Reviews for ICE ALLIANCE: A Jelsa Fanfic (now set AFTER Frozen 2)
Pstar7 chapter 103 . 1/26
"This long to update "?
Na it's totally worth it! Take the time you need to birth a masterpiece you got your hands full anyways.
Thanks for the update, it's impressive we're still glued to this. Just show how good your writing is lady!
Jakeros chapter 103 . 1/23
Oh, I've been getting those too. It was nice the first 5 times, but when it's all that comes into my inbox, it gets a little frustrating. Seems I'll have to put out a notice for my next few chapters regarding this.
Violinner24 chapter 103 . 1/19
Errrm…did Elsa forget to get dressed?
ShineyLeafeon chapter 103 . 1/19
Yay an update! Wonderful fluffy chapter! Especially after the last one. They are just so cute.
WingedHeart8416 chapter 103 . 1/18

Your making me squeal like Elsa over this new chapter!

Love your analysis of the artist thing. DO NOT FEEL GUILT OVER THIS! This is for you, your thing to help fill your tank so that you can give to your family around you. This is not a indulgence but a break for yourself. NO GUILT GOT IT!

Would I love to see artwork on Jelsa Yes! Do I want you to foot the bill? Absolutely not! Can I foot the bill? Ah nope sorry not right now. So I second what she said.

I completely agree regarding Patron as well.

Wait? What! ORIGINAL FICTION WORK! I think I remember you mentioning it once or twice but WHY DID THAT JUST HIT ME IN MY HEAD RIGHT NOW!

YES I AM TOTALLY INTERESTED AND INVESTED! Though if you want to release them chapter by chapter and want to get input I would recommend Space battles website or Royal Road. Space battles for input, Royal Road if you want to get input and if your are doing well there others may come to have you publish the traditional way. It will help to maybe get your foot in the door. Space battles and Royal Road are defiantly into the modern fantasy, adventure area.

And now EEEEKKK the review!

awww Elsa had the best night when Jack had the worst. Yet is that usually how things are? The men fight battles we do not even imagine while we sleep soundly safe and secure because they are there protecting us?

It takes someone who has been in the deep dark to really be thankful for the light.

Yep I remember that feeling. That feeling of love and being loved, of want and being wanted and it all being new. Thank you for catching that in a bottle and sharing that with us!

AFTERMATH. Yea the aftermath usually does not look very pretty, but yea heh fun...

Interesting... Pitch had been creating the dream that became a reality for a long long while. hummm.. HANG HIM! Looks like he does not have much repertoire for Elsa. Yet now with so much to gain so much to lose, and more... YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF HER PITCH!

Am I wrong but have the chapters you have been giving us like three longer than before? If so Thank you and yes better to have longer time between if it means a meaty meal received!

oooooo did Sandman give her that dream to keep her going? Did Jack show up and someone erased the memory? I NEED MORE TEA! I know those dreams, those lovely dreams you don't want to wake up from. Thankfully those dreams are what I believe someday will become a reality.

Merry Christmas Elsa! YOUR OWN PERSONAL RIGHTFUL EYE CANDY! And ohhh doesn't he look goood...

Well what solider would ever not take a chance to show off in front of a beautiful young princess, but yea hope he was not caught, but also hoped he was never assigned to be near her at all. Yea seeing guys with shirts off always made me feel a bit yea... no thank you, not mine, not looking, saving those eyes for my husband thank you very much.

ooooo me likey. Yes Anna I understand your frustration from being away from your man pillow, and yes Elsa that is your right there. Enjoy!

The Reaction! oh my The Reaction! So Hilarious and perfect! Gah eyes seeing me like this? oh its you beautiful. like what you see because I do... Few seconds.. take five minutes, but we are never tell you...,.


Apologies for all the screaming. I am probably not done yet.

Yea they are both putty in each other hands.

under the tree. I am looking forward to under the tree!

Wait. Is this Jack's first Christmas gift in forever? Might be his first Christmas gift from a girl. Wait he has been on the naughty list for all of time being Jack Frost! THIS YEAR IS HIS FIRST TIME GETTING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! AAAAHHHHHH!

Yep Santa you gave the best gift. Oh oh nooo. Santa getting the thank you note... How bitter sweet is that going to be? Are we going to have him read it where we saw him before? I hope that it gives him hope, I hope it helps him find his wonder again. I hope it gets him moving so we fight Pitch. WE NEED TO SEE THIS! Last time we saw Santa was him burning the letter and it breaking him. Please Redemption for Santa Please!

oh oh you too better get rings on soon with how fast you two are going. Though I do remember those times, those lovely times. Yep we hate those walls, they are needed, they are important. But boy don't we hate them!

Jack having puppy paws? oh man you have it bad Elsa. She is letting her Core out! Let it out! Let it free! Get those rings on and get to it you two!

Yea man is feeling a bit in awe but also man issues when you want to go far but not two far.

Him nipping her nose. Oh Jack we love you.

Aww her taking him to her daddy for approval. Well Jack already talked to him but when the daughter does you just go with it. Though I'm concerned that Pitch is going to use this against her. Nothing like a night... wait I am not saying anything. I have learned from Space battles. Do not say anything or the author might make it come true...

soooo cute?1? Puppy came home can I keep him? Yes Jack you are a puppy, get used to it. And you are chosen. But if you want to be technical...

Yea first way is best lol. Love this!

Children's Party! I have been anticipating that for YEARS! What if the Kids thing hey lets play marriage. You and Jack. Go get married! We need a snow wedding? Alright kids we will play along. wink wink, they get married. Actually.

