Reviews for It's not the Raptor DNA
Guest chapter 62 . 7/31
Debra sucks. She didn’t explain herself, and she unnecessarily caused tense moments and drama. She really shamed an animal for their appearance when I hope she wouldn’t do that to a human. Someone should call her ugly and insult her, ya know, tit for tat. Instead of violence just talk, goodness it’s not hard. She was so rude and acted stupid, she deserved the laxatives and worse things honestly.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8
This story reminds me of life, we live, we thrive, we have kids, we die. I guess we’ll never know what happened to the author, but I’m going to say ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
That is the thing about us humans, we’re not immortal, we are granted a certain amount of time to walk on this planet surface, we’re not meant to live forever, just be remembered after our time is up.
Scientifically there is no proof of a afterlife
But science can not awnser everything
But science also can not disprove an afterlife
We know when we get there.
Omnisaurus chapter 1 . 6/16
I don't know whether you've abandoned this story, simply don't have time to work on it or if you simply can't work on it for any reason. I don't know you're still even still alive given all that has happened in the world within the timeframe of the story's last update. But regardless of whatever your circumstances may be, I have one thing to say.

Thank you for writing this beautiful story. Unlike most stories I read solely for amusement, this one has enriched my life.
max chapter 1 . 6/13
Funny story, I promise it's related: I had a dream, just recently, where I had to analyze a fictional series through various narrative and philosophical lens and present them to an audience, and defend my analysis. I chose to analyze a long series about a young dinosaur and her adoptive father as they went through a million challenges to get her the accommodations and care and respect she deserves, and I remember positing the humanity and personhood with which the author treated their subject, despite her being in a form that many people wouldn't recognize as a person nowadays. And then, when I woke up, I felt very disappointed that my brain had made up a story I could never read again, and THEN I remembered, wait, It's Not The Raptor DNA is a very real long form fanfic that I can read any time! My subconscious just accidentally spread it out into a four-part book series because it was just that long! Basically, extra kudos to you SkullsandDuggary, your story is fantastic and I presented it to my dream audience and they were in awe of your writing, as am I at the time of writing this review. I'm gonna fully reread it this weekend.
Noctofuriens chapter 89 . 6/6
Honestly at this point I just hope you’re okay, Skulls. It’s been a while, and I’m sure if you were gonna come back, you would have. Whether your muse just left you, or you can’t continue or one reason or another, I just hope you’re okay and at peace.
Good luck, and hope we hear from you.
Guest chapter 89 . 5/6
To Amanthya:

Finally someone with some common damn sense, I was gonna write a longer review but yours pretty much summed up how im feeling.
Amanthya chapter 89 . 4/29
A few of you whiny pissy jerk reviewers who shall not be named directly because I at least have some common courtesy - need to chill out and stop hating on the author for not updating. For all you know, they could have serious health issues, mental or physical, the likes of which has interrupted many good stories even before Covid came along to worsen everything everywhere for everyone. Or lost loved ones. Or they could even be dead. And you're b*tching about how they have the audacity to make a good story and then not finish it - wth good have YOU done that makes you so self-righteous and entitled? Fanfic is a privelege, not a right, and is done around real humans' real lives, school/work, family obligations, and so on as the authors' health and living situation allows for. So pipe the fck down and behave like you were taught some d*mn manners.
Sword Of The Incorruptible chapter 76 . 3/16
I think they have just flat out abandoned it. There is simply no evidence to suggest that they will EVER continue the story. For crying out loud, the last edit/content update was in 2017! That’s seven years ago! We need someone to pick this up. I don’t think we need to worry about issues with the author, as they clearly left almost a decade ago. Nope, we need to give this story the love it deserves. We need a professional writer to pick this thing up, and continue on until the story has run its course. There is sooooo much more to add and explore, especially with all that we have now. I genuinely think we can finish this story, as a community. We just need people with the right talent and skills to do it. This is by far, the best fanfiction story on this app/site to date. The level of creativity and genious is unmatched. We cannot let this waste away due to the writer giving up, which in that case screw them. They could have at leadt had the decency to let us, the readers who supported this, know that they were done. Man, it’s people like this who can be such disappointments, because they give us something amazing, but then let it just sit and rot when they give up. Again, they should have said so, and given us the ability to pick up where they left off. If you can, we need to find someone to do a slight re-write to fix the grammar issues, and finish the story. With what we have, there is no reason to think that it cannot be finished. The hardest aspects to write have alreafy been concluded, so it should be relatively easy.
GerG SnamrekcotS chapter 89 . 3/8
So, Is the Author going to continue this story or struggling with how to include elements from the other media into the said story?
Sword Of The Incorruptible chapter 70 . 1/22
I think someone should try to pick up where the story left off, if possible. Don’t change anything storywise for what we have, but fix the grammar issues and just continue with what we feel should happen with the story. If they haven’t come back by now, it is safe to say that this story has been abandoned. Just some food for thought.
Castiel chapter 89 . 1/9
More please!
FenixChris2123 chapter 89 . 1/6
Please never remove this, and please continue with it!
Guest chapter 89 . 1/3
Dear Author

Your story is amazing but you said that you would update, and it's been a long time. Can you please please please update?

