Reviews for When Heroes Fall |
![]() ![]() Dear heavens, I loved your previous story, What Makes a Hero, and I have also fallen in love with this one as well. I adore your skill as a writer, and all of your realism. This has been so excellent. I hope everything is going well for you! |
![]() ![]() ![]() midna and ren are so cute together. I can't wait to see future interactions as they learn more about each other. lotsa teasing! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Always a pleasure to see you continuing your work, and thought I'd just express it this time. Keep it up! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I really felt like Link in this chapter because, like his, my heart stopped somewhere in the middle. The real fear I felt as you described him as a corpse was insane. I probably would have registered for a heart attack if I'd been hooked up to any kind of monitor. Could you imagine if that's where his life ended. Alone, broken, frozen in some dungeon at the hands of a Hylian king. Not some great manifestation of evil- just a normal, mortal king. How devastating. I know that he was brought back to life by Midna's anger (literally) but he died. He really died. I hope that isn't glossed over in the chapters to come. I can't imagine what it must be like for him, to suffer through so much for so long and to finally just... die. I'm ready for some exploration of Link's psyche! Woo! I know this is a story predominately about Ren but I miss Link :( . He's spent so much time in various states of unconscious I'm excited to see him actually conscious. And with Midna! Wow its like some kind of class reuinion. Story wise, this chapter was awesome. You moved forward through the plot a significant amount without it feeling cluttered or rushed. And it definitely didn't feel stagnant. We were moving the whole time, and though it did get a bit chaotic it fit nicely. Everybody was losing their heads in this chapter and I was right there with them. I am beyond pissed off at the citizens of Hyrule, but that is exactly what I'm supposed to feel. They really suck. They're so gullible and easily swayed, save for that one soldier who seems to have some brain function. And the worst part is it's entirely accurate. Crowds really do be like that. And it sucks, especially for the good guys. An act so small as Midna defending her own life turned the public against them so harshly, it just isn't fair. Visen (I don't know how to spell his name) is such a good villian because he isn't some being of pure evil or a mindless monster taken over by power. He's just a bad person. He's a terrible person- but he's still just a person. That's scarier than Ganondorf ever was. I got interrupted while writing this and lost every single train of thought I had, so I apologize for that. This chapter was wonderful, Selphie. Keep up the good work. Till Next Time. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Gosh dang it Selphie, you enjoy torturing us, don’t you? For a second there I actually thought you were going to let him die and I just about had a heart attack. Geez. Other than that, it was a great chapter. Wow what a doozy that was. Lotsa stuff happening. And I’m kinda mad at Midna yet I don’t blame her all that much. But if she had t butted in things would have ended right then and there for that earful king! This is why we can’t have nice things. But things are never that easy for them so of course it can’t be that way. Ugh. At least things are getting better now. Only Emeline is in danger and I frankly don’t feel like she’s in much danger so things should go up from here. ...I just jinxed us, didn’t I? Well, just wanted to say thanks for this great update, and yes, even with its bad part it was great. |
![]() ![]() *cries* |
![]() ![]() ![]() You made my day with this amazing chapter! Great work 3 |
![]() ![]() ![]() This story just keeps getting better and better! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Such an amazing chapter! I love how you write such strong emotions so perfectly and realistically! You're doing an amazing job! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ...I want the Curse Stone to be used again. Maybe it can be cut in half, one piece given to Ren, the other to Link. I bet he'll be 2-3 times the size he was 15 years ago if he transforms again. Keep it up doooooddddd! |
![]() ![]() ![]() So. Great! This story is only getting better and better! Last chapter left me so speechless that I didn't even find the words to review. I absolutely LOVED it. Midna's return was everything I was expecting it to be, with her snarky comments and all. She didn't change a bit, did she? Seeing her again as a character of this story was like coming back home, like taking a dive back into the past to WMaH. I enjoyed every second of it, as I have immensely enjoyed her reaction at meeting Link in this chapter. I only hope she will not do anything stupid, considering her last course of actions in this chapter. She's clearly scared of being in love with our hero... she has already made the wrong choice once, dooming both of them to unhappiness, so I really hope she will do the right thing this time! Can't wait for their reunion (which I dearly hope will take place in the next chapter)! See you soon |
