Reviews for Fake x Fate
Artyk04 chapter 22 . 7/31/2023
It's 4:30 A.M. and I've been reading this for many hours already only to find out about this now. wtf bro?
On another hand it was an amazing story
Oscar chapter 22 . 7/27/2023
Amigo yo no me considero crítico ni nada por el estilo ya que aprecio las historias de todo tipo y más hablando de uno de mis personajes favoritos del anime...solo me hubiera gustado que siguieras con esta historia. Aunque claro que muchos podrían criticarla , la verdad me agrado la trama en sí y esperaba poder ver un final para ella sobre todo ya que se quedó en una buena parte y ahora ya no podré saber como terminó...haaaa si tan solo fuera escritor desearía terminarla...
Sweet Kagamine Kiss chapter 22 . 7/12/2023
Sad. Was enjoying this "timeline" you created. Oh well, I'll see what else you made.
dontaex669 chapter 4 . 6/26/2023
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19/2023
Just saw that this one has a remake. Willingly adopted from you or not isn’t that big of a deal. Every person on the internet has the right to steal this plot idea and try and finish it since you aren’t the series’ original creators.
But besides that, I cannot for the life of me recall anything about this story so the rebirth/adoption/kidnapping while potentially having theoretically more chance of being this Fate-DxD version being finished, it’s still not very high.
d chapter 22 . 5/16/2023
why am i not supra red you suck at finishing a fanficon do yourself a faver and eat sh i te
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 14 . 5/18/2023
Power Enough to Destroy the World.
Power Enough to Destroy Everything.

Umu, I think the satans were only strong enough to destroy a continent or something like that though I could have understood falsely.

Still want saber to come a bombshell the whole mythological community
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 12 . 5/17/2023
Still hope that Artoria can be summoned besides that great chapter
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 9 . 5/16/2023
Great chapter

Though I would love for arturia being summoned
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 5 . 5/15/2023
Umu, I would have thought that shirou wouldn’t give them the real sword
Guest chapter 22 . 4/9/2023
ugh another dropped story what a surprise
On the last few chapters I feel like most of hen really could have been combined
Over all this could have been done a lot better but if / when you drop the reboot of this story too well just be left with two par dead fanfics instead of one par FINISHED fanfic.
seriously Gabriel Blessing and Parcasious aren’t as skilled as other writers but they’re good enough and actually finish what they start
Guest chapter 13 . 4/9/2023
Okay uh very very expositiony. Read more like a fanwritten wiki article than a fanfiction.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/9/2023
Alright so the last few chapters have been a mixed bag.
Shirou fights DxD enemies has over a dozen fanfics, less than half of them are good, and all of them are dropped. So, er congrats on having one of those ones?
Aside from that, the fight itself was decent. Fun at times, but anticlimactic and asspull-filled. No divine constructs, but Enkidu, really? That’s just one point, there are other specifics but this is more of a conceptual review about the elements of the story in general.
And those more broad concepts were also a mixed bag.
Like the whole thing with Caliburn was... somewhat unique. But having the whole exposition dumped in the middle was a little bit awkward. And the concept itself was pretty strange and unclear as well despite devoting whole interrupting paragraphs to explaining it.
All in all it was a standard quality fanfic with the standard amount of ups and downs.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/8/2023
Some grammar errors and some overly flowery language is pretty par for the course for fanfics but I just thought I’d still point it out
PSYCONIG chapter 8 . 4/1/2023
This probably the worst fate fic i ever read. Who the fuck is the protagonist supposed to be because it sure as hell isn't Shirou. Plot makes no sense. It is dumb that Shirou is practically sharing his secrets with anyone who could even pretend to be intersted and the dialogue is hell on earth
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