Reviews for When Heroes Fall
Francisco chapter 30 . 9/22/2021
I finally caught up. Thanks again. I definitely need to know where this is going. I need to read the next chapter.
Francisco chapter 26 . 9/8/2021

I'm catching up from last year, I don't know how you do it, but your writing always helps when life isn't going very well.

You are awesome. I still would love to get a printed and signed version of both books.
SpecialJewel chapter 30 . 9/7/2021
love it... especially the convo between rusl n link ... agh. i rlly am a sucker for father/son bonding stuff these days (i blame devil may cry despite the relationship not being actually good there LMAO)

anyways - thank u for the good food keep it up !
Morgan Nicholas Maric chapter 30 . 9/6/2021
I'm glad Rusl and Link were able to find a moment of closure together (and that Link got some damned sleep, finally). We probably already established I *hate* Viscen, which means you've done it right
RandomButLoved chapter 30 . 9/6/2021
Oh this is getting so tense (in a good way)! I'm eagerly waiting every single chapter because I just can't for more. All these branching paths with the characters will come back together and I'm really excited (and worried) for how it'll turn out, especially with Viscen's intentions unknown. Despite the tension, this chapter has been the highlight of my day! c:
TheChargingRhino chapter 30 . 9/6/2021
All my homies hate Viscen.

You’re a wordsmith, you know that?
RealCoolDude chapter 29 . 7/19/2021
dunno why I never noted this,but midna has huge mom energy.
SpecialJewel chapter 29 . 6/27/2021
thank u for the food selphie
my dude link is just. so. tired. ... i feel that lmao
i wanna give him a hug tbh

as always - amazing work! can't wait for another update!
FranFranJams chapter 29 . 6/27/2021
I love this story so much I can't wait for the next chapter
RandomButLoved chapter 29 . 6/26/2021
This was so beautifully written! Between the darker moments came small bouts of dialogue that made me laugh and you struck a perfrct balancr of the two. I think this may be my favourite yet - the deep study of Link's psyche was so sad but so well done and, at times, so relatable too. I can't wait to see more! c:
TheChargingRhino chapter 29 . 6/26/2021
Fi has a love hate relationship with Midna. I love it. Fight was unexpected, huge shadow beast was also unexpected. Keep it up as always, Selphie.
KimH23 chapter 1 . 6/25/2021
What a grear chapter! I hope you will update soon :)
jJjetplane15 chapter 28 . 6/8/2021
I love this story so much! Please update as soon as you can!
Procket12 chapter 28 . 6/3/2021
Wow, great chapter. First Ilia and now Collin. The "Anyone Can Die" trope is in full effect here. Only thing I would have been interested in seeing possibly different was if Ren's slide into evil was more the result of his own free will rather than Viscen's trickery, in that Ren would actively want to kill Link like Link dreamed of him doing. Maybe something for an alternate scenario, but what's here is absolute Grade A material. Keep it coming, I look forward to Ren running through Viscen with a sword.
Procket12 chapter 20 . 6/3/2021
And Link's well deserved kicks to the balls continue. Ren summarized everything perfectly.
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