Reviews for ICE ALLIANCE: A Jelsa Fanfic (now set AFTER Frozen 2) |
![]() ![]() Please write more! This has to be the twelfth time I have read this chapter. |
![]() ![]() Thank you, the wait has always been worth it, especially your story, I hope you are still planning a couple more chapters. Keep writing, please. You have a way of making the characters come to life, again thank you. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Happy Late Valentines Day to you and Merry Christmas! Congrats on your third child. yikes three, I struggle with one. We are finally over the hill! YES I am so looking forward to what is coming up! and this was perfection! blindfolds... hummmm... interesting... lol. taking her hands and tug. ITS the Beauty and the Beast Library scene swoooon! finally Communication! YES! oh Elsa at least I would be good enough to be kept around. she is so hurt girl. poor girl. lets get all this miscommunication out and killed please! do you want to be my girlfriend yes! done Finally! I asked first. oh man does this bring back memories. yes you both do need to get better at communication. both of you! |
![]() ![]() This chapter's words were really helpful. Thanks for making a hard discussion topic a little clearer. I realize a fictional novel isn't a replacement for professional advice, but please know that you are making a positive difference with your writing. |
![]() ![]() Finally! I thought anxiety and emotional rollercoaster was going to kill me .·()·. Beautifully written as always |
![]() ![]() Wow! wow! wow! I read this and was initially like, "Jack, that's so romantic!" and, "Elsa, how could you NOT SEE what he means by his actions. He's already proven himself super trustworthy, and he just did something magically romantic - a perfect setting for him to 'say the right words', and you didn't even give him a chance to sneeze before you jumped straight into a teary emotional crisis and accused him of toying with you. He has more reason to think you're toying with him, between the 'practice kisses' and Prince Wonderful hanging around." ... And then, I was like, "I didn't do that to my boyfriend (now husband), did I? Surely not! I mean, we had some confusing talks and I'll admit some unintentional mixed messages (a la ch 76?), but I was never that oblivious, right?" ... And then I read the chapter twice more, went back and read Elizabeth Barrett-Browning's poems and thought about it ... and realized a really romantic action with no promise of commitment would trigger a lot of confusion and emotion from me ... so when the kids were napping, I finally dug through my old papers for a copy of letters I had written my best friend just before I started going steady with my boyfriend ... yeah, there's confirmation in my own handwriting - I was as emotionally dumb as Elsa. Maybe worse. He actually ASKED me to be his girlfriend, and I was so like 'are you serious?' that he thought I didn't want to date him because it would interrupt my study time. And, that wasn't what I meant at all - I meant, "You're a fantasy (side note: you find the perfect words to voice these feelings - that's what I adore most in your work!) and I'm so undeserving, and you deserve so much more than to be stuck following me to grad school, and I really, really care about you and want you to have the most happiness possible, and I'm willing to give you up if someone else can make you happier ... you decide ... but please know, if we date, if we kiss, I won't ever be able to risk it again. This is it for me." "Unless you can feel, when left by One, That all men else go with him ... Unless you can die when the dream is past, Oh, never call it loving!" (EBBrowning) Jack was already 'the One' for Elsa - he left briefly, and she was wrecked. She was already in love way back then ... and I was already in love back then, too (and heartbroken in advance) - I just didn't realize it until writing this. It could have saved us five months of confusion and heartache if I had just known, accepted, let it go and selfishly enjoyed it. Groan ... I'm still such a mess about this almost twenty years later. I was so emotionally entangled at the time, I had already lost my heart - I just didn't quite know it and tried not to, even after we started dating ... I couldn't even admit I loved him until he proposed. That foundation of trust - hearing those exact important words and knowing there's serious commitment backing it - it's so freeing and it's kept us happily together and in love so far! True love is permanent. The emotions may vary day by day, but the promise is constant and secure. So, thank you, for reminding me through this amazing chapter how dumb I was (and still probably am) and how incredibly amazing my husband is! As a storytelling technique, I really liked the way you developed Jack's "You see me" phrase from their very first conversation in chapter 3 (titled 'speak words'!) into a love confession. That, along with the ice ballrom location, makes the story feel so 'full-circle' complete. Add in it being chapter 100 and Valentine's day ... pretty amazing planning (or coincidence)! Really grateful that you shared this with us! |
