Reviews for Bonds of Sea and Fire
Special02 chapter 29 . 12/5/2021
I LOVE THIS STORY. It's so wholesome and I can't wait for Garp to come. I also like how you've done this in a way where the three don't villainize everyone (like Dadan and Garp). Its unlike any childhood ASL I've read. Thank you sooo much 3
TypicalOtakuFangurl16 chapter 25 . 11/21/2021
I knew IT THIS IS SO CUTE 33333
snowbythewood chapter 29 . 10/8/2021
So, the Nagi Nagi no Mi finally. Wonder how Law would react...
jiiminlover chapter 29 . 10/1/2021
Você partiu meu coração

Aqui está, a letra de uma música brasileira que se encaixa bem nessa situação... Estou a meses de coração partido porquê essa história não foi atualizada, fui iludida quando você prometeu atualizar logo

Enfim, reli pela vigésima vez porque sou assim, lendo e relendo e essa história ASL é minha preferida. Não dar pra superar como você mira bem no coração e atira sem piedade.

Sou muito cadela desses irmãos, os melhores sempre. Sou fraca demais pelo bebê Luffy, eu vejo esse garoto e morro de tão fofo que ele é. O maior bebê de todos os animes, nunca vou perdoar o Oda por não focar tanto nos irmãos ASL.

Enfim, sou cadela e admito, cadelinha pelos ASL, essa sou eu. Por isso te peço e te imploro, atualiza por favor

Bom, eu não sei inglês e pra você ler isso teria que usar o Google Tradutor (da mesma forma que eu uso pra ler essa fanfic), por isso não sei se você lerá, mas se você ler, pensa com carinho no meu coração partido okay?
daliapv.perez chapter 12 . 9/14/2021
Dios luffy están adorable.
MissJenca chapter 29 . 8/15/2021
Aaaaaaaaaa!,, I mesnt to read this chapter soonee! God it was so cute! I'm so excited for Lami! She's got her fruit! She's gonna be really cool with it, I know it!

"People will say weird stuff about you and Oyaji (I donlt know what that meas)" jcnfxkdbfnf Oh Sabo Honey nooooooo! XD I died.

I'm so happy to see them all thriving and living good lives. And I'm so happy for you to be thriving too! Regardless of fandom, you make good work, and I'm so glad you're finding things that make you happy!
Cheeky-Chick1only chapter 7 . 8/9/2021
I love this story and this chapter so much. What I wouldn’t give to have this chapter from marco/thatch’s pov. Maybe just as a one shot?
CoolCatz14 chapter 29 . 8/2/2021
Ahhhhh I love this story so much ! Your writing is soooo amazing! Thank you so much! I really can't wait for lami to get her memories back and see her you-know-who again! I don't wanna spoil the surprise in case there are people who haven't caught up. I really love Oden and Yamato as well! Do you read the manga or just watch the anime? Hope you update again soon and please stay safe! -

SapphireKiddTaeyeon chapter 15 . 7/21/2021
nice story
imena.williams09 chapter 29 . 7/19/2021
I know you update slowly but make sure to update soon so I can go back to loving every relay'd piece of information you give
DragonClanMaster chapter 29 . 6/23/2021
The fluff is nearly too much, I love it!
dragonisnohorror chapter 26 . 6/17/2021
You have absolutely no right to make me ugly cry this whole chapter. It was brilliant like the rest of this fanfiction.
minie chapter 29 . 6/8/2021
I was delighted with this book, I hope and continue, because it is amazing.
Cheeeesy-Bagles chapter 29 . 6/7/2021
This is such a great fic I read it in a day. You are insanely talented!
HinataAmari chapter 29 . 5/3/2021
Did you discontinue this book? If you didn't can you please update it? This is a really good book and I want to read what happens next.

P.S. Is Lami Laws sister?
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