Reviews for Stepbrother
Jaycie Victory chapter 1 . 4/9/2021
This was almost a horror story it was so good at building an atmosphere of creepiness and dread. I'm a bit freaked out and wondering who will triumph, or whether she'll end up going dark, too. Either way, hope she kicks his ass!
Guest chapter 18 . 4/6/2021
I am so happy that this fic exists
Therefore I Am A Pipsqueak chapter 18 . 4/1/2021
Geez Tom is as creepy as ever here. O. O

I have to ask out of curiosity, are you going to crossover / include anything from the Fantastic Beasts movie in here since you seem to setting this in roughly that time line?
lawli-pop-apo chapter 18 . 3/20/2021
Omg please please update i live for this story it's that good :)
Guest chapter 18 . 3/19/2021
I would be happy if you would publish the story on ao3, because then I would get an update much earlier. (But be aware that the ao3 community is not very open to comment compared to ffn. Just a small warning so that there is no disappointment if the response is lower.) Of course there are always exceptions and some stories are literally inundated with comments.

- A mostly silent reader known as Egoerbse on ao3.
pirkkafan chapter 18 . 3/18/2021
please please pleeeeease update soon!
subtlegrace chapter 18 . 3/14/2021
i really really love how they always share their first moments. good or bad, happy, shocking, sexual etc. every significant change, discovery, awakening in their lives.
i’m so happy to know this amazing story is not abandoned. thank you so much for sharing!
Annila Maretur chapter 18 . 3/14/2021
Loved the chapter, especially the bit about Hermione fangirling over Amelia Earhart. Don't we all. Her reaction to her period was also brilliant, the way she didn't have a clue showcased her sheltered upbringing and the time period. I enjoyed it very much and hope you keep writing!
Guest chapter 13 . 3/8/2021
i kinda feel sorry for hermione bc of all the stuff she has to go through, and everything so far has been in tom's favor, while hermione only got to celebrate extremely little victories.
JD SPARKS chapter 18 . 3/6/2021
omg I'm so late but love the update! I had to go back and reread a couple chapters to remember exactly what was happening where the story left off but I was quickly reminded of why I love your disturbing Tom. I cannot wait for you to write them older. weirder and uglier as you say! I also like reading on Ao3. I like comments by chapter so I dont spoil anyone with specific comments. but I also enjoy FFnet having a dedicated app.
AMATISTE chapter 18 . 3/5/2021
I really just discovered your story and in a fascinating way I love it ! Please don't abandon it, I want to see the progress between both characters ! Continue this story !new follower!
riptiderobin21 chapter 18 . 3/4/2021
Wow, wonderful as usual! Tom is truly a depraved young boy, I think it's perfect in its own sick way. And omg, Hermione just grabbing the bloody cloth and showing Tom, the girl has got guts. Wonder what Alphard will say? Haha.
StayDreaming chapter 18 . 3/3/2021
Wow Tom is so twisted I love it
I'm not normally a fan of this kind of genre but your characterization of him is so morbidly fascinating
Hamelin chapter 18 . 3/2/2021
(Directly traced from Spanish by Google Translate): I am really very grateful that you exist. This fanfic is very exciting because it goes step by step, showing the daily life that built Tom and Hermione's personality, their antics and their advances. I don't want to say it, because it sounds so repetitive to you authors, but I read the fanfic with a tug, and I bring my miserable butt to honor your last published chapter, and beg you to update soon because I'm dying of curiosity, honestly, What will our little dark lord do? Not much is known about it, and although Tom has signaled, I don't know if he's really serious about it. The inclusion of a story about the time, so light at first, as a child experiences it, seems captivating. Please keep writing. I look forward to any word you see around here.
Aistariel Elanesse chapter 13 . 3/1/2021
I'm so glad you decided to update again! Literally made my day when I saw that there were more chapters :). Please take your time, and remember to take care of yourself ️
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