Reviews for Joseph Joestar: Hamon Hunter
Sum9 chapter 2 . 8/16/2020
When Jojo pulled the "MY Hand... is totally fine" joke again I actually lost it. that was brilliant and inspired. You maximized Jojo's off the cuff humor and his gift for infuriating people in a singularity of bizarre inspiration.

You shouldn't try so hard for Joseph to explain himself to anyone. He always about cockiness and bringing smug bastards down a peg. Add to that a dislike for authority and a penchant for performing magic tricks and messing with people's heads that you don't have to try all that hard. He kinda turns on the chaos when he's in a scene. If he's not annoying someone, he's doing a crazy-prepared stunt to come out on top (like his hat trick against Eisidisi on the field of spikes).

I'm curious if someone will try to unlock his aura and accidentally activate Hermit Purple. Or if it happens while he is young will it be a completely different stand, as Joseph is far too young to be considered a Hermit (sage, wise old man). If anything he'd be more likely to want a punch ghost like Jotaro at his age since he's hot blooded, rushes in headfirst, and doesn't think about the consequences until things are already in play (though I suspect you've already revealed your plans for that in the coming chapters and the crazy amount of words ahead of me so all this reviewing is sorta meaningless).

I am also wa shock that Joseph didn't tell Ruby to call him Jojo (because everyone else does). That was like THE THING for the first two sagas of Bizarre Adventures. Really wa shock about that. Seriously.

Glad you found a place for Jaune to be involved and mature and grow with the crossover hero along for the ride. Will Ozpin make an exception in the team composition rules? I mean wouldn't he have to if there were an odd number of finalists? I guess you will reveal the answer ahead.

Whatever the case, pretty fun story and premise, and good work on pulling Jojo level stunts. Keep those coming and don't let him apologize for anything!
tomahawkESP chapter 19 . 8/14/2020
I honestly thought that Jaune was going to walk into the room, see all the girls covered in cream, and then make a joke about JoJo having a hair trigger!
tomahawkESP chapter 9 . 8/13/2020
Eddyg125 chapter 10 . 8/12/2020
So nobody watching the fight noticed his lack of aura?
Vanessa Masters chapter 17 . 8/12/2020

Of course, anything else Joseph had to say died in his throat, his body also going completely rigid, when he suddenly felt a dainty hand give his ass a hearty squeeze out of nowhere.

"Wow Velve, tone it down a little bit, will you? I get you're a horny bunny and all, but have a little tact!"


"W-What the hell!?" The trickster sputtered in response. Spinning around quickly quickly enough to give himself whiplash, Joseph was greeted with the sight of a stern-looking Coco looking down an incredibly embarrassed Velvet, who's entire face was now a deep shade of scarlet and was desperately tripping over her words in an attempt to say something.

"B-But-! I-I didn't-! You-!"

"Alright, which one of you has the fucking balls!?" Joseph demanded furiously, one hand covering his rear and the other covering his mouth, mainly so nobody would see the growing red blush on his face.


I’ve always wanted to squeeze that booty.

Lol Not that velvet would dare, Coco you incriminating hussy! Lol

So, Joeseph reveals his origins to the group and reunited with Penny, who reveals that she is robotic.

And aside from the dumpster, it’s a sweet moment.
DutyFruti chapter 28 . 8/7/2020
One question, are you going to explain how DIO has hermit purple? Because as far as I know, hermit purple is Hamon user exclusive stand, and the fact that Jonathan somehow has it is kinda strange.
Zero chapter 28 . 8/4/2020

Some asks:
Hermit purple will get a power up ?
It will get pierced by THAT arrow ?
Or maybe will evolve in differents ACTS ?
Luke chapter 1 . 8/4/2020
Just spitballing a couple ideas that I'm sure you've already thought of that I have thought up over re-reading. Joseph can wrap Hermit Purple around his torso like he does in Stardust Crusaders and does while falling in the airship, combined with his Hamon kevlar, to have even better shock absorption and protection from damaging blows. Along with that idea, I think that if Joseph ever reaches a moment like his training with Lisa Lisa and Loggins and Messina, where he is willing to train and put in work in order to survive and defeat his enemies that he could use Hermit Purple to review his memories of Lisa Lisa, Messina, Loggins, and even Caesar to improve his martial capabilities and utilize more Jonathan style Sendo martial arts rather than his street brawling style. That along with actually swallowing his pride for a time and being taught better form from Yang would be a nice payback for Joseph teaching Yang the Hamon basics, which Joseph points out she barely uses or needs anyway lol. Joseph could in theory strengthen his Hamon to further heights, being an extremely rare talent in the usage of Hamon. Not saying he'll reach Kars level over the course of the story but I think if Kars was hundreds of times stronger than Joseph was at the end of Battle Tendency then I could see Joseph doubling or tripling his strength at least with more training time. I personally think that if Joseph lived as a Hamon monk like Straizo or Tonpetty he would be 50 times stronger in Hamon than he was at the end of Battle Tendency. Finally, (Sorry for being long didn't want to break this up into multiple comments) I can see Joseph using Caesar's bubble launcher, if not a copy of the technique than a variation of it. It would add another layer of Joseph's versatility in combat and be a good way for Joseph to honor his first best friend.
Vanessa Masters chapter 16 . 8/4/2020
Dio?! Dinosaurs?!


