Reviews for Fate: Shattered Moon
Jose19 chapter 2 . 10/6/2024
I personally don’t think that Shirou should be with two he is not romantically gifted.

The issue is that Rin and Sakura are not the only ones that love him but Artoria as well.

Fate Night as you know has three paths to follow with three different lovers.
Accelerator chapter 13 . 8/30/2024
I apologize in advance for my English, it is not my native language, I used a translator. To be honest, the very idea of such a robbery is quite crazy. When the proposal to rob the white fang was made at the beginning, I thought that they would rob the terrorists themselves. But what kind of nonsense is robbing stores? What the fuck is this?! They couldn't have robbed White Fang's warehouse?! How are they better than ordinary thieves?! And after all, the thought came from Rin that no, we will not rob ordinary people, but in fact they do the opposite, what nonsense is this?! Why such a dumb plot twist? Is this a way to advance the plot?! Does the author have a problem with this? Couldn't you have thought of anything smarter?!
PanzerJ chapter 20 . 8/17/2024
Very fun chapter haha. Cant wait to see Rins reaction to the videos of her… lapse in mental integrity? Yeah, we’ll go with that lol
shirousagi87 chapter 20 . 6/29/2024
I was lauthing most of the chapter with evil rin XD, hope to see more like this
shirousagi87 chapter 3 . 6/29/2024
Rin's is really scary...
GMersLifeisFUn21 chapter 3 . 6/20/2024
Ginago ini nga istorya
Vorthod chapter 27 . 3/28/2024
A lot of character interactions are really fun in this series, but the way it bends way the hell over backwards to make sure the Fate cast never cooperates with the RWBY cast gets really old after a while. I just want to see Ruby geeking out over someone who knows Crescent Rose as intricately as she does and watching her and Shirou geek out over weapons together or something. Instead we get Rin making ominous declarations of world domination and Shirou not taking four seconds to say "I know this looks bad, but I'm here for the person behind this desk. Give me a moment to pull them out of hiding."
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 27 . 1/17/2024
Interesting story
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 20 . 1/17/2024
Umu the ending seems to be forced
Guest chapter 11 . 11/29/2023
So someone becoming a monster from outside influence in Blake and Medusa. Sakura too.
A leader who regrets and questions their position in Jaune and Saber.
An artificial girl made in a cold country to fight in Penny and Illya.
I’m guessing blind idealism in Ruby and Shirou.
Which leaves the rich tsundere best girls in Weiss and Rin.
Cepilepsi chapter 27 . 11/13/2023
Fun read
AidenJacksonSmithDSBB chapter 20 . 11/7/2023
I have never facepalmed so hard in terms of miscommunication
Isaasol2 chapter 20 . 10/6/2023
Ugh, I hate these type of plot points.
AxialDirection chapter 27 . 8/24/2023
This is really goood, please don't leave us my dear author T-T, I'm still waiting here hoping for one day our hero will return
SomewhereBeyondtheStars chapter 27 . 8/16/2023
Absolutely love this, really hope to see more!
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