Reviews for Are We Alone
DannyMcdandan chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Isn’t that name from tenchi muyo? Well either way thanks for the chapter can’t wait for ur rewrite man
Guest chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Does Orihime still have her “Reject Causality” power!?
Guest chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
What of the Normandy!? Did the Council lose it to Saren and Benezia!? Will that one Alliance amAdmiral that took the fall be fully pardoned and return to active service in the Alliance!?

Before Liara attempts to help Ichigo understand the Beacon’s message, PLEASE have someone express the worry (vocally so) of Liara’s head EXPLODING from melding with a guy that tanked a couple of nukes at point blank range!
SilverstormXD chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Its pretty cool how soul society having better tech is kept the same considering they had holograms and cloning and shit couple of hundreds of years before humans even thought of doing it.
Accursius chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Ah yes, somehow I know that feeling *peers at my own ten alterations to my stories* XD
That said: Hip Hip Hurrah!

Tenchi ... wait, does that mean it can transform? Into a cat/Incubator?
Btw, I request some greys-gigai to go along with the flying saucer!

The reveal that they actually do not use the Senkaimon to get around opens up a can of worms however: what happened to the ship Ichigo left behind due to having been captured? Is it visible? Are Allience scientists trying to reverse engineer it? What does a Soul Society made (probably designed by either Mayuri Lovecraft caterpillars that eat their way through realspace/or/ Shinigami Women Association chappy shaped dakimakura with Byakuya printed on top of it) spaceship look like? Or are they using kido?

Frankly I would never have divulged so much info about the powers of shinigami, rather I would have posed the question "What is a god anyway?" and simply compared Ichigoco to how any other species is superhuman to some other species.
IMO good call on him leaving out the major bit about them shepharding the dead, this opens up the discussion about reward and punishment post death.

The codex does not have an entry on dakimakura? Just what halted the anime industrys victory march across the galaxy? XD
Curious what Shep is gonna encounter on her assignment, cuz I hope she is gonna have more impact on the spiritual side of things than just sometimes bumping into Ichigo.
Gonna be interesting how the Gotei reacts to this...
WhiteReapress chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Love it, keep pumping more chaps, no need to rush though take ur time XD
Guest chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Did they tell them about the Horsemen and how Urahara is also a Shinigami!? Is Urahara going to fix Tali’s immune system!?
walrider87 chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
kogentasprimo chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
i like this and am looking forward to more chappys lol but i have a question, have you or anyone you know thought of writing a bleach and lord of the rings crossover? it would be kind of funny if there was a crossover where ichigo somehow shows up at the battle of helms deep and sees the walls about to be breached and goes oh hell no or something... just imagining that cracks me up.
Battlenoob chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Whoop whoop ah first happy New Year's good health and finally how long I've been waiting, rereading your other works, prowling, checking and stalking in the dark to read this so all I could say is great to have ya back
Nemesis Astraea chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Do not lewd Tali! She's too innocent in ME1! At least wait till ME2.
PasiveNox chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
Yah noce noce
deathnoteno1fan-codegeasslover chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
I love hat in clogs being a ! Body pillow! I really like the political stuff. I love revelation fanfics so Ichigo explaining Shinigami was great!
Gilgamesh The King of Heroes chapter 19 . 1/3/2020
I imagine as the truth spreads to Alliance Space, the politicians in the Alliance Parliament who 'collaberated' with the COuncil and are most likely to be ousted and if the Alliance survives new hardliners will take their place, it'll be Cerberus's playground.
Imperial Gilgamesh chapter 1 . 1/3/2020
can you make his vise cap tiar harrbel please. and if not then who are in his squad.
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