Reviews for The B-Plot: Another Side, Another Story
Vinay-kox01 chapter 1 . 2/15
I came across your work "The B-Plot: Another Side, Another Story" and love the depth and diversity of the characters and world I believe it would make a fantastic comic and I’d love to help bring it to life

I’m an experienced commission artist specializing in adapting stories into comics If you're interested we can discuss the details, pricing and payment methods in a straightforward and professional manner

Discord: graphic_gold
Twitter: VKox139175
Instagram: vinaykox1

Looking forward to hearing from you!
shiftfiredragon chapter 39 . 4/15/2024
i'd love to see what this originates from, I'm always up for more DC crossovers!

Also, Sweet *Christ*, Genbu" didn't fuck around.
CypressofCyprus chapter 39 . 4/13/2024
And thus, Kei's eternal battle to salvage some scrap of normalcy goes on. Sorry, hon, but you're never going to reach it! XD
D3Diton chapter 37 . 1/12/2024
exactly i mean wtf where are the dragons?!
Peruna chapter 38 . 1/13/2023
Oh my god, this is beautiful! Absolutely bomb how Kei got nerfed by over-stimulation, otherwise it woulda been too easy. I cannot wait to see how this situation evolves (or more likely devolves, given Gotham's Gothamness). Nice, calling 911, Kei, good instinct, not that it'll be much help lol. I'd imagine that phone's gonna be crispy by the time anybody shows up.

Also, Jason is bae, this is my hill and I will gladly die defending it. Love how he just goes "Welp, time for violence" the moment he sees a kid in danger. Doesn't matter how aloof he plays, the game was rigged from the start. No way, he can leave poor confused murder-baby Hayate all alone in big bad Gotham. Heh, I wanna see more of them two. And of Kei working with Batman, because that's gonna be fun for the whole family lol

Thank you so much for writing and sharing! I love these Naruto/Kei crossovers you write, they are absolute gold.
Yaoi Queen2 chapter 38 . 1/13/2023
absolutely immersed in the plot and waiting for the next one
shiftfiredragon chapter 38 . 1/11/2023
On the one hand: Neat!

On the other: You really like tormenting your character, huh? What's next, gonna drop her on Vampa?
The Eternal Forgotten chapter 38 . 1/11/2023
Thanks for the chapter!
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 38 . 1/11/2023
fun! yeah I always take it that batman does not kill during civilian duties? but if there is a war the planet is on the line the mooks are fair game. which is its own censorship issue of mooks not real people thing but if it has a face and a name...

which honestly why the joker is the worst example there are SO many others that escalate threat level that it be fine to kill them and all. Like any work in a extended DC universe where the threats get ridiculious what are you doing.
just dont kill regular mooks. Although perhpas part of it is when folks are trying to FORCE him to and SPITE plays a factor.

who knows perhaps he has legal deals with the governor or president about stuff like that, the government is usually jumpy about these people who have the resources skill and power that they could take over so being delicate.

or the dont want Joker dead cause then he goes to hell or other places and SCARy thought thing. perhaps an obsessive control thing cause LIVING you can control him somewhat, but considering so many aliens, magic and gods running around your paranoia...

anyway its always great to hear from you!
Momochan77 chapter 38 . 1/11/2023
I love this! I can’t wait to see how Kei finds Hayate or how she reacts to the BatFam if they find her first! See you next update!
chobits15 chapter 38 . 1/11/2023
ok not gonna lie, I would like to see this continue as short story. just so I could see what kind of chaos kei and hayate create in DC comics universe.
CypressofCyprus chapter 38 . 1/10/2023
Dang, you've got me hooked yet again. Here's hoping this story goes on!
WindbornesWord chapter 21 . 1/10/2023
And I’d love to see more of this.
WindbornesWord chapter 38 . 1/10/2023
I’d be down for more of this.
taovkool chapter 21 . 1/10/2023
I've been reading all the snippets here and I can say without a doubt that Cold Calling is the best one around.

Which is sad because it only has one chapter. And it ended in a cliffhanger which only makes it worse.
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