Reviews for When Heroes Fall
Procket12 chapter 19 . 6/3/2021
Yeah, Link needed these kicks to the balls. Midna may have done what she had done, but he was the one so stupid to decide to go chasing after something he already had back home. Not to mention he was so stupid as to not even consider the possibility that Ilia might have gotten pregnant from that time he slept with her. Actually knowing or not is irrelevant. Great chapter by the way.
PitXRoxas chapter 28 . 4/28/2021
Selphie! I’m glad you’re back, but please, take your time. This chapter came out really well despite hardships. I really liked the part where Ren started grieving for Colin, and Link had to hear it happen. It almost felt like the last few chapters of WMaH. Good times.
mbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq chapter 28 . 4/27/2021
Ahhhh! This is awesome, my excitement cannot be contained! :D Shed a couple tears for Ren, but he and Midna are finally getting to bond and understand each other which makes me SO happy! Can't wait for the next chapter!
SpecialJewel chapter 28 . 4/24/2021
ohhh man... sorry to hear abt all that selphie! i hope u feel better! no rush! i love seeing updates even after a long while lolol always a fun surprise

can't wait for future chapter !
Guest chapter 28 . 4/23/2021
Another wonderful chapter! I love this story :) Sad to see everyone sad but its nice that Midna has a hidden talent for comforting people.
TheChargingRhino chapter 28 . 4/23/2021
I’m sorry about your dog, glad to know they’re okay. Also you’re writing a first person version of TP from Midna’s view, that’s cool. As for me, well, still working on my own fic, very slowly. Keep it up as always, Selphie.
Morgan Nicholas Maric chapter 28 . 4/23/2021
I didn't know there was one from Midna's pov! I'll have to read that next!

I loved this chapter so much, and I'm glad Ren and Midna made nice and found some closure together their whole interaction was everything
RandomButLoved chapter 28 . 4/23/2021
Firstly, you don't need to apologise for any "lateness" of a new chapter. I'm glad that you're recovering from Covid and I'm so glad your dog's okay! This was such a lovely chapter - you write grief so so well and I promise that's a compliment. I can't wait to see Ren's response to Midna's account, I think that'll change a lot in how he views everything. A wonderful chapter as always! c:
Sweesinz chapter 28 . 4/23/2021
This chapter is so beautiful! I felt every heartbreak. Every moment of hope. I adore Ren and just want him to be happy! Here’s hoping Link can see past himself... he has a habit of placing the weight of the entire world on his shoulders lol. I’m so excited to see what you have in store! (And I’m sorry to hear about your dog and that you’re not feeling great. Take all the time you need to care for yourself! I’ll be here whenever you’re ready!
jJjetplane15 chapter 27 . 4/19/2021
PLEASE update soon! I’m in love with your writing and can’t wait for more!
RandomButLoved chapter 27 . 2/22/2021
I've spent the past few days rereading WMAH and WHF, and I'm loving the nostalgia trip this is taking me down! I just wanted to say that the key contrast that is so beautifully written (but very sad too) is how Link's fight and will has changed. After his fight with Ganondorf, Zelda said that Link was very much trying to hang on, but in this chapter just (and after being imprisoned by Viscen) you can see how that fight has gone, Zelda says it hersf that he isn't reaching out for help. He's lost so much and "failed" many times and it shows in his fight. I just wanted to say that a) I hope he gets a happier ending, and b) the way you've written these stories is so amazing c: have a wonderful day!
PitXRoxas chapter 27 . 2/10/2021
Im sobbing, Great work Selphie!
SpecialJewel chapter 27 . 2/8/2021
bruh ,,, my boy ren ,,, literally endless suffering for this kid
his own damn uncle... aaaagghhh.
u never fail to make me emo w all this drama selphie lmao
Hope chapter 27 . 2/6/2021
Can I just say, why are you so good at making me cry with this story! :( Seriously, you are really good at getting the readers to feel the emotions of the characters through the flow of the words. Great job! :D you are an absolutely outstanding author!
I hope you have a wonderful day! See ya on the next chapter!
RandomButLoved chapter 27 . 2/5/2021
This was such a wonderful chapter! I mean this as a compliment, but you write grief so beautifully - it strikes you at the core what these characters are going through and they feel so genuine, it's always wonderful to read your work. I won't be able to keep supporting you on Patreon (finances are fun), but I'll keep reviewing! :3
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