Reviews for When Heroes Fall
Morgan Nicholas Maric chapter 1 . 7/24/2015
I was just going to bed when the alert popped up on my phone and I'm SO glad I stayed up the extra ten minutes because oh my god, I'm so excited to see where you go with this!

Your writing's as good as I remember (I haven't re-read any of your fics lately) and I like how you fleshed out the village kids' adult lives. The whole birth thing was terrifying just a bit, because jeeze how did Ren survive?

Anyways, super excited to see what you bring next. I can't help with the patreon thing, I literally have no money to my name. The woes of being a broke teenager xD

Loved reading your work again, but it's time for me to go to sleep :P (*gasp* at a reasonable hour? ME? No... Lol, goodnight!)
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