Reviews for ICE ALLIANCE: A Jelsa Fanfic (now set AFTER Frozen 2)
Rehema chapter 14 . 6/4/2024
Nice work with Olaf’s character! I feel like you accurately represented his goofy obliviousness punctuated by moments of extreme philosophical-ness.
Rehema chapter 13 . 6/4/2024
My god, your story just got even better, if that was even possible:

1. I LOVE ANNA & ELSA’S DYNAMIC AND SCENES IN THIS! That is SO how a sister to sister conversation between these women would go—I LOVED Anna’s over-the-moon enthusiasm (which is SO like her) and her teasing and nudging Elsa to go for Jack. SO, SO FUNNY & ON POINT!

2. You are weaving Jack & Elsa’s relationship very nicely and naturally. I could easily see a friendship between the two of them spinning out like this.

3. And by the way—you are a creative genius. The idea of Jack conspiring to help Elsa get rid of her selfish and self-centered council members by using his invisibility to his advantage and pranking each one of them until they flee/resign is so simple and yet so brilliant. It’s so true to character and so delightfully funny. I am excited to see where this goes.

As an aside, it’s still astounding to me that Elsa‘s council members called suitors without her approval. It almost seems like a treasonous act.
Rehema chapter 12 . 6/4/2024
Oh, oh Elsa—TELL YOUR SISTER THE TRUTH. HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING. You guys will tackle this together—and win! :D

Still, love seeing the sisters work together to smash the patriarchy and improve the kingdom for all of their citizens. They’re truly the power duo of rulers. You go!

Hilarious meet-up & introduction of Jack to Anna. Nicely done, and very true to character for the situation they’re in. I could easily see it being this chaotic. And for Jack to just swoop Elsa up into the air to prove a point—super funny touch. Anna’s face and reactions were bloody priceless.

Small critique: recommend varying the use of the word “blurted” and “choked,” which tend to be overused. But otherwise another incredible and in-character, canon-compliant chapter.
Rehema chapter 11 . 6/4/2024
You write dialogue wonderfully!

I do think the word choices of “squeaked, choked” and breathy/breathed/breathily should be varied, as I think they’re being used too frequently.

But you have an amazing knack for writing Elsa perfectly. I think you’ve captured pretty much every facet of her character, ranging from her competence & authority as a fierce, boss-b*tch Queen all the way to her nervous, shy, awkward girlishness. Seriously, I think you could hold your own with the writers of Frozen themselves.

I was especially impressed in the last chapter by the deep dive into Elsa’s isolated childhood, her confession that she felt she had no friends other than her sister, essentially, and her self-consciousness while trying to bond with Honeymaren and her aunt who is the head of the tribe. It was quite insightful.

Also I appreciate every pause, stammer, mid-conversation shift—all of which perfectly mimic how real life conversation flows. I also think you’ve created a nice “comfortable awkwardness” so to speak, between the eager and animated Jack and the nervous, reserved-but-coming-out-of-her-shell Elsa. She’s not “omg I’m in love let’s be together forever”—she’s excited, unsure, and slowly taking steps into a brand new and often scary terrain.

Also, Jack at the end about “helping” her with an heir… you, Jack-o, are one saucy fella.
Rehema chapter 10 . 6/4/2024
Honestly will throw some shade at the spiteful people who say that ice powers are some kind of taboo for shipping. It’s not just the abilities, it’s everything that comes along with them—the struggle, the skill set, the practice, the self control, and the social implications. And having a shared skill set can be a good bonding experience, just like learning new things together.

Speaking of shade, the absolute best part of this whole chapter was the note left by North with the cookies and the music. That note was incredibly witty. I honest to God laughed out loud and read it multiple times.

Only critique would be to check the usage of the words “squeaked” and “choked” and the phrase “pulling in a breath.” As a writer/reader, I felt like they were overused. But otherwise, another stunning chapter and excellent character development.
Rehema chapter 9 . 6/4/2024
I think this chapter gave me a new appreciation for the special kind of haunting and fierce beauty found in winter landscapes. Thanks! :D I’ll be less grumpy when it snows next time.

