Reviews for Parallels
valeniel chapter 34 . 9/13/2024
no wayyyy I read this fic in 2024, and I saw this fic finished in 2016. and I can't help but notice how similar this scene where the mermaid tricked natsu by being lucy with the scene in 100 years quest where lucy is turned as yokai. mashima read nalu fic confirmed?!
Guest chapter 61 . 3/23/2024
I loved the whole ride this story had to offer.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/23/2024
Lise chapter 61 . 6/26/2023
I have now lost count on how many times I’ve read the whole fic, parts of it, or scenes from it, as well as the stories that go along with this (and ofc all your other fics). What you’ve written here is a masterpiece, they should literally make a movie of this story, it’s just so incredably good! And everytime I’m done reading it, I’m like «okay, onto one of their other stories, and then back to this one!» some of the scenes I end up reading over and over again. So I just really want to thank you both so, so sososo much. Your stories have helped me through hard times, lonely times, happy times, I could go on.. you’ve given me, and so many others, soso much! From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
mastercheif1229 chapter 61 . 3/27/2023
Absolutely incredible story! In my definite top 2 or 3 of your stories! You probably write my favorite Fairy Tail stories! Really hope that you write another one at some point!
Pasht chapter 61 . 1/7/2023
Great story! Loved the concept and the way you tweaked the canon. Would absolutely love to read more “nest life” stories and how the dragons all interact.
Guest chapter 61 . 11/22/2022
Thank you so much for writing such beautifull story..
it is a masterpiece... I kinda sad the srory end
You an amazing writer..
I would love to read your story
0309Soul chapter 29 . 8/22/2022
I kinda wanted her to continue reading the book (coz I'm such a nosy person) even though I know it's not really the best thing to do lmao if I was in Lucy's place I'd be such a bad person because I'd read that book update in a heartbeat HAHAHA

Idk if you still read these comments, but I love this story so far!
0309Soul chapter 6 . 8/19/2022
I absolutely adore how the chapters end! It's like a semi-cliffhanger, not the frustrating type, but the wholesome one that makes you pumped up. Kinda like a movie trailer!

(also, this plot reminded me of the story of Inuyasha and Kagome; both Kagome and Lucy tried to save the supposed villain; Inuyasha and Natsu were both mean at first, but then they fell in love eventually with the girls; I love this kind of story to bits!)
TommyMS chapter 5 . 7/29/2022
is this lucy magic or just natsu dragon mate instinc that made him obey lucy?
FranFranWriter chapter 32 . 7/9/2022
The fact Lucy is causally considering going back to her world at all is insane. Personally I'd be terrified the people after her would be camping inside or near her home since she came back before if i was her
FranFranWriter chapter 26 . 7/6/2022
I'm so excited! Although Natsu and Lucy have always been my favorite FT characters, I've always had a soft spot for Wendy and I'm so excited she's here! And I'm so happy for Natsu getting the nest he always wanted with people he genuinely likes and cares about, though he won't admit it to himself
FranFranWriter chapter 19 . 7/5/2022
Yes yes, the Nalu moment here is very cute, and very exciting considering how much Natsu is warming up to Lucy... but I just can't help thinking that if I were Lucy in this scenario I'd be so embarrassed. When Natsu flips me to face him and tells me to straddle him to keep myself warm I would immediately throw my arms in the air and let gravity take me away. That thought lead to another, and now I'm imagining Lucy ridgedly free-falling with her arms in the air dragging a screaming Natsu in her wake... I'm deeply amused
M.C. Bellow chapter 23 . 5/2/2022
I really like the development of Natsu. The fact that he called her Luce? And I have a theory that once they return, the bond will be broken. However, the fact that he’s listening to her in this world and doesn’t plan on killing her…. it says a lot. Magic or not… Natsu could still be a threat and yet he’s not
M.C. Bellow chapter 18 . 5/2/2022
I love Gajeel in this.
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