Reviews for When Heroes Fall
Guest chapter 10 . 6/16/2018
I wasn't really up to reading your fic after the first chapters, too much sorrow to my needing right now. Which means your writing is quite good in that it makes me feel too much for your characters. But I saw your update and decided to give it a second chance. I am glad I did, because by now all that sorrow and sadness seem to have a meaning. I can't wait to see where you are taking this story of yours. Great work and thanks for the fic!
Guest chapter 9 . 6/5/2018
I've been reading for a while now. I hope you print them or publish them. Awesome Journey so far.
Please keep writing

Guest chapter 9 . 6/4/2018
This story is absolutely fabulous! I just finished your previous story, it took up my entire day so thanks for that, and I can't wait for this one to be concluded! Twilight Princess is by far my favorite zelda game, and I am astonished by how well you have personified the many different characters as well as adding complexity and development to them. Cannot wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
Okay here's my prediction:
Link is going to have to sacrifice any chance of seeing Midna again to either save Ren's life, stop Viscen, or something like that.
But it would be a lot happier if you could reunite the two...
Yeah, screw the first thing.
Hendrewen chapter 9 . 5/24/2018
I'm at lost for words, what an amazing fic, thank you so much. After reading WMaH a couple of years ago this fic brings back the feels immediately, it is so well written, I love it. Can't wait for the next update!
InnerGlow chapter 9 . 5/23/2018
gosh, Link. :'( just, gah, break my heart and throw the tiny pieces in a river. all the emotions are sweeping me away. you're so good at writing, Selphie. every time I come to read the next update I'm like, 'ah, yeah, that's why I like her and her work.' Today I found someone in one of my classes that also likes Zelda and I was reading this at the time, so I started fangirling about it to her. she seemed to like the idea and I think she might come and read it, yay! ahem, sorry, got a bit excited there. my point is, it's so good and I'm always so happy to see that this updated, no matter how long it takes. it just leaves you all the more satisfied.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/23/2018
Yumico chapter 9 . 5/22/2018
I loved it, incredible chapter as always! I was waiting for this chapter soo haaard and you never dissapointed me! I have to say that I love the relation between Link and Zelda in this chapter, and also surprised for Zelda's secret, I wonder if she could use it again.

I loved Link's dream , I miss Midna sooo hard, but she finally appeared! Although it was only a dream, my heart is happy.
My favorite part in the chapter is the awkward conversation between Link and Ren, I feel bad for my poor Link and little Ren, but things will get better, I feel it :')

I'm soooo freakin excited for the next chapter, as always, my encouragement to you Selphie! You're awesome, never forget! And thank you for loving us to much 3 See you next time!
Prisca Machado chapter 9 . 5/18/2018
I love the relationship you weave between Link and Zelda. I feel like in this game it's one of the only ones that we can't really feel this bond throughout the game, and you forged it very well in a believable way. I like that Ren can understand finally that he has also built too many expectations and that his father is only a person, just like he is, and is capable of pain and of feeling lost. Overall great chapter.
RealCoolDude chapter 9 . 5/16/2018
Zelda and Link. All the relations and connections I can follow. But those two just seem more than friendly but barely not romantic. Like if Midna wasn't Link's whole life for the past 15 years, they would have some secret relationship (Since Viscen would still exist). Oh, the potential subplots that could unfold here!
xHylianticipated chapter 9 . 5/15/2018
Back in 2013, I was randomly going through the pages of The Legend of Zelda stories, seeing if any caught my eye. I had this one as a favorite and a follow before I even read it. It was simply because Twilight Princess is my favorite game of the series. I truly didn't expect what I read. Now to be perfectly honest, this is probably one of the best stories I've read. Normally when it comes to sequels, I look the other way. Some of them don't know how and WHY to continue them.

With this story, oh my I can't say that! This sequel was probably one of the bet things I've read in a long time. This chapter, alone, the progress Link has made brought a genuine smile to my face. Then the interaction with Ren and Link made me hopeful for them. Seeing Link broken and trying to connect to his son, you can see he wants to try. He just can't yet...that's something that Ren has yet to understand why Link can't.

Seeing how protective and concerned Link was for Zelda and Emeline reminded me of the Link we all know and love. He puts others before himself, even though he was poisoned as well. This story has risen my love for it more. I actually reread the previous chapters before driving in to the new chapter. I believe "Pray" is a perfect title to this particular chapter. Knowing Viscen has what Link needs makes my stomach churn. He is evil, cunning, and positively sickening.

I do like how "Midna" was included and made me miss her even more. If she does make an appearance, please have her give Link a stern and firm talking too, calling him a "stupid wolf" like she did when they first met. She is one of my favorite characters and having her give him a piece of her mind is who she is. I don't want to make this a long review, I just wanted to mention everything. Thank you for gracing us with this and I cannot wait until the next chapter to see what you have in store for us! Have an awesome day! xD
TheChargingRhino chapter 9 . 5/15/2018
This is getting good...
AnnoymousPoet chapter 9 . 5/14/2018
From the nine chapters I've read, you've created something that is intricately crafted, invitingly complex, and something that makes me continue to come back for more. I wish that update times were more frequent, but hey: you can't rush quality work.
Ryan chapter 9 . 5/14/2018
Some excellent progress for Link here. Though, you'd think he'd know better than to tempt fate like that.
Ikazuchiru chapter 9 . 5/14/2018
This was truly beautiful! I love the relationship between Xelda and Link. The way she’s able to read him is just remarkable. Can’t wait to read for more!
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