Reviews for Bonds of Sea and Fire
Wordlet chapter 4 . 7/19/2015
U R AWESOME! 3 :) That was Sanji right? OMG NAKAMASHIP! 3 ANY AT ALLL! I'm on my way to a concert and I loaded the chapter to read on the road and I'm sitting in the back squealing and trying to find wifi to send this in! THIS IS TOO GOOD, I'M SOOOO HAPPY:) One question, why Sanji and no Zoro? They were on his Island? Whatever! U R AMAAAAZING.
And may your ears feel better:( I know it can suck, my sister had an infection like that once, on vacation, major problems there:(
Kiki2000 chapter 4 . 7/18/2015
Its up early! :D my heart...i dont think i can handle this much pretty sure i woke up my family through my loud squealing when ace hugged sabo XD i also really liked how caring iva was to them even though iva didnt really know them :3 this chapter was definately a masterpiece like all the other chapters ofc ;) i love ur style of writing :D and i think i know who it is at the end of the chapter! Its *whispers* its the baratie isnt it...does that mean we're going to see a little so ready for the next chapter now XD ok and one more thing, im still trying to figure out who it is that comes to the baratie...ace and sabo or luffy and bluejam? Im leaning towards luffy and bluejam because ace and sabo already have supplies so there wouldnt be a need for them to go there other than getting info...hmm...then again it might not be any of them XD okok enough of my ramblings, awesome chapter! Cant wait to see more and see what happens next! :D
knAngel18 chapter 4 . 7/18/2015
I really like this story so far! You're writing it really well and the characters are believable. I can't wait to find out what happens next :)
mapplepie chapter 4 . 7/18/2015
love it! Ooh, I know one of those guys at the end talking has to be Zeff, but not sure who he's talking to. Hmm, who else is a chef?
That Random Guy chapter 4 . 7/18/2015
Lovley chapter~
I love the interaction with Ace and Sabo so much :)
Hope you're feeling (or going to soon feel) better from having a double ear infection D: (I used to get ear infections a lot when I was younger so I can sympathize)

Keep up the good work~! :'D
This Chapter chapter 4 . 7/18/2015
Hit me in the feels area pretty hard. ;u; I love Ace and Sabo so much.

I'm so curious about the ending! But I have a pretty good idea that one of them is Zeff!

Also, about your ear infection, that must've sucked pretty bad.

(TW) I had a sinus infection once and my eyes hurt like hell. Anytime I looked anywhere, I would get dizzy and the pain would go up by like 50% and ugh. It lasted long enough for me to consider suicide (which was quite stupid of me) but then I went on some antibiotics and it eventually went away. Never gonna go through that again, ever.

Our bodies can be so mean sometimes!
A Schwarzenegger chapter 4 . 7/18/2015
This fic is making me day dream about what's gonna happen next! The chapters are pretty lengthy and they always leave me wanting for more! What else could I ask for?

So confused about the part at the end, I'm might die because of this curiosity! After all, curiosity killed the cat :O

Strange-Charms chapter 1 . 7/17/2015
(xD Guess what? I made an account! Yes, I'm wasting your time telling you this. But- I thought you should know to expect my next reviews to have an assigned account. Cheers! :D)
Spellcaster Hikaru chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
You are a cruel, cruel person...and I am loving every minute of it! 8D Normally in these Whitebeard fics, there's not a whole lot of waiting until the crew appears. I can kinda understand wanting to get to the fun part of the story of having the Whiteboards interacting with ASL but at the same time it's a little disappointing. Whiteboard really has no reason to be hanging out anywhere near Dawn Island and I don't think Shanks would have hung out there for so long if it was part of Whitebeard's territory or something. It might be a bit more difficult (or a lot more difficult probably) but introducing Whitebeard further down the road and giving the crew a proper Big Damn Entrance will be sooo much more satisfying in the end. :3 I can't wait to see the next chapter! So excited! :3

PS: Is that Mini-Mihawk chatting with Zeff? 8D Love it!
PPS: Sorry about the ear infections. :( Those suck majorly. I once had an infection that was so bad that it actually made me cry cause it hurt so bad. My meds eventually helped but that sucker took a while to go away. Can't imagine how frustrating and awkward a double ear infection must be. :/
AnimeAngel2692 chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
Oh god, feel over load. Happy n sad. Awesome chapter!

Sanji and Zeff! Tho I don't know who the guy Zeff is talking to... Any hints?
Weird-Sunny-Chan chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
First off, my guess for the people at the end of the chappy is Zeff and Thatch. :D
;v; Yes, we cry together. That chapter really SABOtaged my feels, Oda RAYLEIGH needs to stop that. x'D Jk, Oda writes greatness, we can't deny it. He totally ACEd that chapter. (x'D I'm done, I'm done! Hold your frying pans!) He does need to stop hurting the ASL trio though, it hurts us fans too!
:'D The extra update was awesome 'n really improved my day, thanks for that! I thank your Beta as well~
I like where this is headed! Go Ace, Sabo, go and save Luffy! :D
(xD Btw, I've found Kyoudai and it's pure epicness and punches me with happy feels. I face an internal civil war keeping my happy noises quiet while reading in public. I'm mentioning it here because I'm too lazy to review over there right now, feel free to slap me. xD)
OnePieceDoesExist chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
I loved the chapter! THANKIES for the early update! I'm going to guess that that was Thatch talking to Zeff and the eggplant was Sanji? Can't wait for the next update!
MissJenca chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
Awwwwwwwww! All the sad cuteness! Oooo, and a mystery ending. XD
I'm sorry you're sick, but I totally would have been the guy with the .
Alexzandria747 chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
I love this story I can't wait for the next update
Just a guess but is it Rayleigh talking to Zeff while waiting for shakky?
Beyond Kailani chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
No matter how many times I read this chapter, Ace and Sabo's teasing always makes me giggle! And that's so needed after all they've been through. And have I thanked you yet today for saving Sabo? xD
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