![]() ![]() As usual it helps during complicated times, it's been a while since I've been here, but I got 3 chapters in a row yay! Anyway Please keep writing it's awesome. Greetings from México |
![]() ![]() ![]() I’ve missed the last 3 chapters because life sucks and i finally have the chance to review. OHMYGOD FINALLY. What I’ve been waiting. Midna’s return. That sassy little imp! Oh my. Words cannot express. Please. Update soon. I need to know the next part of this! Also, the incorporation of the Hero Of Time made me feel very nostalgic that now I’ll be playing ocarina of time for the tenth time. |
![]() ![]() "In his lust for power, he forsook his family, he took my sight from me. In turn, he gave me something much greater. I will see what he does before he does it. I will see what he thinks before he thinks it. He tried to undo me. He failed. Now, I will be his undoing." Sweet Hylia, I just got chills. Excellent as always. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Wow! I feel like it need to read this chapter twice to fully comprehend it, because that was a whirlwind. To say I was overjoyed to see Midna's return would be an understatement- it was absolutely perfect. You described her appearance with such powerful eloquence it was like I could see her, sitting on her throne, looking down to the kingdom around her with an air of knowing. Its the perfect return for a character as complex as she is. I feel like I've been waiting years for her appearance in this story, much of that time unsure if she even would appear. But here she is! I will say I read part of this chapter in a blur of tears- happy tears of course. Midna is back and Midna is going to seriously kick some royal ass. Okay! I will attempt to organize these thoughts into some cohesive sentences. Joy at the sight of Midna aside, I am very worried about Link. He has spent so much time trying to find her, using whoever and whatever he could on that journey, I am worried about what his reaction will be upon seeing her again. He was so lost at the end of WMaH and shortly after started his endless journey to get her back and lost so much of himself in the process. I wonder if he held onto the part of him that truly wanted her back, or if he lost that somewhere along the way as well. Will having her back really be the reality he wanted? In his own mind she has done nothing but torment him for his stupidity and his failures for years... I just hope he can be happy with or without her and that he gets the closure he so desperately needed at the end of his journey so many years ago. In an ideal world the queens would overturn Viscen, the kingdom of Hyrule would thrive under Zelda, and Link would live in the Twilight with Midna, but this story is rarely if ever ideal. In this chapter Zelda and Midna have a full conversation and I want to thank you for that. Their dominate, commanding personalities, especially after all they have both been through as people and as queens, clash in a spectacular way. Zelda is able to bring out the warmer side of Midna, and Midna reminds Zelda that it's alright to be informal. They're both such powerful female characters I feel blessed every time we get to see them interact. I'm imagining the moment they storm the castle, Zelda, Midna, Emeline, (and Ren) taking down that pitiful excuse for a man that sits on Zelda's throne. Ah, what a moment. Sure, this chapter has other characters in it too, but I think we can all agree this is the Midna chapter, and what a good one it is. I have so many questions, most of which are world building oriented (and provide little to the actual plot of this story). Obviously she has been a good queen, her kingdom appearing to thrive. I wonder what she's been doing for so many years, how long it took to rebuild her broken kingdom, how much of that time was spent doing and how much was spent delegating. She has such a hands-on personality I find it hard to believe she would simply sit on her throne. I'm so curious about her life, her struggles, and her growth. Everyone in Hyrule has changed so much since her absence, so surely she has as well. Can you tell I'm excited to have Midna back? Also, I just want to give quick praise for the (short but glorious) segment in the Temple of Time. I've said it before and I'll say it countless times, the Temple Time is one of if not my favorite location in Twilight Princess. I am so glad it's been included in this story- and I'm so happy you've continued with the "ghosts of the past" element! Reading snippets of WMaH through Ren's eyes stirred up some nostalgic emotions, to say the least. I love how you've included these ghosts in this story, whether it be our Link's own journey or the guidance of a Link of the past. The past Link's guidance was such a cool concept you introduced in WMaH, I'm glad to see it continued. I can't wait for the next chapter, as usual. Things have been hectic in my life, and I sit here writing this at a new desk in a new home. It is comforting to be able to turn to something wonderful and familiar (and I'm halfway through my most recent re-read of WMaH as well!) in this time of change. Till Next Time |