Reviews for Immortalicum
Fontina Ori-chan chapter 3 . 10/3
I hate him. He's really getting on my nerves and he acts as if he's the only one who understand and is hurting and right when he didn't even look at Bella's feelings and thoughts and corcern. Love should be reciprocated equally. Love is equality to me, in feelings and beings. Genuine and not fake. Accepted and not forced. What a good husband, right? tch, tch, tch. *shake head*
GirlOnFire30 chapter 20 . 9/24
You’re a talented writer. This story was good however I think it’s too wordy. Too much inner musing that I had to skip through the paragraphs just to get to the next dialogue. The ramblings wouldn’t have bothered me if this was a completely unknown story however because I am already familiar with the characters and scenes in the story from S. Meyer and other fanfics, I felt that a lot of the background musings weren’t completely necessary. That said, I don’t want to take away the fact that you are an incredible writer. I think if I read a work of yours that’s completely original in terms of characters and storyline, I would truly enjoy that.
SassYNoleS chapter 20 . 6/19
LOVING Tbis story and i do hope you continue it and soon!
Sandra46 chapter 20 . 4/20
OMG, I've read this story in just 2 days, as i couldn't put it down. I feel a tad devestated that it is not complete.

I know life gets in the way, and i do, so hope you come back to it.

Such a great take on the story, never read anything like tis before.

thank you, fingers crossed. I've pressed to follow this so story. xx
WildestDreams8913 chapter 2 . 3/20
Such a good story, sad to see it hasn't continued.
llewtwo chapter 20 . 3/18
Omg this is so good! I'm really loving your version of this universe. Excited to see if you ever pick it back up again. I mean, so much going on between Aro and the conflict in the Volturi, as well as Jacob's friendship, as well as with little Nessa. This is such a cool story and I'm loving your characterizations.
goldseadragon chapter 20 . 2/19
Love this story so much, so sad to realize it's unfinished! I hope you come back to it.
Dagobertinchen chapter 9 . 1/21
I laughed so hard whe Aro asked to be permitted to court her. Very sweet!
The Dark One Rising chapter 20 . 12/11/2023
Well, if this never updates again, that was a pretty nice place to leave off on. If it ever does update, I’ll need to re-read! I try not to read incomplete things, but the premise was too good to avoid. Bella and Aro kissed, most approve of the relationship, Bella and Jacob reconciled, Edward further squandered his own relationships away, Bella survived the pregnancy, and Nessa lived. Sure, there’s some loose ends. Bella still isn’t fully a vampire, and there is a coup brewing in Volterra. But, the story of the pregnancy was started and concluded. The story of Bella and Aro getting together has hit its first milestone.
The Dark One Rising chapter 16 . 12/10/2023
Oh, that was gruesome. Absolutely horrifying hybrid birth, as expected. And with Carlisle actually delivering, instead of suitors one and two. And the rest of the cabal in assistance. I’m glad you managed to dissuade Bella from calling the poor child Renesmee. I appreciate the sentiment, but the name is just awful. Some interesting vampire science going on right now with Bella.
The Dark One Rising chapter 11 . 12/10/2023
Well, Bella is finally getting some answers. It’s amazing. Only been two days, but so much has happened in this story since she met Aro. And less than a month in total. since she’s still pregnant. On the one hand, I feel like she’s moving on a bit quick. On the other hand, Edward is gone, and he was absolutely terrifying before he left. Enough to make her love of him past tense.
The Dark One Rising chapter 5 . 12/9/2023
Bold of Aro to assume the bumblefuck brigade could figure out the basics of dhampir diet. Because, really. Carlisle is one of the most practiced doctors in history, and Rosalie also has at least one medical degree. But no one thought that, hm, maybe the half-vampire craved blood? In canon, that always seemed particularly dense of them.
The Dark One Rising chapter 1 . 12/9/2023
Jesus. I know he doesn’t, because there is much more of this story, but I am concerned that Edward is going to murder her. You know, with mortality rates for pregnant women being awful and all. You really managed to strike fear in me about this possibility. In one chapter, you managed to turn a romance into a horror. Even in canon, Edward around this time was scary. You managed to make him even more terrifying. He poses an actual danger to the child, if not Bella herself. I wouldn’t put it past him to force an abortion that subsequently kills the mother.
Navywife07 chapter 20 . 7/25/2023
Please update
nitemareb4xmas93 chapter 20 . 6/7/2023
I also love this story. I wish you would update! There are not enough well written Aro/Bella stories out there. Pretty please?!
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