Reviews for The Power of Love
kaijuka chapter 24 . 1/13
i just realized the chapter titles are song names. nice
dixonjason403 chapter 3 . 11/16/2024
what was the point of this chapter? we learned nothing new. nothing has changed. you just spent aN ENTIRE chapter telling us what we ALREADY KNEW.
Riley chapter 19 . 4/29/2024
Big fan of the funny goblin names
q.thews chapter 36 . 4/22/2024
I loved this 36th chapter, bot for the painting and for Blaise.
Thank you for sharing.
Lamiafamily Loew chapter 42 . 3/13/2024
But why is the rum gone?!
hpmick13 chapter 44 . 3/11/2024
This story has really taken a downturn. The Snape parts are especially idiotic

What's the whole point of having McGonagall as a support structure, you know the DEPUTY HEAD who has the authority to deal Snape when you just make him more scummy than he was ever in canon and they just put up with it.

It's fucking stupidity of the highest order and really spoils what was previously a decent story.
insipidscholar917 chapter 20 . 3/2/2024
I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate your approach to Dumbldore so far. I've never enjoyed fics that bash him constantly or portray him as some coniving egomaniac who doesn't care for harry or in this case Jasmine. Dumbldore always struck me as a flawed man with the weight of the world on his shoulders who despite doing his best has messed up as we all do. It honestly really refreshing to see the balance you've achieved between Dumbldores admittedly good intentions and the actual comsequences of his actions. Well done
deathgeonous chapter 60 . 2/29/2024
What a wonderful fic here. Thanks for writing this, and bye for now.
lulu2613 chapter 58 . 12/25/2023
Is that Xander the Xander I think it is?
lulu2613 chapter 57 . 12/25/2023
Those poor innocent promising young woman!
AldarenShadowStalker chapter 35 . 11/25/2023
sound actually travels faster through water. (its a denser medium, but it dissipates faster)
SarcasticallySatyrical chapter 60 . 11/4/2023
This story is incredible- youve managed ton build and maintain such a compelling world with two phenomenal FMCs. Cannot wait to dig my teeth into the sequel!
LK Again chapter 10 . 9/25/2023
AND Christmas Holidays for Boarding Schools are much longer than a couple of weeks ...

At mine it was three or four weeks long - depending when January 2nd or 3rd fell . Our Terms started on a Friday and it's was inadvisable to get Parents to drive to the school still hungover from New Year's Eve/Day .
London Knight chapter 9 . 9/25/2023
Doubt Hermione's Parents would go to Church ?
Most Brits do not - not now or in the 1990s .
It's a misconception from many outside the UK .
Plus working Brits prefer a lay in on Sunday mornings .
Alwin-nl chapter 22 . 8/30/2023
Long after you finished this and no idea if you’ll ever read this but.. “describing the taste by a smell” is a bad comparison. A very big part of taste IS smell. Don’t believe me, read about people losing their smell after Covid. A better description would be “describe taste by a picture” (of the food).

Just a casual note. Good reading so far!
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