Reviews for Time's Up
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
I really do hate Unfinished stories! A story with no ending is not a story from the beginning.
Pimprenelle chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
I did not comment much (well, ok, I commented only once), but I followed the story regularly, thank you for sharing it with us!
That being said... "FINIS".. now? That seems very, VERY abrupt.
So abrupt that I wonder if you have not a sequel waiting - there are too many loose ends in my mind, and the possibility for a great deal more (what about the new earl, little mary at Rosings, will the Darcys have a child or not, will Georgiana have to deal with the consequences of her choices, will Darcy ever learn that Elizabeth HAD to chose to marry or believed for a time that he liked men, etc etc etc).

With that "book one", you brought Elizabeth and Darcy together - or to a new beginnig anyway. I dearly hope to see a book two with them building a strong marriage and having to deal with events around them.

Well - all that to say that this "finis" feels more like a turning in the story, but if that is not in your plans, I would be happy with an epilogue...
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
YAAAAAAAYYYYY! I've loved reading this story and would get excited every time I had an email saying a new chapter was posted. THANK YOU!
beckyzoso chapter 52 . 12/7/2015
I'm dying. It's too good. I'm so sad it's over. What a wonderful story, truly one of my favorites. Overall your in-depth activity of Elizabeth as mistress of Pemberley ( her duties) really won me over. So many stories merely have her showing up to dinner and bedding Darcy. You gave her true depth. Not only in character but in purpose. You showed what being a mistress of an estate that size really meant and showed me for the first time why it was such a... daunting? Monumental? Task. Hmm. I mean to say that I now fully understand why Darcy was so Proud and why everyone looked up to him and what an honor it would be to become his wife. How everyone would be shocked that he married a nobody.
Loved Bingley and Anne's endings. I liked that you didn't boost Georgiana up on a pedestal like so many do, that you made her unsuccessful in her seasons. Georgiana, oh I've never liked her character, but you really had me liking her up until the George fiasco. How could you be so stupid? Youth yes, vanity yes, but she really doesn't have a depth to her. Wake up and see him for the fink he really is! Ugh. I did like her ending, with a man who was disfigured -shows that perhaps she overcame her vanity and was able to see to the heart of others and not judge them for their pretty words and faces. Okay, rank done. Finn's ending however made me the happiest. I about wept.
I wondered if you were going to reveal the gender of the lost child. Don't know if that was done back then or not. Or if they buried it in the family plot, had a ceremony or not. I'm relieved you didn't dwell on the unhappiness of that too, you kept the positive Lizzy spin on it, wonderful acknowledgement at the beginning of this chapter that it wasn't easy to get past but that they were able to move on. I would have loved to read a love declaration from Elizabeth though. You did Darcy's and we know she loves him and that Darcy knows but I would have liked to read it just the same.
And did they have any more children. In my mind I don't see just one child coming from their union for as happy as they are with each other in the sheets it would seem more would be likely to come. Of course you didn't end it with their death and their entire life written out so I'm imagining they went on to have at least two more children, at least one boy to inherit the Darcy good looks and social awkwardness. So thank you for not ending it with that finality as I'm able to fantasize more tales and happenings in your fan fiction world.
I was most upset about the ming vase for some reason so I'm over the moon it found its way back home.
And last of all, I'm in love with Colonel F. and Jane. The sword's engraving says it all, perfect. I'm so glad they live near Pemberly and that the sisters can always be together. And that the Colonel had such a happy ending and is near Darcy. So many fics have him end with Georgiana, I just don't see it.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this story, every chapter you have posted has filled me with happiness. I often think of this story and it always brings me joy. Please keep writing and posting new stories on here. You are fantastic.
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
We had the angst but was the romance supposed to be the Diana and Darcy coupling because we had no more than a few sentences of romance with E&D.
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
Looks like a doom and gloom story and not a happy ending in my book.
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
Hm, in a romance novel I would label this a 'snap' ending. All the drama goes its course and then all of a sudden there are declarations of love and then *bam* its the end. There wasn't much falling action compared to the pace of the rising action and the denouement seems to be this chapter alone, which almost felt rushed... (47 chapters to get to where I would consider the climax, 4 chapters after it). I would have loved to explore further into the aftermath of so traumatic a climax, the guilt of all parties, a bit of followup with the Bennets and the whole situation with Anne and the adoption, and a bit more settled conclusion for Darcy and Elizabeth (progress on the question of permanent damage after the miscarriage would be nice but not necessary). But, overall it is a good read as all your offerings are, looking forward to the next one.
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
ou what a wonderful ending! please do include an epilogue
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
What! 50 chapters of grief and angst and loss and destruction and mayhem, then 1 chapter of total acceptance by everyone with no D&E having their beloved heir and Georgiana not getting her just desserts and that's supposed to be a happy ending?
Yes, real life is horrific sometimes and when I want to read about it I can pick up the newspaper or watch the news, daily, but I certainly don't want to read 50 chapters of mayhem and grief about one of literature's most beloved couples! Disappointing!
MissMae chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
So instead of declaring their undying love for each other, they played chess, how romantic.
I suppose he did that with Diana too, at times.
At least she will get more wear out of her Madame Lafrange's creations.
So no trips to London, lifestyle changes or anything really.
I have to say that I feel dissatisfied, cheated almost,with this abrupt ending.
It seems like you have had enough and decided to finish up with the absolute minimum.
Guest chapter 51 . 12/5/2015
What a ridiculous ending. I have followed this story from the beginning and really enjoyed it. Surely you can come up with something better than that!
gpsyes chapter 52 . 12/6/2015
So glad you tied up all the loose ends though I feel that you cheated us out of at least 5 chapters ;)

Looking forward to your next story!
Rachel chapter 50 . 12/4/2015
Wait, there were six tense days of no talking, about anything, before her miscarriage contractions began? Bizarre. I mean, I love the story, your writing is amazing, and it's perfect that a tale commenced due to a need for a vessel to carry an heir is to conclude with desiring the potentially barren vessel after the untimely death of a possible heir - seriously awesome. But six days of not saying anything of substance upon the return to Pemberley after all that happened? Interesting.
Guest chapter 50 . 12/4/2015
But I'm really sad that they lost the child. :(
Guest chapter 50 . 12/4/2015
Awwwww finally some things working out
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