Reviews for Draco's Bad Day
atroxhisses chapter 34 . 11/25/2022
I hope you update this story someday! very interested to know where the dark artifact goes in all this.
Guest chapter 35 . 7/12/2022
No criticism, sorry for not reviewing sooner but take it as a compliment! Your story has had me on the edge of my seat, characters are wonderfully written and plot is enthralling!
Scorpia11 chapter 33 . 7/4/2022
Tried to post on the last chapter but it wouldn't let me...Every single time I come to the end of this chapter I love Draco a little bit more for how he shows Hermione just how loved she is. And I also hope Ron gets boils or something equally terrible for being such a jackass. That being said, lovely as always...though still a number of questions needing answered. Thanks for sharing what you have tho thus far.
Scorpia11 chapter 20 . 7/4/2022
I have always adored the bouquet that you had Draco send Hermione here. It's simply beautiful, romantic, and magical all at once. Every time I find myself wishing my husband was that romantic about flowers lol..
Scorpia11 chapter 1 . 7/2/2022
This is one of my all time favorite fics that I regularly come back to. I understand that life often gets in the way, but I truly hope you'll come back to it someday to finish. It's just too beautifully written to abandon.
Moonstone Muse chapter 33 . 3/31/2022
Just happy to be one of the two people who laughed at the outtake! I have laughed so hard at all of the Wheel of Time references.
littlemsstrawberry chapter 34 . 10/5/2021
I forgot about this till I reread it. This is definitely one of my top three favourite Hermione and Draco stories
Alejandra Nott chapter 35 . 9/9/2021
Amazing, I adore your writing! I love how is the relationshio between Draco and hermione, simply adorable. If you ever want to continue, it will be amazing specially to see if Draco forgives his mother, and its sad that his dad died, and also, I'm grateful that you put hermione in defenses of the creatures, thank you.
Sorry for my english, I'm from perú and of course is not my first lenguague, i'm learning how to write and this story help me to improve my english, thank you again.
Send love to you,
Yosoyliza chapter 35 . 6/15/2021
This was amazing I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Ebullientjenn chapter 19 . 11/27/2020
I am so enjoying this story!
Ebullientjenn chapter 7 . 11/26/2020
This story is so awesome!
Gypsyheart12 chapter 35 . 11/17/2020
I got to the end before I realized it's a wip!
it's so wonderfully written. I'm sincerely looking forward to any future updates
Scorpia11 chapter 34 . 11/13/2020
Still one of my favorite works you've written. I look forward to the day you begin updating. As a writer, I totally understand needing time to figure out the new direction you want to head and taking the time to make it perfect. I would rather wait for the amazing chapters than have things just thrown up to make a deadline. Thanks for this amazing story.
OUR-SILENT-STARS chapter 35 . 10/8/2020
I hope you know just how beloved this story is. Please never stop writing.
lakelady8425 chapter 35 . 8/6/2020
If this is the less explicit version, then I will be sure to read the AO3 version when I'm alone and can enjoy it properly! Wonderful story, great sex scenes, perfect Draco-Hermione dialogue. One of my favorite Dramione fics ever. Please don't forget about it. In addition to the sublime relationship stuff, I am eager for more about the dark artifact confiscated from the Death Eaters, the Lethifold-like curse, and can't wait to see how Ron (and Lavender, too, but especially Ron) get the nasty consequences they deserve.
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