Reviews for Are We Alone
WitnessofFate chapter 1 . 10/11/2024
Hey just wondering if you ever considered doing a rewrite of this fic? I think it’s possible that you lost the idea or didnt really know what you wanted to do with the fic after thr council, so knowing you are more experienced in writing now with how long youve worked on your warcraft fic i was wondering if you ever considered redoing this one?
AuthoriTet chapter 18 . 9/10/2024
That speech was kinda cringe tbh, didn't make sense too. That would work on a single person maybe, but we're talking about governments here, representing their own race, and you're telling humanity to set aside their hatred and not get some retribution for the things they suffered, 4 planets worth of people dead. Not really realistic, feels forced.
AuthoriTet chapter 3 . 9/9/2024
Hp Marvel Fan chapter 1 . 9/7/2024
I Really Hope This Story comes back, It's one of the best bleach crossovers i've seen, Especially when it comes to Verse Merging and With one of the last verses that you would think off when talking about a bleach crossover
carlcj23 chapter 20 . 6/21/2024
Such a shame that this is looking to be abandoned or on a permanent haitus.,. I've read this multiple times.,., and gata say.,. Cant seem to find anythin quite like it.,. May you be well.,.
illori chapter 20 . 3/23/2024
This is great! I only know the bleach side, so i was reading it as more of a bleach/orig fic, and I enjoyed it very much
TacticalFan chapter 1 . 8/31/2023
Third time reading this story through!
kiritoliger49 chapter 11 . 8/30/2023
Knock knock MF Ichigo is coming to beat some ass
kiritoliger49 chapter 3 . 8/12/2023
Urahara you beautiful man. Your words cut so true and deep
Guest chapter 20 . 3/9/2023
Should have thane join the crew that be cool
Kagega chapter 20 . 1/2/2023
I love love love this story, I really hope one day it's revived.
mj666 chapter 18 . 12/25/2022
I ain't gonna lie but this gotta be one of the worse chapter i read in a while. Bruh
Guest chapter 16 . 11/25/2022
hahaha 10 thousand c sec officers xD hahahahaha
Guest chapter 9 . 11/25/2022
this is horrible xD trying to do a crossover and failing hard, all of it so far has been shit.
Zandaino-Nova-Ari chapter 18 . 9/30/2022
Are we going to see any Fullbringers or Arrancar in this story?
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