Reviews for Bonds of Sea and Fire
caroline chapter 29 . 11/20/2024
I saw you haven’t updated in awhile and your authors notes say you’ve been struggling with something - just wanted to leave a review and say that I hope you’re doing okay. I re-read this story every once in awhile since I love it so much and hope that someday you feel good enough to start updating again!
Guest chapter 14 . 10/9/2024
Is this an original character? Cuz I'm trying to figure out who it is, but I cant!
JackFrost23 chapter 29 . 2/6/2024
Please update. If Lami is in this story does that mean Law is in this as well? If so when does he appear?
TykiTavi chapter 7 . 9/14/2023
I'm rereading this fic and now, after knowing Marco's actual job on the Moby, Izo's comment about having more medical training than Thatch and Marco is quite funny. XD
hehehehaw chapter 29 . 8/28/2023
...see you next time...
...if there is one...
Guest chapter 29 . 8/26/2023
This is amazing! I cant wait until Garp shows up… I just know he will. Stubborn old man! He’s gonna give them all a heart attack and the he’s gonna get beat up for beating up the kiddos. Also, is Law ever gonna learn that Lami is alive? I cant Even begin to imagine his reaction to the fact that not only is Lami alive but she now has Cora-san’s fruit
SleeperCat chapter 29 . 1/4/2023
It’s been a while (I may have lost my log in?) since I read through this story! It’s so good! So glad Sabo is sending letters to Dadan. Good luck figuring out AO3 posting. I’m still figuring it out myself. The idea of being able to find your stories over theirs is awesome, it’s where I’m at most of the time nowadays. May the words come easily to you!
Chaiiiii chapter 9 . 12/12/2022
yes Mommy Thatchy is here
RevolutionaryCleo chapter 28 . 7/28/2022
First off as an explanation this review is for Ch. 29, but since I already posted a review once it won't let me again. Now to the actual review:

Just did a reread! This is still such a good story! I can't wait for the others to find out that Lami ate the nagi nagi no mi! It's great!

Also, I really hope Garp does eventually catch up to them! I always love it in stories when he finally gets that reunion with them. Or at the very least, Luffy reveals his full name to the crew and they make the connection on who Jiji is and why Sabo thinks he can take Oyaji!

I hope you update again! I really love this story!
Tessa Goldflower chapter 10 . 7/20/2022
Mama Marco
Scobbydoowhereareyou04 chapter 29 . 6/30/2022
Came back to reread this again! Such a great ASL and WBP story. Would have loved to see Lamby meet her Voice (guessing that’s Law) in the future.

Will be back to read again someday, and check for a possible update. Thank Uluru for writing such a wonderful piece.
Anna chapter 29 . 5/8/2022
Hi i'm so glad I finally caught up with this story after so long. I can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 29 . 4/30/2022
I know this is late to the posting of this chapter, but it really was a joy to go back and find this story after (?) years since first reading it and find this content. It’s a great read, probably one of my favourite ASL stories. Hopefully you’ve been doing well (considering global events and whatnot) and thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!
VqpaeBePWBRwiff chapter 29 . 4/1/2022
Wishfull-star chapter 29 . 12/6/2021
This story is breathtaking and I hope that you continue it one day stay safe:)
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