![]() ![]() that was utterly perfect... I could reread this chapter 50 more times and not get tired of it... You're sooo good at putting jack frost and elsa on the page that I can see them so clearly. thanks for finally getting in the chapter, and CONGRATS ON BABY! |
![]() ![]() ![]() AAAAAAAAAAAAA! I read the last few chapters in one hit and I am in love! I'm so glad elsa is working on communicating and they're finally together! the fire spirit is going to be spreading so much gossip when they get back. |
![]() ![]() ![]() AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Finally the long-awaited chapter! I’m not kidding when I say I nearly cried and screamed in the middle of the night and woke my whole family up when I saw it! Also can’t help thinking how the 100th chapter aligns with Disney 100th anniversary XD, it is THIS legendary! This chapter is extremely well-layered, and definitely one of the best-written confession scenes I’ve ever read! I love how Elsa doesn’t immediately say yes to Jack’s confession regardless of her falling head-over-heels for him, but rather voices out her insecurities about entering a relationship. This stays very true to Elsa’s character and her severe trust issue (which she absolutely has to work on later!). Some may say she stays the same throughout the previous chapters, but keep in mind that they’ve only met for 2 FREAKING WEEKS! That’s a huge character development for her. It’s difficult to change a person in such a short period of time, especially when they have experienced traumas. It’d be unrealistic for her to trust Jack fully in such a short time, so Elsa willingly expressing her thoughts instead of concealing them is already a breakthrough for her. And YES! They communicate, finally! Watching their misunderstanding resolving and truths unfolding is sooooo therapeutic. Though “action speaks louder than words”, something NEEDED to be said, or else it’ll get lost in translation. Both Jack and Elsa are in desperate need of social skills crash classes and stop making assumptions for other’s behaviour. (Hey COVID, see what isolation does to people!) But I really appreciate that they don’t flee or dodging what needed to be discussed this time, and actually take the time to think about what to say before saying it, which makes the scene more heartfelt and sincere. I can’t wait to see them grow in each other’s company and thrive into a healthy relationship in the future chapters. Regarding the Starsha ship, thanks for pointing that out! Now I know why I’m so obsessed with this ship. I guess I’m a sucker for the “manic pixie dream boy x shy bookish girl” trope. But ARGGGG what a missed opportunity! (By the way, I also listened to At All Costs on loop hahaha) Sorry for my absurdly lengthy review, but I wanna say thank you, thank you, thank you for this Valentine’s Day gift and your 8-and-a-half-year dedication to a fanfic, which brings surge of dopamine to a hopeless romantic like me. Wish you and your family all the best (congrats to your 3rd baby)! Just take your time to write. Looking forward to what the future holds for these lovers. Your faithful reader, Harmohelix |
![]() ![]() Love this story and the chapter. keep up the amazing story telling :) |
![]() ![]() ![]() LET'S GOOOO ! IM GLAD IM STILL HERE TO WITNESS THIS JCHDSHHSDHX CONGRATS TO 100TH CHAP AUTHOR! IT'S SO WORTH IT *SCREAMS* HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, INDEED! Or Merry Christmas in their timeline XD A great start at communicating with each other, love that for them bc they badly need it lmao! |
![]() ![]() ![]() HALLE-BLOODY-LUYAH! FINALLY! |
![]() ![]() ![]() AAAAAAAAAAA! YESSS! I have waited seven years for this moment, AND IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! I am SO excited for what's yet to come. I swear I'll write a more cohesive comment in the near future, but first I must go scream some more. Absolutely beautiful chapter, as always! :D |