Reviews for Bonds of Sea and Fire
AnAngelandHisHunter chapter 28 . 11/19/2019
Omg I had just reread this story the other day! I'm so glad you were to come back. I'm so so so sorry for your loss and I truly hope things get better.
Fairy of the Friz chapter 28 . 11/18/2019
Thank you so much for the read! I adore how you write these kids, and had a good few cackles besides. Lami is my absolute favourite, and I LOVE how you write her! I hope everything starts looking brighter for you, and wish your muses all of the things!
Guest chapter 28 . 11/18/2019
MR.BimZan chapter 28 . 11/18/2019
I always get excited to see a new chapter, thank you for allowing us to read this!
Re-read it all again instead of sleeping, worth it.
Hope you have a good time.
DaughterofSelene103 chapter 28 . 11/18/2019
Oh my god, Lami thinking Law's birthday is her own is adorable. Also, getting the Nagi Nagi no Mi! Law's going to freak out when they meet up again (his sister's alive and she has Cora-sans fruit). I also just wanted to say that I am glad you are doing better!
Rahhpixy chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
I am sorry for your lose. I lost my father last year on Nov 4th so I understand the pain of losing a parent. I am happy that you have people in your life to help you.
ilovecartoonsgirl chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
Well...that was wonderfully fluffy and endearing. It was nice to see the others' reactions to the boys talking about their grandpa. And it is very good to have you back!
Allycat826 chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
I am happy to see your return to this story as its one i go to reread when nothing has updated.
thechickenlittle chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
i'm so glad to hear that you're doing better in life. i hope things keep getting better for you and yours, that the family is well, your friends are supportive, and your work goes the best it possibly can!

we'll never give up on you, hon. if you need time, take some time! we all need to take care of ourselves, and there's no shame in that! you do right by you. besides, despair and unhappiness are killers if you're not careful. may you find more happiness and joy to help lift you though it. best wishes to you!

and hey, another excellent chapter, loved this!
MissJenca chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
Sorry it took a bit to reply. I needed to re-read the last chapter. God, this was soooo good! I'd forgotten what a breath of fresh air this fic was, and your writing in general. I'm gonna reread the whole thing again.

On to the chapter! This such a cute way back into form. I'm so proud of everyone in this chapter! Wstching them all grow and learn and be happy, even the commanders, is a joy. Hearing about Garp though gives me the niggling doubt that he'll show up soon, and *that's* gonna be a fun time. XD
More Lami secrets! Go baby go! And Haruta being cute and supportive is always good. Someday, Mr. Almost-a-whole-adult. XD
Seeing Ace be responsible with his and Sabo's feelings was a delight, and I could've just about teared up. My good boys! X3 And Luffy is a good bean as always.

All in all, a great chapter, and excited to hear from you ahain! (*''人)*
Ariel Lazarus chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
Omg! I was so excited to see you updated, I actually cried a little! I'm sorry for your loss. Glad you've had people to help you through it, and that you feel up to writing again. This was a great chapter! Love Sabo and Lami being so determined to learn and get stronger. ASL better hope Garp doesn't figure out where they are for a while huh? He'd definitely just go charging after them like a maniac. Lol. I really love this fic btw! I think I'm gonna go back and re-read the whole thing later. It's been a few months since I've re-read it, and I think I'll appreciate the new chapter even more with it fresher in my mind. Great job and thanks for writing it!
ThirteenFlags chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
I'm glad you and this story are back. :) Thanks for the great chapter!
GreenDrkness chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
Well this made my day thank for the update
I'm glad that Lami and Sabo have resolved a few issues
Lol they still haven't stated who their gramps is XD that's gonna be a funny story and everyone who heard all the stupid shit will finally understand while Garp is hella abusive he hella don't mean to be
... I see what you did there you have Lami her brother's birthday I love that you are in a way making Lami her brother's foil and I can't wait for her to have her 1st bounty and Law's head basically exploding
imaginachun chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
thank you for coming back omg i’m so happy you finally update this fic
onceuponafandom16 chapter 28 . 11/17/2019
Glad you’re back and hope you’re doing okay! Loved this story. It’s so sweet, and everyone is so lovable. Thanks for the great read!
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