Reviews for Bonds of Sea and Fire
SarcasmRocks chapter 8 . 1/22/2021
I just realized the review for this chapter got a little messed up while typing.
What I was saying was:
Forget what I said about this story being amazing. This story is sublime. I absolutely LOVE it!
SarcasmRocks chapter 8 . 1/22/2021
Forget what I said about this story being sublime. This story is I absolutely LOVE it!
SarcasmRocks chapter 7 . 1/22/2021
I most definitely did not squeal and grin like an idiot during ASL reunion.
SarcasmRocks chapter 5 . 1/22/2021
No Ace, it isn't fate leading you in right direction, it's Dragon.
Sanji and Thatch interactions were lovely.
Did I say how amazing this story is? And it's just the 5th chapter!
SarcasmRocks chapter 1 . 1/22/2021
Wow. I'm reading this story till the end. I loved this chapter. Also, nice cover pic. Real eye catcher.
swee2iepea chapter 29 . 1/15/2021
I am so excited to hear you are alright and writing again. I look forward to every chapter you write. Thank you for the chapter and no rush or pressure put onto you for more.
Cheeky-Chick1only chapter 26 . 1/12/2021
man, you actually got me tearing up there. beautifully done, really
Cheeky-Chick1only chapter 25 . 1/12/2021
oh my heart. there was simply no better way that could have happened. my poor baby has no idea how badly these people want to love him!
Automail-gHost chapter 29 . 1/11/2021
Congrats on finding your way back! It’s so fun that I recently re-read this just for the joy of it and my bittersweet dreams of wishing there was more have suddenly come true! I could hardly believe it when I saw it in my favorites as updated! XD
I CANNOT wait to see more and am filled with a crazy amount of anticipation! You have such a lovely writing style and every time I would return to this story I always fell in love all over again with your on point characterizations- especially of the Whitebeards! Man, such a joy to read and such a treat to have more!
RasalynnLynx chapter 29 . 1/10/2021
Just finished my re-read of the story to catch up, especially because I've just been reading BNHA fics on Ao3 too. If anyone has some good recommendations let me know, I'm pretty new to that fandom. Can't wait to see more of this story though, if Garp finds them and hashes it out with Whiteboard. Even just seeing if Lami remembers Law, what helps prompt her memories, if the kids will get bounties on their heads just because they are kids in WBPs crew. Will they meet other future Strawhats or other characters like Vivi, Dr. Hiriluk, the giant whale, or the many more introduced in Paradise. Glad your life is getting better, make sure to always self-care!
Saringold chapter 29 . 1/6/2021
I was so excited when a story update showed up in my inbox that I sat down and re-read this fic from the start. I've been loving it so far, and thank you so much for continuing to write. I understand things haven't been easy for you, not by a longshot, but I hope things continue to get better for you and this faithful reader thanks you for posting this latest lovely chapter~
MadameMeh chapter 29 . 1/5/2021
Okay. Okay. So. I went back and reread the entire fic because of FEELINGS. FFF-I love this fic so much ihasdfhswgherg, I'm pterodactyl screeching and wriggling in my seat here! ... Also... please make ThatchIzo happen. It reignited my love for the ship big time and I am SUFFERING.

Also, I'm so damn glad you're feeling better! I'm sending you all the good vibes and happiness your way - I hope 2021 is a great year for you!

... Now excuse me as I go back and reread some of my favorite parts. Again. You know. As one does. I just adore your fic hehe :D
SakuraKoi chapter 29 . 1/3/2021
So good
Aquarica chapter 29 . 1/3/2021
It's so sweet that Sabo is writing Dadan, and now he has seen Haki first time. Lami getting the nagi nagi no mi makes me wonder if she's gonna run into Law at some point. Anyway, glad you updated, this is a fun story to read!
soulofdarkandlight chapter 29 . 1/2/2021
Sooo happy, you are writing again. Take️️️
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