Reviews for Mother Father
JustARead chapter 6 . 6/13/2016
JustARead chapter 5 . 6/13/2016
Southern Jasper
JustARead chapter 4 . 6/13/2016
Deep already
JustARead chapter 2 . 6/13/2016
The meet. Kinda
JustARead chapter 1 . 6/13/2016
This should be exciting
Maeby16 chapter 31 . 5/22/2016
Such a beautiful story and I love how Emmett and Rose stayed a part of the story. It would be cool to see a sequel as each couple becomes vampires or at least find out about Emmett and Rose!
Guest chapter 31 . 5/13/2016
ClaceLover08 chapter 31 . 5/13/2016
i love this story it is awesome and I love this series :) & i am happy that Bella & Edward got Married &
i hope Bella & Edward will have A Beautiful Baby & I'm happy Em & Rose are angels
LAB1 chapter 31 . 5/13/2016
I really enjoyed your story! I think that you kept it very real with the grief process and how it mentally alters you as well as physical reactions. I don't know if I have ever read a story that nailed down the process quite as well as you have!
dorothybert chapter 31 . 5/12/2016
Thanks. I enjoyed this story
Guest chapter 31 . 5/9/2016
Excellent story!
JettWesten chapter 31 . 5/5/2016
This was a really interesting story. I'm glad she had a mom and dad that loved her so much, even though she was stolen. The last chapter was pretty awesome. I'm going to check out your other stories.
Neffy09 chapter 31 . 4/30/2016
I loved your story it was awesome keep it up
karen4honor chapter 8 . 5/1/2016
WHOAH! I did NOT see that coming! I was liking Irina, too! I hope Alec won't suspect too much!
Guest chapter 14 . 4/17/2016
I hate when characters are recycled. Angela was her roommate and Ben her boyfriend. There's more than enough characters in Twilight to not have to do this. It makes it seem as though you didn't plan your story out well enough or that you just don't care enough about your writing.
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