Reviews for A Werewolf and a Veela Walk Into a Pub |
decadenceofmysoul chapter 18 . 11/10/2017 Awesome story so far! |
its-yaboijojo chapter 18 . 10/19/2017 I know this was updated recently, but I'm not sure if you will actually continue it. I hope you do. |
Hermione Lyra Malfoy-Riddle chapter 18 . 10/14/2017 Wow thanks this chapter wow.. |
Lelouch-Strife chapter 12 . 10/1/2017 crap I was expecting we'd be seeing Werewolf harry in action during the tournament |
BratGirl83 chapter 18 . 9/18/2017 I look forward to the next chapters. |
ChipzGrMione chapter 18 . 9/15/2017 Please update! :) |
Sora Loves Rain chapter 18 . 9/11/2017 Really enjoying this story:) Wonder who knows or who suspects Hermione's Veela?! |
whatweareafreaidof chapter 1 . 9/9/2017 you did not get ron even close, first ron had nothing to do with harry being mad at Hermione for the broom. second hermoien was in the wrong over the rat ron pet was killed it look like her cat did it, and instead of say sorry for your lose she said who cares it is a stupid rat, so she was in the wrong next in 7 book ron never told a secret so you wrong. and ron was surprised about lupin being a wareworf but was fine a few min later, so there no problem there. and takeing arthmancy Is just a math class not help full. look you just bashing ron in a way that make no sence. ps ron would be hurt that hermoien did not invite him, just like hermeion would be hurt if ron did not invite her to his house. and he has never look down on muggle. |
whatweareafreaidof chapter 4 . 9/9/2017 well beat the troll not harry, and vadelmort was harry mom, and her blood magic harry did nothing, and how was ron targering hermoine, he thought a purse ment handbag. |
ClaireR89 chapter 10 . 8/28/2017 So who's Alpha? Who won? |
ClaireR89 chapter 1 . 8/28/2017 Infertile till 30 seems a bit harsh lol |
19vanelkc chapter 11 . 8/22/2017 I really enjoyed the interaction between the gods |
reptilegirl chapter 3 . 8/19/2017 Lucky lol I want super Mario all stars well I think I want it for GameCube Love the story tho xD |
IncorporealSpaceDust chapter 18 . 8/13/2017 I love this story. Can't wait for the next update. |
RedWilloTree chapter 9 . 8/11/2017 dude Apollo is hilarious |