Reviews for Healing
Demented Noodles chapter 13 . 6/18/2018
That was sweet but Sam, how could you? Nice to see her getting along with her parents I guess.
Demented Noodles chapter 12 . 6/18/2018
Wrap her up, indeed! And Sam, finally! Too little time for my liking though! :P
Demented Noodles chapter 10 . 6/18/2018
what the...? time travelling all of a sudden? how?! who?! why?! Things just got plenty weird. Interesting where this goes...
Demented Noodles chapter 9 . 6/18/2018
okay, so, no more positives then... Holy hell, this went dark fast! I, for one, hope that Lara does find him. It will be satisfying to see what she does.
You know, I usually rather despise OCs but you've created a very wonderful, deep character here and I can see how a third person, especially one as fleshed out as this, can bring a fresh perspective on things and finally help Lara and Sam (they're joined together as far as I am concerned) move on and accept the past.
Demented Noodles chapter 8 . 6/18/2018
Ah, a trap! And Saaaaaaammm! Yay! Just friends though? Booo!

Anyway, finally something positive! Time to turn the tables, I guess?
Demented Noodles chapter 7 . 6/18/2018
And she said she didn't have a soul any more... Neither of them seem to able to catch a break, it seems. Hope that changes soon.
Demented Noodles chapter 3 . 6/18/2018
This is hardly the time to be flirting, Elsie. And was that a nod to Sam in there? I am liking this.
Demented Noodles chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
Okay, so interesting start but I cant help but wonder about Sam... These two are undoubtedly my OTP.
It's gonna be hard to stomach anything other than those two but having read your later stories, which are absolutely adorable by the way, I think you might pull it off. Just hope Sam makes an appearance or something and it isn't like those damn comics.
WhatTheSchmuck chapter 13 . 6/13/2016
Well, I'm really awful at typing reviews but I don't type them enough so please bear with me.

I'll be honest, at first I was hesitant to read this story just because of the fact that it was a pairing of Lara with somebody other than Sam which I now concede was a mistake. I was always told to never judge a book (or in this case a fic) by its cover. I'm happy I took the time to read this. I feel like you did an excellent job of capturing Lara's character, and Elsie strikes me as being very sweet and likeable. I also greatly approved of the fact that you addressed the teaser at the end of 2013 (Croatoan/Roanoke Island) so major kudos to you for that as well! There were a few discrepancies in this story with respect to what is canon (such as Amelia Croft having attended Cambridge rather than Oxford canonically) but this is also fanfic so it's really not a big deal-everybody modifies canon!

You definitely deserve more credit for your work and once I have the time to do so I'll make a point of reading the rest of your fics. Y'all have a wonderful day now!
CosmicGunslinger chapter 13 . 5/29/2016
This was a really great story! I loved Elsie's character and I think you did a top notch job of capturing Lara's personality. It was really interesting finding out about the Trinity, the Stones and the settlement from an outsider's perspective, and it's made me really eager to read more of your work to find out what else is in store for Lara (and of course what happens between her and Elsie). Also that ending was so sweet! Great stuff!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/5/2015
LOL! A literal cliffhanger...

Looking forward to more!
Aniiek chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
Yep, I most definitely want to know what's going to happen next!
Great story so far, by telling it from Elsie's perspective you create a lot of mystery/suspense and the 'Lara part' is really in character. So I can't wait for the next chapter