Reviews for Painted in the Worst Light chapter 27 . 5/20/2023
I felt this story! Wow! Will reread again! I think I found a new author to follow
theunraveledghoul chapter 27 . 9/19/2021
This was briliant, I wish there was more. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for this.
Lorde Shadowz chapter 27 . 5/1/2020
Wonderful, beautiful, sweet ending!
Alpha-The-Omega chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
First, let me tell you that it was a well written story - at least the plotline. It flowed well. The only issue I have with it was the "pairing". While I do not have anything against same sex couples, it is the fact that both characters are not gay in any sense of the imagination. Yes, this is AU, but the characterizations of both Harry/Snape being gay is foreign. Dumbledore, yes. Even Draco - if you were to stereotype. Harry is the anti-thesis to gay, besides the age difference.

Otherwise, it was a well written story. Good job.
excessivelyperky chapter 27 . 5/23/2019
Oh, how sweet! I'm so glad Harry understand the care and feeding of a Snape, and how to revive someone nearly dead back to full health.
excessivelyperky chapter 26 . 5/14/2019
Well, this is the kind of sentence I hoped for, really-someone has to be blamed for what happened, and Tom Riddle isn't around right now. I suppose Kingsley had to impose some sort of penalty to appease the Hang'em High Club who will be howling at him anyway for not having Snape Kissed.

Plus, Kingsley probably knows that any harsher sentence would result in a) Harry breaking Snape out and b) both of them disappearing permanently.
excessivelyperky chapter 25 . 5/12/2019
Snape is quite right, rules are pretty meaningless to Harry Potter, but somehow I don't think he's complaining about *now* (then again, neither is Harry once he gets his breath back).
excessivelyperky chapter 24 . 5/7/2019
Ha, Harry should be planning to break Snape out of Azkaban if the verdict goes wrong-he would do as much for Hermione or Ron, that's for sure.

Very good summing up.

But you know, the Wizarding World has to have someone to hate, so nobody questions what the Ministry ever does...
excessivelyperky chapter 23 . 5/1/2019
Excellent chapter. Even the Hat realized that Portrait! Albus is still running Hogwarts and that both Snape and McGonagall were just his hand puppets.

I hope the Wizengamot realizes it, too. After all, wasn't Dumbledore Supreme Mugwump? One has to wonder who his hand puppet there on the Wizengamot is.

Kingsley, perhaps?
excessivelyperky chapter 22 . 4/27/2019
Ah, I see Poppy was in on the coverup to keep the Marauders out of trouble, though I wish she would have admitted it.
excessivelyperky chapter 21 . 4/22/2019
But of course the Malfoys are still free-they were on the wrong side, but they were rich and pretty. As we know from all the newspapers, this makes as much difference in the Magical world as in the Muggle one.

As for Kingsley-is he jealous? He really doesn't like Snape, but what's his reasoning behind it?
excessivelyperky chapter 20 . 4/19/2019
Yes, four against one is always fair-if the one is Snape. Right? (and I say four against one, because Remus helped them make the Map and kept the secret of the Cloak, as well as acting as a lookout for them when they were busy).

Wheeler's testimony may seem minor, but pinning down Sluggy's lies isn't a bad thing either.
excessivelyperky chapter 19 . 4/14/2019
Too bad that Neville can't testify at the trial. But I'm sure there's some strange reason that he can't, right?

Why isn't Harry planning Snape's escape in case the trial goes the wrong way? What happened to our Gryffindor Screw The Rules Harry?
excessivelyperky chapter 18 . 4/10/2019
How is Harry conjuring his Patronus at the same time Snape is summoning his? Remember, it needs a wand to work, and Snape has his.

But otherwise a good scene.
excessivelyperky chapter 17 . 4/6/2019
Very good set of interrogations-Harry caught Flitwick in the logics, which is a very painful place for a Ravenclaw.

As for Mulciber, I'm not certain how that one worked out...
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