Reviews for ICE ALLIANCE: A Jelsa Fanfic (now set AFTER Frozen 2)
Violinner24 chapter 91 . 12/26/2022
Ah, dang it - nowI have to wait far the next one.
…please make more?
Fenghuang0296 chapter 91 . 12/25/2022
Awww! I love the symbolism! You fix that heart, Elsa!
Harmohelix chapter 91 . 12/25/2022
I KNEW you would put out the next chapter at Christmas! Thanks for this wonderful present. Tbh it’s the only thing that feels christmasy for me this year. 2 years ago at christmas, I had no idea I would be so invested in this fanfic. Yet, 2 years later, here I am, checking this site everyday just to see if there’s any update of IA. The authenticity of this fanfic makes me fall in love with this pairing. I’d like to thank you for being so committed to it for nearly a decade. It’s so much more than a fanfic to me. It is literature. It is art. It is a 8-year-dedication of an outstanding author. It is an inspiration for amateur writers who never have the gut to start writing like me. Keep up the good work! I can’t wait for the next chapter (it’s assumed to be “then all is found”). Hopefully Jack and Elsa will finally get the happy ending they deserve. Merry Christmas, my dearest author:))
Ellie chapter 90 . 12/20/2022
Um... I'm confused. Is there more to this? Or another chapter or something? Because I feel like something's missing... that is I mean what about Jack? That's not exactly resolved... AND IN CASE THIS FEELS AT ALL NEGATIVE I LOVE THIS STORY TO LIFE (sounds better than to death) AND YOU TOO!
Static chapter 90 . 12/19/2022
Violinner24 chapter 75 . 12/20/2022
I’m sorry, my friend but this conversation is….
Perfect. Just plain perfect. The moment you introduced Eugene into the picture, I knew there would be trouble and this is exactly the kind of trouble I was hoping for.
Violinner24 chapter 90 . 12/19/2022
Wait…. Wait wait no! Where’s the talking to each other and finally figuring out what they’re gonna do?! Please finish this. It’s killing my brain NOT knowing!
saraharista36 chapter 90 . 12/12/2022
This is...beyond words, so wonderfully written, the characters as always jump to life, I have patiently waited for every new chapter, as an anxious child Christmas Morning. Hope you have planned on writing into story, a wedding, where all characters from both stories meet. Thank you, please continue writing.
Coldfire128 chapter 89 . 12/7/2022
I was listening to the song Arcade by Duncan Lawrence when I was reading this chapter and I gotta say, the song pretty much describes their relationship from Jack's POV.
Rilenyth chapter 90 . 12/5/2022
Good God it took herong enough to realize. Hi Lumi. How you been?
Camiliny08 chapter 90 . 12/3/2022
Oooooooh te juro que no puedo esperar para la próxima actualización! Dios! Me tienes el alma en un hilo! Estoy rezando para que nos des unos hermosos capítulos de regalo para navidad *guiño guiño* okno pero espero que te cuides a ti y tus hermosos niños, y tranquila que estaré esperando por tus capítulos, lo único que te preguntaré es...estamos cerca del final o no?
Guest chapter 90 . 12/2/2022
Lurker18 chapter 8 . 12/2/2022
Um, so I've loved your story for a while.

Just got promoted to a management position at work 2 months ago, from my heavy science job. I totally understand Elsa's feelings with her council now, and I wanted to iceblast some ice sculptures and then fly off to the forest, today, so badly. These words really resonated with me:

"I'm stuck in this castle, babysitting these—these self-obsessed—evil little DEMONS, instead of being back in the Enchanted Forest, where I BELONG!" ..."They're so—self-absorbed, so DRUNK on their own power, that they'll destroy any good thing they come across to KEEP it that way!"

"At the end of the day, Queen Elsa still had the last word, and would lead her kingdom as she saw fit. However, to do so without the approval of The Council was to guarantee that some random aspect of her life would suddenly, and inexplicably, become impossible to manage ... every new reform and attempt to improve the kingdom was (as it had been from the day of her initial coronation) a personal sacrifice."

It's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling this way sometimes. And, that things will get better. Thank you.
Guest chapter 40 . 11/29/2022
This is amazing! I love it! (and love that its clean 4 a fellow Christian babe ;))
Guest chapter 90 . 11/29/2022
It brightens up my day (or night) given that I will have a couples of exams in the following week! Elsa knew this the entire time, but she just refuses to admit this. Can’t wait for the grand confession! (**Intense fangirling and screaming**)
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