Reviews for Trope
Mingyu chapter 32 . 6/5/2017
Werewolf!Rachel has happened! That's pretty epic (and a great idea for her second trigger)! Thanks for the chapter!
Mingyu chapter 31 . 6/5/2017
"Over the dog(s)?"
"Over the dog(s)."

Nice bit of confrontation between those two. Hookwolf is a severely underdeveloped character so it's good to see him with more dialog...before the vicious fighting. Thanks for the chapter!
Difdi chapter 10 . 6/5/2017
The lack of back story on how Assault and Battery know Taylor is jarring - she interacts with them on a level that is canonically reserved for pre-betrayal Emma, but no reasons are given to the reader for how that is even possible post-betrayal, when Taylor trusts absolutely no one.

I saw one fanfic that did something similar, that made Assault & Battery Kurt & Lacey, which would make a LOT of sense for Taylor to trust - but your story does nothing of the sort. The major plot point hanging out all by itself, unsupported by anything is pretty much breaking the suspension of disbelief here, Taylor is acting wildly out of character as a result.
World Theory chapter 26 . 5/27/2017
College textbooks are a conspiracy to squeeze more money out of students. Otherwise, it would be much cheaper to just get Ebook versions, even if you had to buy those too. I think they make you get physical books, because they are inherently more expensive, and so, they have more wiggle room for increasing the price without you noticing or complaining overly much.

Been a while since I read this story. I've forgotten a lot about what was going on. Guess I'll just have to wing it, and pick stuff back up as I go along.
Guest chapter 32 . 5/24/2017
Seeds? Seeds?! Like Butcher, seed? Or like Fairy Queen tries to be? Wow.
conan.lagace chapter 32 . 5/25/2017
That was fucking beautiful Bitch is living up to both her names. Holy shit the moment the PRT see's her go full hell hound whit will get scary. Master changer, with I side of brute? With training will she be able to escalate like lung did? Fenris unleashed?
chaosglory626 chapter 32 . 5/24/2017
How have I not found this story before? It is almost exactly what I want in a Worm fic with the added beauty of TV Tropes. If Taylor accidentally activated EVEN THE GIRLS WANT HER then it would be perfect lol. Now this thing with Rachel seems like a second trigger but sounds more like TV Tropes is its own Entity which would literally be the best ever. There was a story where TV Tropes became a Data Entity which had a symbiotic relationship with Humanity as it fed off memetics generated by human creativity. I definitely look forward to more. Keep up the good work.
Bobboky chapter 32 . 5/23/2017
Very good work
Gremlin Jack chapter 32 . 5/22/2017
Hoo boy. Big reveals in this chapter. So Taylor's power is a system designed to subvert Entity shards like a virus? Scary.
Greatazuredragon chapter 32 . 5/22/2017
What was all that SEED stuff? That really wasn't very clear...
Bobboky chapter 31 . 5/22/2017
Very nice
Firehedgehog chapter 31 . 5/22/2017
nice ficcy here
Gremlin Jack chapter 31 . 5/22/2017
It's alive! Great to see this back up again.
Rasengalia chapter 31 . 5/22/2017
This is going to be awesome.
Ender the multiverse Detective chapter 31 . 5/21/2017
Very god
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