Reviews for Bonds of Sea and Fire
CanIHaveAHug chapter 28 . 12/26/2019
This story is incredible as always! Thanks for the new chapter.
Lucy846 chapter 28 . 12/19/2019
Amazing story please update soon
EmeraldEyes chapter 28 . 12/14/2019
Huzzah for updates ;p
SoulMore chapter 28 . 12/14/2019
RyuichiSakuma13 chapter 28 . 12/7/2019
I was surprised when I received a notification that this story had a new chapter...and then I read why you had gone on hiatus. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, and I can't say that I blame you for not feeling up to writing. A loss as big as you've gone through is a hard one indeed. Yet you have persevered. That not only shows the world how tough you are, but showed your Mom as well. I'm sure she's keeping an eye on you. Just keep on keeping on, okay? Do whatever it is that makes you happy, safe and healthy. We're ALL rooting for you!

Thank you so much for continuing this story, its one of my top favorite ASL fics! I just wanted to tell you yet again that when I went back to re-read, the Ace chapters where the WBPs found out his biggest secret were not only my favorite ones, but brought forth tears. Who says "men don't cry?" I didn't exactly cry, but I definitely tear up every time I read those chapters!

You have a definite talent for writing, one that I hope to see you continue. Let me reiterate myself as one of your fans! And again, thank you for continuing this magnificent story!

Wordlet chapter 28 . 12/1/2019
Im so glad to see you back! You have my condolences for the problems you've faced and the losses you've suffered but I'm so glad you were able to pull through and had so much support! You're a strong person.
This chapter was such a thrill to find and a joy to read. Things areoving forward, I'm so proud of Lami for her decisions and resolution and memory breakthroughs. I wish I had the strength to make that kind of a choice. I'm proud of Sabo for deciding to pull on Izou and Thatch for help catching up to Ace and thrilled that he's going to keep sending letters home. Also all this Garp foreshadowing is makong me excited, wonder when that's going to come in!
All in all this was a lovely chap and it's lovely to hear from you again and I'm wishing you all the best~ thank you for sharing your hard work with us!
Myherogal22 chapter 28 . 11/28/2019
Omg! This story has so much potential! Can't wait to read more! Keep at it!
Good Omens chapter 28 . 11/28/2019
Beautiful update.
JustCallMeCookie chapter 28 . 11/28/2019
OMG! I literally CAN'T EVEN...! Thank you! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! This story is seriously the best One piece fanfiction I have personally EVER red! Seriously, I found this splendid masterpiece a few months ago when you were still on break. (You have my deepest condolence and I'm truly sorry for anything bad that's happened to you :( I finished the entire thing in 2 days, and I felt sad every time I had to eat or take a bathroom break since I simply COULDN'T STOP READING! Thank you so much for staying strong and continuing on this AMAZING story, and I hope to get to read even more from you in the future :D
Ariana Deralte chapter 28 . 11/25/2019
It's so lovely to see this updated! This is one of my fave One Piece fics:)
Topazled Hannah chapter 28 . 11/25/2019
Hello again. I don't have a lot of energy to leave a long comment, but i just wanted to make sure you knew that when i got the notification that you had updated again i was so very excited! This is my favorite "ASL adopted by Whitebeard" fic so it made my whole crappy week a million times better by just existing. And then it gave me an excuse to read it again and i fell in love again AND there was a new chapter at the end! And it was fantastic! The thought of Lami meeting up with Law with both of them being tattoo covered surgeon-swordsmen, but Lami has Cora's fruit makes me eager to see if you'll ever catch up to canon. It's totally okay if you don't! I love what you're doing, but if there was one thing i want to see in canon time it's Luffy meeting Law and/or Lami meeting Law.

I'm sorry to hear about what you've been going through and i hope things are easier now. I hope there are people who can bring you joy like your stories do for me.

May your muses treat you well and life be gentle to you.
Guest chapter 28 . 11/23/2019
I was shocked to see this updated after such a long time, but it was definitely worth the wait! I hope that you are taking care of yourself, and it's good that you're in a better state mentally. This is a really cool fic and you're a great writer!
ThayetJade chapter 28 . 11/23/2019
So glad your back! This is definitely one of my #1 favorite One Piece stories so i was suuuuper excited to see it had an update! Thanks a bunch! Glad your inspiration bug bit you am helped you return! if you ever get to feeling down again just copy an paste mine an everyone else’s well wishes for you and keep in mind we appreciate all the hard work you put into your story!
Ms.Wednesday chapter 28 . 11/19/2019
I started reading your story like three weeks ago (Senior year doesn’t involve as much free time as I thought it would) and as I was getting closer to the inevitable end, I started to count the chapters down. Once I got to chapter 25 and saw that there were only 27 chapters total. I was really sad that such a great story would soon come to an end and started feeling that emptiness that you get whenever a really good thing ends. However, the next day I saw that the total chapter count changed to 28... I was quick to write it off as my dyslexia playing cruel tricks on me, not wanting to get my hopes up, but I still checked your profile to see if anything somehow changed. I, no joke, almost cried when I learned that you were coming back to writing and you haven’t given up on this story. Literally made my entire week! Long story short, I’m so glad that your back. I’m sorry that thing haven’t been easy for you and I’m glad that your pursuing your passion. Take as much time as you need PLEASE! I’m more than willing to wait for a good story...
love and affection
BiancaGracePotterEverdeen chapter 28 . 11/19/2019
OMG I AM SO EXCITED! You made my week updating this, thank you ️
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