Reviews for The King's Pet or The King
sadboyclubpresidents chapter 41 . 6/20/2024
Yay! Sokka and the gang! Ursa!

This chapter made me so happy. We’ve been moving through so many moving pieces- psychologically and emotionally I think. I really loved that. And i also have been wondering what was going on with Sokka, so big thanks.

I love the ways that you’ve brought the water tribes into this story. I teared up with Katara when she was realizing that her acceptance with the Northern tribe women were so readily given to her in comparison to the derision of the men from the same tribe. The circumstances are different but still.

I don’t envy Karara having this awkward convo anout how obviously Zuko feels for her because how she feels for him might also come into question and thats another big yikes. But I’m excited for the next chapter! You left us at such exciting moments for the next one. Great chapter!
Maria chapter 40 . 6/3/2024
I liked this chapter. I can't wait to see how Katara and Zuko interact to destroy the war balloons and if they manage to escape Azula.
A new fan chapter 40 . 5/31/2024
This story is soooo goood! Please keep going!
Titi chapter 40 . 5/30/2024
I really liked the way Katara understands Zuko more and more as she learns about his childhood.
I hope your real estate projects go smoothly and give you lots of satisfaction in the end.
Pieceofsketch chapter 40 . 5/27/2024
I love it so much!
CharlieSlayer chapter 40 . 5/27/2024
So good! I feel like Zuko and Katara are really making progress to restore their love! very interested about how their talk about the baby will go...lots of emotions there to unpack! I also can't wait to see what the ladies of the tribe do to him lol
CharlieSlayer chapter 39 . 5/23/2024
I feel like Katara is thawing to Zuko again and that things in the fire nation are gearing up for action. So excited to read whats next!
Titi chapter 39 . 5/23/2024
Great chapter.
Zuko really begins to understand how Katara felt as a slave and can really evolve into a better person.
Katara begins to accept Zuko's efforts.
Azula, finally, seems overwhelmed by Zuko's attachment to Katara. It seems that, in a way, she really wanted to recreate a semblance of family with her brother.
WRDT-old-find me on AO3 lol chapter 38 . 5/6/2024
I've just reread this fic and I'm so glad I did!
Guest chapter 38 . 5/4/2024
Thank you for this beautiful story. it certainly takes up a lot of your time and energy, but it's worth it.
Maria chapter 38 . 5/1/2024
I love the manner you describe the evolving relationship between Katara and Zuko. The way you show everyone's point of view is really interesting
Titi chapter 38 . 4/29/2024
Another wonderful chapter. Katara and Zuko will really be able to join forces to finish this war.
TitansBalrog89 chapter 38 . 4/28/2024
I think I understand why you have wrote it this way for the Ease the reader. But due to the characterization of Kato or Katara rather but she have truly used the term assaulted?

I don't see her sparing Zuko's feelings of the reality of the cruelty and the horror that her people, these women standing before him have experienced.

I just see her saying the word in it's blunt horrific context. It's such a minor thing it just stood out to me like a needle in my mind. Amazing chapter as always
Pieceofsketch chapter 38 . 4/27/2024
Amazing. Can't wait to see what happens next. Frogtopus is such a beautiful metaphor for Zuko. I love the idea of Sifu Katara and her army of renegade waterbender ladies. It was hard, years ago to read about how Katara's spirit was crushed by her failed attempt on Zhao -it was understandable given everything, but it was really hard. So seeing her rise up and take ownership of herself and her destiny is just brilliant. Truly, these episodes feel more and more as the sequel to Call me Katto. Also, I LOVE how this story is just not part of the whole Pakku was a loveable grump bandwagon and about time. Can't wait to learn more about the new water tribe, and I really hope that we see a reunion between Iyuma and her finace. Also, cant wait for these ladies to meet up with Pakku and show him their power.
Great going
Needles1990 chapter 38 . 4/27/2024
I LOVED this chapter! i feel like we've finally turned a bit of a corner in their relationship in a way that also feels very authetic. its also great to hear a bit of Zuko's perspective after the agni kai. I really love Loska's internal monologue about Katara, too! The convo that Katara and Zuko had felt so authentic and hopeful but still like it was earned.

cant wait for more pining!
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