Reviews for On Wings of Steel
Dominic-G chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Yoooooo nice! Akitsu NEVER gets a good deal, always getting the raw end of the stick, so it is GOOD to see a story where she's with a MC who wont treat her like trash.

Thanks for the chapter!
pdes chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Glad to know that you're, well, not dead. Thank you for the update here, and I am eagerly awaiting everything else you have in store for us.
PsiOmicron chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
glad to see its back!
Khval chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Thanks for the chapter!
Samin01 chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
please update path of the king!
Crimson green flame chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
I'm glad this got updated.
Tho I do hope shiro can give her wings 1 way or another
Warmach1ne32 chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
The Last Rising Of The Phoenix chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Yay. It lives!
Alyr Lin chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Thanks for the chapter looking forward to more.
skrapsynneh chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Yay, thank you for the updates. I look forwards to more.
SentinalSlice chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Yay for updates.
Eddain chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Nice, welcome back and thanks for the chapter.
AktheRuiner chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
An update! Yeeees..

Glad to see your back and so is this story. Hope you've been staying healthy through the quarantine.

Ahh Akitsu, still as loveable as ever. I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses and what trouble Shirou will get into as a result of all this.

I have to say I've really been missing Sekirei as a whole recently. There just hasn't been any good crossovers being updated or released recently. You have my thanks for lifting the drought.
Wannabeman123 chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Dareth chapter 4 . 5/16/2020
Hallelujah! Praise be to gods and atheists! It lives! Now to re-read!
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