the ship was getting on. Makes sense why Cecilia would be so good at getting along with other races, since her own seems so determined to make her feel unwanted. Good thing the world is full of adorable troll dudes ;)
mirari1 chapter 17 . 4/18/2017
Weee, finally caught myself back up! Seems like Cecilia has finally hit bottom and begun to rebound, though ouch, what a bottom. This is really making me hate the goblin cartels, ha. WoW always implied that they were basically the fantasy mafia, but the seedy underbelly of things in your fics is way more brutal/less roguishly loveable than what the games portray. Though hey, now we know how a night elf got to be named Cecilia! Through good ol’ lazy bureaucracy. Freakin’ goblins, man. As awful as what happened to Angela was, the hardest part of this chapter for me was how downtrodden and self-blaming Cecilia still sounded. She may have recovered physically, but emotionally she's still so so low. And then ending up outside in the middle of a hurricane. I keep reminding myself that this is a flashback so things have to get better eventually, because omg. I think I remember you telling me once that at its heart this is a fluffy romance story, but this is a serious ringer these characters are going through xD
Ryan chapter 25 . 10/4/2016
Thank you so much for this, CiCi is the character I never knew I was looking for. It's been a pleasure to read about her and I look forward to reading more!
mirari1 chapter 16 . 6/27/2016
Wow, that was almost uncomfortably realistic. I know people who have basically lived the first part of this chapter (not the drug addiction, but more or less living off guys they met in bars while they were unemployed). The horror part was very creepy and the sudden transition back to reality was almost as sickening. Very convincing description of being way way too drunk. I'm actually really glad this is a flashback, so we know it gets better for Isurith!
mirari1 chapter 15 . 6/27/2016
Oh man, she so has a thing for trolls:p. Eeep, once again, I still do not like where this is going, though! Isurith is still so optimistic, despite her experience in Theramore. She just wants to help people without killing them! And the description of Anna's eyes is so sad/unsettling. I really hope I'm wrong, but it really seems like she's the victim of some kind of trafficking/prostitution :(
mirari1 chapter 14 . 6/26/2016
World's most adorable homicidal rampage xD. But hey, mini-golf is a pretty solid first date idea no matter what universe you belong to. It’s really cute to see Khujand being comfortable with someone after how out of his element he seemed before. And I think I’ve said it already, but the balance of old and young in the way you write your night elves is very cool. It makes sense with the way they’re portrayed in WoW and is also a nice change from the jaded immortal trope.
mirari1 chapter 13 . 6/20/2016
Omg Sandash! That seems...impulsive, lol.

Glad Cecilia seems to have cooled off a little. I can't decide how I feel about her constant insistence that Khujand just do what she tells him in battle. On the one hand, yes, she is more experienced. But on the other, Khujand is not another Sentinel and doesn't fight like one, and I don't know how she can give the best orders if she doesn't know what he can do. She doesn't seem to give him a lot of credit yet in general, though he's definitely capable on his own. Hopefully their next fight will go better. Did Khujand just suggest they go beat the tar out of some Iron Horde as a first date? xD
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