Thank you!
Guest chapter 12 . 12/19/2023
Man that Charlie chapter and now this with Elise and her sister made a grown man cry.
danj0929 chapter 4 . 11/29/2023
you are 100% right there is not a single American in the world who will acknowledge that fact and as an American I feeled called out for it and this is my response we do war better and faster than anyone else there is not a single other country in the world that isn't just prepared but ready to fight a three front war at any given time hell most countries can't even fight a two front war but it is American military policy to be capable of fighting that kind of war it may of been 80 years since the rest of world went insane again and we had to put down your war again seeing as we have literally all of your freedoms twice unless you belong to Germany Russian Japan and or any of the smaller countries that used to be part of the ottoman empire then the only you aren't flying a nation flag is thanks to dumbass Japanese admiral who thought pissing off the US was a smart thing to do like seriously and then they jut so happened to choose the one morning next to none of our major naval power was in the harbor absolutely genius I tell you but yeah we love being insane because deciding the best way to fight is to hide in a hole then charge the enemy across open fields straight into machine gun fire but wait there's more then making the completely sane decision to force a single country that was not even the first country of the losing side to declare was to pay for everyone's involvement when the country that actually started the whole thing Serbia I'm looking at you got off scot free because they were on the winning side yes that all of that European and African and Asian stuff seems very sane doesn't it fight your own goddamm wars for once instead of crying to us whenever y'all pop off cause it is always one of y'all that starts this shit what world war has been fought in America beside 1 15 minute firefight in Alaska when Japan thought they had a chance of taking that again that whole operation only lasted 15 minutes before every jap was dead or in custody but we are the insane ones no we are prepared for world war 3 and guess where it won't start in North or south America guess where it will start in Europe or Eurasia as the area around Russia is sometimes called as most of it is technically in Asia but most of the people in Russia mostly live the European part of the country as it is warmer but again back to my point we may be insane but at least we don't hold our craziness inside and pretend to be civilized while y'all do then end up murdering let's see rough death count of ww2 was about 72 million dead not counting wounded with about 400 thousand of that number being American soldiers 400 thousand out of 72 million dead is ours but we are the insane ones at we only had to fight ourselves once y'all have done it twice and still aren't sick of it yet but we are the insane ones y'all are barbaric monsters that need only the smallest of hint of war to abandon all your so called civilized ways to murder as many of yourselfs as you can and even that isn't enough for y'all you also want us to die along side you this fight in Ukraine I read on the internet constantly why hasn't America done this or that or a thousand other things because it isn't our fight why hasn't Germany invaded Russian or Britain or France or Spain huh what about them why are we the ones who are expected to die in y'alls wars but then get called insane for fighting for y'all pieces of fucking ungrateful shit how many people from my country has died fighting in wars they had no business being in because y'all can't fucking handle a wet paper bag for a fucking target you probably didn't think about your words when writing them but you just disrespected every single countryman of mine that has died in y'alls wars ww1 and ww2 I will admit with ww2 we would have gotten involved sooner or later but this was not the case in ww1 British intelligence if there actually was ever a thing intercepted a message from Germany to Mexico in 1915 asking Mexico to invade America here's the kicker British Intel didn't show it to our current president at the time Wilson I believe until 1917 when it showed they were going to lose the war by the end if that year suddenly we are involved giving more and more and sending troops and boom wars overs congrats y'all won all you needed to do was use an old outdated message to piss off America y'all lost then you got the help you desperately needed all the dead Americans then for what your comfort only to piss on the lovers instead of being honorable in victory you were vindictive in it in my opinion ww1 and ww2 were the same war just with a 20 year break for resource and training needs it has happened in ancient times some breaks between battle in ancient wars lasted years that's how you could see a 100 year war like what has happened in the past 100 years of constant heavy fighting no country has ever existed with the resources and personnel for such a thing how did I get to this specific topic I am not sure maybe it's my Amer
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