Reviews for A Fallen God
AnimeGuy93 chapter 31 . 7/20
and this is where i loose interest in this fic
Ravelord2015 chapter 46 . 6/23
I need more of this
Immaterium chapter 5 . 6/23
Interesting touch with Ollivander/Vandr
Immaterium chapter 2 . 6/20
Well that was interesting to say the least...
acowles02 chapter 30 . 5/30
gabelou1991 chapter 46 . 3/18
J'aime bien.
gabelou1991 chapter 31 . 3/18
Harry est fort mais pas assez expérimenter et voldemort étant moins fort que lui ayant loki en lui et beaucoup plus mature et expérimenté.
gabelou1991 chapter 9 . 3/17
Ma question est on est dans les années Harry Potter cad 1990 ou dans les années thor MCU 2011
MrKeyFox chapter 17 . 1/1
Harry's got a point if it worked for Superman.
Nothingburger chapter 46 . 10/11/2023
Hilariously cracky
Scarlet Dewdrops chapter 46 . 9/4/2023
Came back for another reread because it's glorious and totally worth it. Every time I come back I'm absolutely delighted because I forgot how abso-forking-lutely hilarious it is.
Slowest Turtle chapter 13 . 8/31/2023
I was a little annoyed at first with how often Harry manages to muck things up, but I get it now. Loki is kinda like a high, brain-damaged version of himself. Obviously, because he only has like 1/100th of his original soul. This is definitely more of a crackfic than I thought and I'm loving it with that mindset.
WOLFWILDERWOOD chapter 46 . 8/12/2023
This is the most hilarious story I have ever read! Please write more
FoggyMindOfMine chapter 46 . 7/31/2023
This was a fun story, Thanks!
niggers hater chapter 1 . 7/29/2023
Fuck pussy nigger! That's how you think like a real black-skin? you're going to prostrate and beg to your mighty masters and kiss our foot like stray dog Trying to beg to got a house.
Good, I can feel your lust. I am pantsless. Take your dick. Strike me down with all of your lust and your journey towards the bitch side will be complete!
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