I think you handled Elsa’s hesitation, reserve, and slower-to-warm-up nature very well. She’s opening up to the idea that he is truly her childhood mythological hero, but at a believable pace. I could see her being a little more shy and nervous, rather than just throwing herself at him.

Jack is doing amazing as the guardian of winter fun. I could see why he would be so moved by Elsa as such a tragic case.
Rehema chapter 8 . 6/4/2024
Another fabulous, elaborate chapter. Only criticism I have is that the words “gritted,” “choked,” and “squeaked” tended to get overused.

Otherwise, my compliments on the council-argument scene. It was perfectly written—the rage and tension were thick enough to cut with a knife. You portrayed 1800s-level condescension, classism, and sexism quite well and very believably for the context of Frozen.

Once again, I think you have a very thorough grasp of Elsa’s character.. After the intense amount of effort that she put into constructing her reform over two months, I could see her absolutely breaking down like this, Especially with the added insult to injury of the council, forcing her into meeting suitors.

Honestly, one of the most astounding lines was one of the councilmen saying that she ought to worry herself about kingdom affairs less and marriage & heirs more. I mean, seriously… it’s astounding that any woman would have to remind someone that the well-being of the people and saving a kingdom from being flooded is of far more concern than forming an heir. Goodness.

Anyhow, other than my minor quibbles above, this chapter was damn near flawless. You are an extremely skilled writer.
Rehema chapter 7 . 6/4/2024
Oh, Anna is so thoughtful, bringing her sister a breakfast roll! Their sisterhood is delightful. :)

And once again, you’ve done really well with Jack’s playful antagonism It’s pretty funny watching Elsa try to cover up for that. XD
Rehema chapter 6 . 6/3/2024
AMAAAAAAZZZIIIIIIIIINNNG! Wow, wow, WOW! I'm as giggly over this chapter as Elsa was in it, clearly.

But excellent! EXCELLENT! Such a glorious, intricate character sketch of Elsa! Like seriously, you've written her with stunning nuance and depth. This type of personal & deeply-rooted childhood belief, especially as a means of coping with miserable isolation, makes PERFECT sense for Elsa. This makes PERFECT sense! It's so beautifully in-character, I can't rave enough.

I really am amazed by how beautifully you've handled a very high-stress, deeply emotional interaction. And I was initially taken aback by Elsa giggling and caving in, thinking "She wouldn't drop her guard that quickly"-but then I read on and saw that she believed it was a stress-induced dream brought on by her working feverishly on her reform bill. Once again, NAILED the character to a tee.
Rehema chapter 5 . 6/3/2024
So, Jack, remember that thing that North said about being respectful? That's clearly not going well. My goodness.

I do wonder why Jack doesn't simply demonstrate his elemental winter spirit powers, though. I feel like that would prove conclusive.

Anyhow, nicely done! You've written Elsa with much depth and nuance. I can see her in my mind, exhausted and wound-up, but trying to maintain composure with every shift in her position. You've really sketched out her mood and thinking very well, and I love the realistic plot point of, "My sister will make a brilliant queen, but she's very pregnant and sick as all hell, so I'm assisting her because it's the right thing to do for her and the kingdom." It is very realistic. I could see that happening.

I really liked Elsa's remark on how she believes in a marriage of equals-for her, equal position, power, morality, and intelligence. For Jack... well, he's got the first three nailed-it's just the intelligence he needs to work on at this moment, haha. XD You've pulled off his "lovestruck brain-turned-to-mush eighteen-year-old vibe" very well, by the way.
Rehema chapter 4 . 6/3/2024
Very, very well written. You've written conflict quite believably; I could see free-spirited, stubborn, and playful Jack NOT taking kindly to being imprisoned or bossed around, and I could see Elsa being shocked, scared, and understandably assuming that he's an assassin given her past experiences.