"...I just love these guys~." Sun stated happily after a moment, all too pleased with what he just witnessed.

"Well whaddaya know! Turns out that thing that hit my head was actually a jar of strawberry jam~!" Joseph added in merrily, licking the sugary red substance off his fingers.

The two's merry mood was a far cry from Neptune's, who was more than a little irritated that his entire outfit was left slathered with purple toppings in wake of the battle.


Unfortunately, the lighthearted mood was brought to a screeching halt when one livid Glynda Goodwitch slammed open the double doors and marched past Joseph, Sun, and Neptune. She took a moment to overlook the mess in front of her before suddenly bringing her ice-cold stare towards Joseph, an accusatory look in her eyes.

"Hey, don't look at me, lady. I was just enjoying my lunch till those spazzes went off and tried to kill each other with food! My hands are clean of this mess!" Joseph said defensively, putting up his hands in surrender. It took Joseph another moment before he realized that some of the strawberry jam from before was still glazed onto his hands. This meant that Glynda literally had him red-handed.




"Well… uh… I meant all that in the figurative sense…" When the blonde instructor's gaze only narrowed, Joseph immediately went back on the defensive. "Hey! Stop giving me that damn look already, will ya!? I got this crap on my hands from a when some asshole threw a jar of jam at the back of my head! If anything, I'm the goddamn victim here!"

Glynda didn't say anything in response, she just pinched the bridge of her nose in increasing exasperation before began to clean up. With a flick of her riding crop, all of the destroyed food and splayed about tables and seats began to float back into place. Within moments, most of the dining hall looked as though it hadn't been ravaged by a figurative and very literal food hurricane.

"Children…" The blonde instructor growled, barely able to control her temper. "Please, do not play with your food!"

Rofl perfect!

And so glad Blake and Weiss saved Tukson.
Vanessa Masters chapter 15 . 8/4/2020
"…Alright, just humor me for a minute here." Joseph began, causing Weiss to look at him with a raised brow. "I'm not gonna go off and tell you that you're being stupid here, because you're not, and I'm not gonna try and tell you that these White Fang punks aren't all bad, because from what I've heard so far, they sound like the worst kind of scum." He admitted, honestly unable to find see the organization in any kind of sympathetic light. The Joestar kept up with the news on Remnant, and he heard all about how the White Fang harassed people, fucked up peaceful faunus protests, and all-in-all just made life shitty for a lot of people. Actions like those didn't really garner much sympathy from the brunette, regardless of their motives or the people they were comprised of.

"Glad we're on the same page there at least." Weiss said, relieved she wouldn't hear Joseph try and place the White Fang in any kind of sympathetic light. In all honesty, it made her a bit more open-minded about whatever he was gonna tell her next.

"But don't you think hating on an entire species for what these assholes have been doing seem a bit… I don't know, bigoted? narrow-minded as all hell? Retarded? Not only that, but do you really wanna see Blake get put behind bars just because she used to work with them? Hell, you haven't even heard her side of the story either!" Joseph pointed out, apparently having hit some kind of nerve with Weiss if the look on her face was any indication. "If you wanna hate these guys and see them get taken down, that's all well and fine, but acting the way you've been because of it makes you look real fucking stupid."

"I… suppose you make a good point there." The white-haired girl admitted, looking down to the side.

Just got to hang your head in shame when Joeseph makes sense.

BOOOOO! Not the custard donuts!

Lol Yang heard you, joseph. Your ass is shapely too. XD

So, he can’t unlock his aura, dang. That would’ve been helpful.
Zero chapter 27 . 8/3/2020
Zero chapter 26 . 8/3/2020
This surely is bizarre.
Zero chapter 25 . 8/3/2020
Zero chapter 24 . 8/3/2020
Zero chapter 23 . 8/2/2020
We were so innocent...
No one ever expect the things will turn THAT dark.
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