Reviews for Are We Alone
7thcreator chapter 19 . 9/24/2021
In ch5 it mentioned that ichigo went mach 83 when on Elysium, which is 28469 meters per second or 63683.339 miles per hour.
The fastest bullet goes around1,422 meters per second at the moment. All of this said means ichigo is really fast.
JollieHotDog chapter 1 . 9/19/2021
Am I reading a kid's edgy fantasy or something?
JollieHotDog chapter 1 . 9/19/2021
Am I reading a kid's edgy fantasy or something?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2021
Please update this amazing story
BigRig2.0 chapter 5 . 6/26/2021
Nah, I’m out
Schazmen chapter 20 . 6/15/2021
Man, I love how you handle this story. I binged this over the last few days, and I love the worldbuilding, the changes to canon (like bringing in Chellick as a main character) and I am looking forward to what you come up with next.

About the overhaul, though, how are you going to do that? Replace chapter by chapter, or just uploading it all as a Redux edition?
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 20 . 5/19/2021
This is brilliantly done here! Loads of detail, excellent character work, and you are tracking the ripple effect of this AU very believably! I am very much looking forward to more! :-D
Monkeylikespie chapter 20 . 4/20/2021
I just realized none of them know that ichigo is part human they all think he another race
Ishiba233 chapter 20 . 4/7/2021
Still waiting for a new chapter man. Hope u will update it soon.
Axel Fones chapter 3 . 3/24/2021
Oh god the Kenny name drop was such an ‘oh shit’ moment lol. He’s gonna have a looooot of fun
IamOminous chapter 3 . 3/21/2021
You really need a beta reader, that being said despite the issues I keep reading... Its really good!
IamOminous chapter 1 . 3/21/2021
I find the concept that they can suppress this incident very hilarious and stupid... Lets say something like this happened today, hundreds if not thousands of people would have witnessed it, and immediately recorded it. not to mention the insane number of cameras both closed and open systemed in a city... also body armor cameras and automatic streaming cameras... This would have gone viral before the attack even ended irl. In a super advanced society, it would already be all over the internet on different platforms on different planets with hundreds possibly thousands of hard copies (offline copies) making virtually impossible to suppress.
Ruberforumfree chapter 19 . 3/19/2021
...I want a Dakimura of Tali too xD
RedTemplar chapter 20 . 3/11/2021
Wow, this was a killer chapter! Did Wrex, Tali, Garrrus, and Chellick suddenly got turned into Spartans?!
Im glad The old Normandy crew ( Well they arent anymore hmmm whats a good name for them: Avenging Pilgrims, Crusaders of The Black Sword, Heralds of The Sable Messiah, Disciples of the Shield that Slays, Children of the Angel of Death?) is getting time to quick ass well above their normal station.

And daaaammn if Liaras relationship with her mom was strained before, now it is outright hateful. Poor girl has been slaving underground for half a decade. That explains why she hasnt publicly said anything regarding the gods of death, despite being arguably the one that would hold more interest in them thanks to her line of work. I hope that the inevitable mind-melding between Ichigo and Liaria will be dramatic!
What I mean by this is, imagine all the things that Ichigo has ever experienced: The moments of glory, the agony of a soul being ripped to pieces, the agony of every injury, the fury to continue the battle regardless, all the bloodlust, the resolve, the pain, the love, the sheer infinity of his soul, the deeper awareness and complexity of a gods soul, the mystery of the Zanpakuto.
Imagine Liara becoming one mind with ALL OF THAT EVEN FOR A PENTASECOND!
It realistically should incinerate Liara from the inside out, of course, that isnt going to happen but it should really be something to consider.

That is actually one of the reasons why I support an Ichigo x Liara pairing simply because the Asari melding turns both users into "one" for a limited time. Considering that I theorize that with any form of realism in place, it would be pretty much impossible for two people that go through that not to fall in love; or at the very least becoming very very close. Liara melding with Ichigo means she will experience everything that he has experienced and know everything he knows and vice versa.

This means that Liaria would know him more intimately than Rukia, Orihime, Renji, his sisters, and father ever have. Considering that I would guess a pairing at that point would be almost mandatory, but that just a theory of mine. What do you think?

We once more get a glimpse of War and once again he escapes, who knows what Benezia and he wanted Liara to do. Wrex got recked but we know his life is in good hands.
Also: Haha Talis face is exposed but we dont know how it actually looks like(that photo doesnt count)
This was an awesome chapter Jimmy, Im excited to see whats next!
xana2 chapter 1 . 2/27/2021
How is this universe made? The soul king made the universe? So should he And. Everyone in the soul society should know about what been going on in the universe?

About the reapers that destroy all life every 50,000 years?

I really love this story. And I went to known all about this universe.
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