Reviews for Are We Alone
svsnalu chapter 1 . 8/16/2022
Dauntes chapter 1 . 8/7/2022
Part of me wishes this was a one-shot. This chapter is so damn satisfying. It's been many years since I read this one, and I vaguely recall it going off the rails, but I'm in it for a re-read. Here we go. :)
Kagega chapter 1 . 7/2/2022
Really cool story shame it seems dead.
Mr.Destructo chapter 8 . 6/13/2022
i mean isnt something like the reapers who basically genocide the galaxy a bad thing for someone who feeds off war what war will there be when everything is dead
Neroscurse chapter 18 . 6/9/2022
Well you certainly delivered with this chapter. Even with the story being 'dead', definitely felt like this was a great way to end. Thanks for the fund couple of hours reading your work.
Neroscurse chapter 4 . 6/9/2022
Really enjoying the story as it progresses. Thanks for posting.
Neroscurse chapter 1 . 6/8/2022
Loved it! Kinda feels like watching Batman when Superman was going through metropolis. That difference in power should be fun to explore in the mass effect universe.
XXxxxadisxxxXX chapter 4 . 5/6/2022
This feels like more of a thinly-veiled reaction fic than an actual story. There is a narative, if you consider a cursory glimpse of mass effect's plotline one. It feels like this has the potential to be a full-on story, but it not only doesn't want to be, it actively hurts its prospects as the fic continues.

I think I would've liked this more if it actually opened on a cast of characters, or even just a main one, and went from there. Generally, I have a disdain for stories that try to tell a narrative through tertiary glances at what the main characters are doing.

It is a more "interesting" way to write, but that doesn't make it a better one. The story just rings hollow when you think about what it could've been with a more focused point of view.


My take on this could be entirely put aside by the fic later on if it actually decides to tell a story. If it does, replace the above-mentioned problem with issues with pacing and how it opened on such an odd over-arching storytelling mechanic.

Manuel Barrios chapter 20 . 3/22/2022
Excellent story. Looking forward to the author updating it but it's been a long time since a new chapter has come out. Please don't drop it
anonsan chapter 20 . 3/20/2022
is this fic dead
ivanacco1 chapter 18 . 2/18/2022
All that built up for this? at the end nothing happens and humanity is left in the gutter.
Dean Hunter chapter 20 . 2/1/2022
Didn't think the crew would get the hyper advanced equipment but I am honestly pleased, they are so badass as they tore through the facility. Kinda hoping Urahara would bend the rules a little bit and slip in some actual magic in the design.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23/2022

www dot fanfiction dot net/s/14011295/1/Caillou-Montana


www dot fanfiction dot net/s/14011295/1/Caillou-Montana


www dot fanfiction dot net/s/14011295/1/Caillou-Montana


www dot fanfiction dot net/s/14011295/1/Caillou-Montana

draculyn28 chapter 20 . 12/1/2021
I liked this story, I hope you decide to continue it at some point, greetings.
hungrygoku chapter 20 . 10/2/2021
come baaaaaaack
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