Elsa admitted it. Yes she finds you handsome Jack. Deliriously so. Her admitting it. You know I do and I'm Right. Hold your head high Queen!

Which one honey? Why don't you choose? You sure well I'lll? This one! Yes Ma'am... Oh we love it!

That is a cool viewpoint. She does not care about clothes but cares about design and the control it helps her with. That is actually a great point. You don't have to be clothes crazy but design crazy? I know there are lots of clothes I would love to wear (Don't have time, money, energy or place to wear them though) But Heaven. Oh yes I am going to have a HUGE wardrobe of ballgowns, sundresses, you name it!

Love the thought clothes not status but self expression. I wonder if Elsa ever thought of going into her own design chain?

Yes girl have boundaries, and yes he should tuck in his shirt, but yes not when your around yet. That's a honeymoon thing for the rest of your life honey!

She's wearing the Sprit dress for the Children's Christmas Party. Nope not a wedding dress? IT IS SO GOING TO BE HER WEDDING DRESS! WE DEMAND NOTHING LESS!

I never realized that before... oh...OH... so without the leggings the honeymoon could be very very fun... Yes that need leggings, unless bedroom but yea.

Oh this is serious serious. I like Elsa coming into her own with teasing. Yes! use that staff like it should be! oooo Jack you are going to be fun...

Well done Olaf! We need to get this party started. I want to see the tree! The reaction of the rest of the family! oh oh the aftermath of what Anna did and Krstoff reaction with bro Rapunzel and (forget his name husband) eating popcorn and making waves.

Is this going to be elephants in the room when family gets together but we don't talk or see them because IT'S CHRISTMAS!?

And Christmas tradition is Olaf as we saw with the short so of course its all about him... tee heee...

And off we Go to Christmas which we have been anticipating for a while!

Thank you again. Love more When you can and is always here. You know the moment you let me know I am here to read. Great job. Give my love to you and your family and your own little princesses.

Praying for you,

A Sister who Loves what you Do.
HawkFreak chapter 103 . 1/18
I can tell you right now I am not the demographic this is aimed at but I'm enjoying the hell out of it regardless.
mixitupqueen chapter 103 . 1/17
Also their outfits are absolutely adorable!

Onto your schedule, I might not be in the place to say this but don't beat yourself over this story. You'll update when you update, and we'll be here waiting. Most of us have for the last 9.5 years. And please don't feel guilt over writing, everyone needs an outlet or something they can escape into alone.

Thank you for the chapter! :)

Dana chapter 1 . 12/31/2024
Essa é a melhor história de todos Jelsa! Amo por demais! Relendo para fechar o ano maravilhosamente!
Mr Ma chapter 102 . 12/15/2024
Propaganda. Jack would always be more powerful than elsa by default
Stormhound12 chapter 19 . 11/28/2024
Yeah I agree, it is a little bit of a forced plot point to get the two back together again. I think her rationale flip flops a little too. First it's like a personal hurt of being toyed with and manipulated, but what she tells him, in the last chapter, is this "i dont have time for fun/for Arendelle" argument. I could see this argument having more weight if there was more build up of him trying to teach her how to have fun and then her overdoing it and messing something up. I just don't see a reason why she feels the need to lie about why he needs to leave. I like her dilemma about using her powers on the king, because he might start war. That added a little bit of believability to how he could gain the upperhand when she has superpowers. Kudos.
writercreates chapter 102 . 11/26/2024
Sooo glad you're back! I've been checking once a month for this to come out and this chapter was A-MA-ZING! You're truly a gifted author - I did not just read that, I *saw* it. I *heard* it. You characterize Pitch perfectly, Jack's strength at the end was on point, and the disgust in my heart for Pitch as he talked about Elsa was visceral and real. Keep going, you're amazing! (please please please get the next chapter out soon, I am DYING for some good substantial reading like this)
Guest chapter 102 . 11/9/2024
Ayyyy another chapter. Thank you for always coming back to this story and continuing to work towards finishing it. It's been a heck of a ride and I'm on board till the last stop.
SarahBell66 chapter 102 . 11/7/2024
Thank you, this story of your keeps me wanting more, the sign of a true writer, I pray you never stop writing, you truly know how to keep one wanting to read more, again thank you for this Wonderfully inspiring story, please keep writing, you have a talent for this maybe you should become a professional writer if your not already.
Jurantik chapter 102 . 10/29/2024
Omygoodness I am sooooo glad I found you! It’s so hard to find a good Christian fanfic author out here so this is amazing. I love Jelsa and most stuff I find to read is kinda gross. Thank you for making a wholesome fic for us out here! If you are aware of any other Christian fanfic authors out there can you tell me? Thanks!
GancaloMorata chapter 102 . 10/23/2024
Hello Dear,

Hope you're doing well, I was delighted to read your engrossing story, ICE ALLIANCE: A Jelsa Fanfic now set AFTER Frozen 2 , and was struck by its profound narrative and creative flair. Your storytelling is truly remarkable, and I believe that a comic adaptation could help it reach an even wider audience. As a commission artist with extensive experience in adapting literature into engaging comic art, I would be excited to transform your story into this dynamic format. Feel free to check out my portfolio to see examples of my previous work. Your literature is a masterpiece, and as the proverb says, "A comic can capture the essence of a story," suggesting that this format could enhance the impact of your narrative. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Add me up on Discord :
twitter : GotGancalo
insta : gancalo_morata0

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