Reviews for The Cycle Continues Part One: Reunited
liefrebrus chapter 1 . 12/11/2015
I just wanted to say that after only reading your intro, I'm am super excited to read this piece!
now to the story!
Guest chapter 15 . 12/10/2015
great chapter the flow is amazing and the characters are are well in character. I love how you handle there emotions and feelings. I feel that everything fits well with the original four books after the engagement. But I feel that you rushed the first four chapters. You should have spent at as much if not more time on there reintroduction, than on up to this point after there engagement. I feel like they were way to open with each other when they first saw each other. They should have been more formal and used the elves greeting. Yes they were despite for each other but still Eragon was always respectful of Aryas space and would have never rushed up and hugged her at first sight. He would have at least waited until he was absolutely sure that she was ready. Because as it is already well known elves don't show there affection in the same way as humans and a hug is completely against how they act. Everything you've written after there engagement works. But everything before there engagement doesn't.

Sorry for the wordy review but I really do feel like it was needed.
Thanks for the story thought it really is quite good!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/9/2015
Yes Paolini said that he would have had to brake character for Arya if he had had them be together by book four. But he also said that it was because he didn't have enough time to get to that romance. He got close near the end but Arya still needed more development In order for it to work. But you are rushing there story line way to fast. One does not just get married after ten years apart. People change over time. and yes you kind of addressed that but you still rushed it far to quickly. I would suggest that you read the fanfic "they say the world was meant for two" by Arya Neuenen. her story isn't finished yet but she does an amazing job at slowly developing Arya's and Eragon's love. She doesn't rush things at all and it makes for a believable continuation of Paolini's story's. I not saying that your story is bad. It's actually quite good and I will continue reading. I just wish you hadn't packed ten years and four books of character growth into 3 CHAPTERS!
Kate chapter 19 . 11/29/2015
Ok yah Angela is defiantly a time lord there is no other explanation! Also great story love it!
rngnobody chapter 3 . 11/18/2015
After reading chapter one and two, I feel so sad for both of them
Guest chapter 40 . 10/30/2015
I loved this story, and plan to continue to part two. (Sorry if I'm a little late to jump on the bandwagon of reading this.)
HarmByrne chapter 1 . 10/28/2015
I want to tell you two things before i start to write my "Review":
1. I've read only the Author's Note so far.
2. I created my account only to write this review.
I want to be honest and say i came mostly for the lemony parts. So normally i don't bother to read the AN's because most of the time they contain useless and boring stuff. But in this case i was surprised at how long it was and decided to read it. Aftewards i came to the conclusion that (in case of story endings in books) we are to some degree alike. I do enjoy a well written story/book/whatever very much and i am reading as much as possible whenever i have time to do so. Because of that i often come accross endings or other parts of the story where i think to myself: "This can't be it!","There has to be more!" or i just don't agree with the ending for reasons i don't even know myself. And as one of my most favorite things to do (after reading) is to just sit/walk (or do any other activity that doesn't require the usage of my brain) and think my mind begins to wander and i happen to come up with many different continuations that would bring everything to the way i would like it to be (even though i respect the choice of the author in picking that specific ending). Also i begin to analyze the situation in the end of the text and think of alternatives in the storyline that would happen to have the desired effect. Those two activities can take from weeks to months and sometimes even years after i remember what bothered me and decide to read the whole thing again to come up with new strategies. But the big difference between you and me is: I would never try to write some of those things down. By doing so you (in this case) even wrote another book (because 600k words just is that and nothing else). You truly have my respect and i would like to see more stories like this (maybe i just have to search for them). But without further ado i will start reading every last word of your story and i will let you know afterwards what i think of it (i might also write a review of each part).

(my account name is the name of one of the major characters of one of the books/series i enjoy the most)

PS: As this is a rather long text i have written i know i have made enough mistakes to apologize for the parts of this that are confusing or not completely understandable the way i would like them to be as i am not a native speaker of the english language (if there are no mistakes or whatsoever just pretend you didn't read this part and have a nice day).
Bjam23 chapter 6 . 10/24/2015
The tone and writting are great I love it.
elysianrogue chapter 40 . 10/16/2015
Wow. Just wow. This is a really awesome story! I was just looking for some good AxE fanfiction when I saw part three and four in the list I was looking in; I scrolled down and found part one and have been captivated since. I adore Willow and Varhog! They are really well written characters and I can't wait to see what becomes of them. Now just before I go read part two until I fall asleep because of a late hour, I just have to mention that I also think that some of the characters are a little out of character, BUT from what I've grasped and learned so far, you have tried to fill in the gaps as best you can. I mean people do change! Overall, I applaud your determination and your openness to all opinions because as a writer [of fanfiction] I know that cab be really hard. Great job! ~Fandom-Freak_101
Aus chapter 20 . 10/16/2015
Enough of my negativity tho. I admire ur determination to write 600 k words. I myself find it hard to right 200 k.
autumn6435 chapter 9 . 10/16/2015
Thanks for your honest feedback, Aus! You're certainly not the first who felt my depiction of the characters was off, which is why I try to provide fair warning of what to expect in my introductory listing. I'm glad you mentioned it. Hopefully it will help other staunch IC fans to avoid the story in the first place. I wouldn't blame you at all if you decide to stop reading soon (that might be in your best interest based off the vibe of your review:), but if you continue, you'll see that I agree with you that it wasn't impossible for Arya to get pregnant. :) I appreciate that you even decided to give my story a chance in the first place. ~Autumn :)
Aus chapter 9 . 10/16/2015
This is terribly out of character. There is no garuantee that Arya cannot get pregnant either.
Jhh chapter 21 . 9/30/2015
Hi again!

This story is getting better and better! I love how you made Eragon and Arya get married! It was so romantic!

So, thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us!
jhh chapter 4 . 9/29/2015

I just came across your story and it's amazing! I have read the four books and I was really sad when Arya and Eragon split at the end, because they are meant to be together! I have read the first 4 chapters of your story and I love it! It's awesome and so romantic!

I see you have already published the four parts of your story, and I was going to write you at the end of each part, but this first four chapters are so amazing that I had to write you to express my gratitute for sharing this amazing story with us
Guest chapter 40 . 9/27/2015
As I came late to these books as well I must say the ending was a bit of a let down as well. I have found your telling of the aftermath incredible and well thought out. And to those oposing your oc's I ask this question. Where else are riders to find their mate's but within their own brotherhood as they are all incredibly long lived. Thank you for part 1 and now I'm off to part 2.
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