Reviews for WHO BY FIRE?
WiseFly chapter 2 . 2/5/2022
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23/2021
Great dialogue.
aelfwynne chapter 2 . 8/6/2019
This story still warms my heart xxx
Silvermary chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
This was absolutely wonderful! I can’t believe I never read this before - it’s an absolute gem of a little story. The characterisations worked very well and I chuckled aloud at the witty dialogue more than once. This has been written so long ago and it still almost completely works with canon, which is great. I don’t know if you still read these but just know that after so many years, you still continue to delight with your work. Now, just before I hit the review button I saw there’s one more chapter to go... not The End after all! Yay
aelfwynne chapter 1 . 10/23/2018
This is so beautifully written. Thank you *heart*
Nerdlee chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
Enchanted. Why the hell would spellcheck decide it should read and chanted?
Nerdlee chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
You are just terrible! Such a short little thing, yet I woke the baby with my laughter several times. Your way with words is surprising and delightful. I am, in a word, and chanted. I am now off to devour the rest of your works.
Montara chapter 2 . 2/20/2018
So glad I found your stories! Love your writing style. Your HxS personalities work so well together, the reader can't doubt they have to become a couple :)
Guest chapter 2 . 2/15/2018
I've read this story apx. 962 times and I still love every reread. Love it!
SaiyaCat chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
Rosmerta chapter 2 . 8/31/2016
Another great Kaz story that I still love after all these years! :-)
Guest chapter 2 . 6/21/2016
Love the witty repartee!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/5/2015
lol loved this story and Snape's apology
Readerjkr chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
arlene56 chapter 2 . 6/3/2015
This was a lovely story. Chapter one was very touching and chapter two had me laughing out loud. Fazackerly. Excellent. Thanks for sharing.
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