Nicely done. Tension without being over the top, with excellent personality dynamics.
Rehema chapter 3 . 6/3/2024
... Wow. That's... a hell of a first meeting. Wow.

Once again, very realistically written, true to character. Given the circumstances, I could see Elsa reacting exactly like this. I also marveled at how you have depicted her skilled, pragmatic, no-nonsense queenly side-the side of her that says, "OH, NO you did NOT just threaten me or my kingdom. Prepare to die." Or something to that effect.

Can I just say, I loved the line, "You're not exactly my first assassination attempt, young man." Well-played.
Rehema chapter 2 . 6/3/2024
I don't think there's enough room for me to rave about your writing. Or words to do it justice.

Regarding Ch. 1, I forgot to say that I thought your scene with allusions to Jack's age and "curiosity" as well as the "birds and the bees" talk that North was starting in on was HILARIOUS. It fleshes out both of their characters very well; also especially interesting because in many Disney or Dreamworks-related canon, sexual interest isn't talked about that directly. It was an interesting facet of characterization that I found very funny to read, and definitely relevant as Jack is, well, physically an 18-year-old young man.

But onto Ch. 2, which can only be described as FLAWLESS. My goodness, it's a diamond of a chapter. You have described a Spirit of Winter's fascination with skillfully crafted ice sculptures, dress designs, and architecture perfectly. I can easily see how any winter spirit-especially Jack Frost himself-would be mesmerized by Elsa's craftsmanship, especially after a long period of isolation and believing that no one existed who could relate to him in any way.

Also, as an amazing bonus, I LOVE that you elaborated on Elsa's daily duties and concerns as a reigning queen. I love that you included things that would truly consume a dedicated ruler's time, like the literacy fund, trade concerns, and housing shortages. That shows a depth of understanding of the character and role, and that you took the time to truly flesh out her duties-it adds a depth and realism to the story.

Again, FLAWLESS chapter.
Rehema chapter 1 . 6/3/2024

Ahem. So, a few things:
- your writing is very good. I appreciate people writing with correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure
- your writing is MORE than very good - it flows nicely, and you are descriptive without drowning the reader in details
- your grasp of characterization is excellent, and your plot has a strong start! :D You've very creatively interwoven these two storylines and different settings in time! Very smoothly executed!

I was reading through your bio - I also joined many years ago, and was inactive as an author for most of that time after the first 1-2 years of writing activity. I also work in a science-related field and sure as heck didn't have time to sit and write at leisure during periods of intensive training. It's pretty recent that I came back and started writing for Yu-Gi-Oh again, which is my main fandom.

I'm a sucker for Jack/Elsa stories. On the rare occasions I feel like reading a Frozen-themed shipping, Jelsa is the only ship I'll stop and read. It's very irritating that some hateful people out there like to spew vitriol at others' ships and make weak and silly attempts at undercutting them by saying, "Oh, Jelsa shippers only ship them because of their ice powers and looks. That's all."

You've taken that nonsense and absolutely destroyed it with your writing & characterization skills. It's clear that you see that the fondness for Jack/Elsa has a much stronger foundation, since you've touched on everything from their experiences with isolation, sacrifice, and being "different" in addition to having elemental powers. Also their personalities would actually complement each other quite well; Jack is more spirited and fun, but does have a sense of duty. Elsa is more reserved and regal, but knows - sometimes with a little help - the importance of cutting loose. They are both people with integrity, who try to do the right thing. Overall, just as Anna and Elsa get along very well despite their differing temperaments, I think Jack and Elsa would get along well too.
LiasObsessions chapter 100 . 5/17/2024
I just want to remind everyone to be paitent with uploads. NNT has worked so hard for us, all while taking care of their children 3 i hope you know we appreciate you NNT, and congratulations in your new bundle of joy :D
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