Reviews for A Cadmean Victory
RK chapter 101 . 1/22
i rly like the twists towards the end- it gives depht to the story.
in the end love won in the only way that the love explanation made sense (at least thats how i always felt)
RK chapter 87 . 1/22
this is so much better then the remastered version. it has a complexity in morality that the remastered version lacks.
i was shocked to see how black and white the remastered version was.

this isnt what i thought should happen (snape becoming his spy) - and its not happening for the reasons i thought it should (harry finding out that snape didnt know that it would be the potters that voldemort hunts because of the profecy) but having read the remastered version first i am just relieved cause i have just seen how much worse it could be
RK chapter 80 . 1/21
funny how you punished bill for the crime of getting fleur in canon xD a textbox overcompensating example
RK chapter 44 . 1/19

harry "im no longer a horcrux but im not going to tell dumbles cause its so much more fun having to worrie about dumbles trying to sacrifyce me at some point"

just burst into headmaster office and be like "i just beat voldemort- i know this sounds weeird but i killed some part of him" fake loosing your parsel ability and bam ez pz
RK chapter 36 . 1/19
wtf the idiot is going back to the dursleys when he can just hang out inside hogwarts instead and use all the magic he wants. i cant believe this
RK chapter 35 . 1/19
harry: harry admired the simplicity of the plot for a moment

me: except that its not simple at all: the TRUE champion that got selected would have lost his magic for not atending the first task. that would have been enourmously suspicious to the point of smart people putting 2 and 2 together and realising that he was a champion and that harry, in turn, is not a champion and doesnt have to compete
RK chapter 23 . 1/19
to your question: who would turn down a date when there is only 1 day left

you may put her on a pedestal but even among the readers who came for the fleur x harry plenty would have turned her down

also your explanation at the beeginning of the chapter "somebody he emphasizes with". but he doesnt. why would he? the only reason is cause you NEED him to because otherwise the pairing doesnt work. he wouldnt excuse her behaviour or consider it from her POV. he didnt do it for katie either. or for roger. i know i said i will drop the fic the day they get together but its already so bad that i am going to quit it now even tho they arent together cause the entirety of the plot is just beyond forced
RK chapter 22 . 1/19
bruh. what have you done to your story. wtf
i truly dont get it.
you had a great story. a real plot. clean writing. fleur x harry were set up perfectly.
and then you tore that all down to make them pair up in the most idiotic way possible. just why? why did it have to be like this?
RK chapter 21 . 1/19
why isnt harry going to dumbles with this? granted i hated dumbles but he can still be useful sometimes
in this case to capture peter
RK chapter 20 . 1/19
man the deeper i get into the chapter the worse it gets. its litteraly author panicing and performing surgery on his story.
a story is a thing that flows naturaly. sometimes your characters develop in unintended direction and the original plan doesnt work out anymore.
this is such a classic how i met your mother situation. you wrote the ending you wanted first and then developed the chars and it just didnt fit to the ending you wanted so you just FORCED IT CAUSE YOU CAN xD
i cannot believe the irony of me not liking fleurx harry pairing but you convinced me of it and managed to get me on board just to do it in such a fashion to 100% kill it.
what a waste of a good story/author.
ill quit the fic the sentence fleur and harry eventualy get together
its such a shame cause you had such smooth scenes like when harry finds out about how tom experimented with horcruxes or when harry uses enchantments on the dragon he couldnt do himself. it was just that undefinable perfect spot
i mean i dont understand: you could have done fleur x harry. why not do it well? why like this?
RK chapter 20 . 1/19
plus they just went on one date. they are acting like they dated for months. especialy all the crying on katies part is plain pathetic. there is no deep emotional conection. they just met.
RK chapter 20 . 1/19
LMAO the fact that katie isnt just ditching roger is so dumb. its so a no brainer solution. (it feels like this was a divine author intervention to stop katie x harry)
RK chapter 19 . 1/19
this chapter rly hurt fleurs likability A LOT.
i mean what an utter bitch!
also how did she not transform in her anger?
RK chapter 18 . 1/18
10/10 the feel of horror that voldemord "researched" horcruxes and just failed over and over again
RK chapter 12 . 1/18
excelent choice to make it more trough harrys eyes.
(the few chapters from fleurs pov rly gave us a good solid baseline but beyond that its not so valuable)
you set the fundamentals and actualy got me on board with a harry fleur relationship somehow
all i can say is: well done
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