Reviews for Stepbrother
Guest chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
Good pace, looking forward to more
bageltiger chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
this is a pretty interesting story can't wait for more.
henniy chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
Poor girl!
This Tom really acts awfull, not sure how there will ever be any romance. Looking forward to the next update :)
Anon chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
What a quick update, thanks! I really like the push-pull dynamic you're setting up in their relationship. I didn't see Hermione's move with the bird coming, that was really the future I could see Tom becoming attached to Hermione (even if he just considered her a plaything) just on the basis that she interested him/ surprised him. He's already isolating her from her parents, and it would be easy to further isolate her from her classmates. He wouldn't even need to use the charming act he uses with the adults, he could just scare them. Speaking of classmates, I am curious of what they think of Tom. Hermione's thoughts on her magic were really interesting, I'm excited to see how much she's going to use it in future confrontations with Tom. Is there a Hogwarts in this AU, or are you just going to roll with the telokinetic powers thing? And I wonder how much the war is going to affect their family. I guess we'll find out pretty soon :). Thanks again for the update!
BrendaBites chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
I really like that youre not getting right into it. I love the way you write both Tom and Hermione, theyre perfect.
I cant wait to see them in Hogwarts. Thanks for the update: )
Alice1985 chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
The pacing is good, keep it up! :)
I'm still not sure though, where you will go with this story. Will Tom and Hermione at some point end up together (since you labeled the genre as Romantic)?
If so, than I can't wait to see how you will turn it that way, because the way you portrait them both, especially Tom, it won't be an easy task.

Anyway, I look forward to your next chapter :)
Guest chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
Great! Clever story idea. Looking forward to the next chapter. Hope Hermione will be able to show up Tom that she has the powers to match his. :p
zypherblaze chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
I absolutely LOVE your story! Its brilliant! And thank you for the quick update! I think your pacing is just fine and the characters are incredibly spot on! I for one can't wait to see Tom's reaction when he finds out Hermione is a witch. In the meantime poor Hermione, makes me feel bad when I used to complain about my sibling, it was nothing in comparison. Amazing chapter! Please update soon!
Anon chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
What a terrifying Tom you've written! Thank you for portraying a Hermione that fights back, and its very cute that she thought it was a fairy godmother or a similiar guardian. I can't wait to see whats going to happen next. Will Tom be joining her in school? And I dont know if you meant this, but Tom's behavior when he undressed and when he made Hermione undress hinted to me that he may have been sexually abused at the orphange, or atleast been influenced by it somehow. From the way their relationship is right now though, I dont think we will be learning a lot about his past anytime soon. Looking forward to an update!
SemperTemper chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
Such a novel and interesting premise.. I can't wait to read more.
SourlessCherryxx chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
Poor Hermione. Tom is kinda scary.

Awesome story btw! :) Update soon! I love it so much. x
BlueRoses1411 chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
This is really good, please update soon! :)
zypherblaze chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
I love this and I can't wait to read more! It's so unique! Thank you for posting this!
Therefore I Am A Pipsqueak chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
Oh my... I absolutely love this! The writing was done so well and I can clearly see everything. Please, Please continue.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15/2015
Wow! This is great. Tom is so scary, poor Hermione! It's gonna be so interesting when they find out they're BOTH witches/wizards.
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