Reviews for Lady Archimedes
SixFtWookie chapter 44 . 11/26
I had completely forgotten about this chapter. This is only my second read-through, and the first was as you were publishing. That's messed up.
SixFtWookie chapter 38 . 11/26
I have to admit, the ending of this chapter was a lot funnier when you first posted it.
sirbruno95 chapter 32 . 10/29
Lee's fate here is really sad, one of the few that stuck with me all these years. He felt like such a bro, waking up at 2 in the morning to help you rescue your friend/girlfriend and then die in such a vicious way while trying to protect you.
sirbruno95 chapter 18 . 10/27
Hoo, spent like an hour writing a review for the previous chapter, but turns out that I had already written a review for it the first time I read it. Speaks about the passion I felt the first time I read it to write a review of a story I hadn't finished at the time yet. So, I'll just post it here:

This is the chapter where the nagging suspition crept into my mind the first time I read this story that Hermaioni was less a badly written character and more of a Mary Sue.

Here you have scene where Hermaioni's intention is to inquire about Harry's lessons after he returns emotionally drained, nursing a bad headache and likely overall frustated. Then, after learning the reasons for Harry's classes, she throws a fit about how he MIGHT have given Voldemort access to the spells she taught him, screams at him, runs away, tries to force entry into Dumbledoor's office, proceeds to berate him for shit she feels entitled to and is overall mean to him... then gets enrolled into The Phornix Order proper and first hand classes with Dumbledoor. Then, tries to apologizes to Harry while also saying she wasn't in the wrong and then tells him she would keep secrets from him after he said he hated that... and then he forgives her.

Of course, all of this is justified and makes sense in the narrative, but once you see that you just can't not picture Hermaioni as a Mary Sue, unless you're into it of course. It wouldn't be so bad if some interactions were written better and a leash was put on how much she's supposed to get away with narratively speaking (Otherwise the suspension of disbelief get's stretched too far), but there's also the fact that this Hermaioni has the bad habbit of taking Harry's acomplishments from the books and make them her own in one way or another, or if not then add herself into them uninvited or just ignore them. Like I said multiple times, this is a good story, but Hermaioni being such a Mary Sue is a hindrance to the story's detriment and the moments where she goes full Mary Sue/Girlboss tends to derail the enjoyement of the story (At least for me). I don't like using these terms that can be deemed sexist, but I honestly don't have better ones to explain how much this Hermaioni warps the whole story and how the whole universe seems to revolve around just her when she goes full Sue.
sirbruno95 chapter 12 . 10/25
This has to be one of the most self-serving and incosiderate ways one intervened in a relationship I've read on this website. You a have a girl in grief avoiding her boyfriend after he got mained, and your solution to this was to have Hermaioni Girl-boss her? In what state of mind were you to think that the sensitive solution would be to have Hermaioni scold her, shame her and then insult her for not being devotee enough? What's worse is that I KNOW it'll work because you as the writer want it to work, and neither character will resent one another for it. This is what I mean when I say there's a good story buried in slop.
LAB1 chapter 82 . 10/17
Well, I was trying to get you more review ratings, but this story got way too dark for me. I stort of finished it by skimming through a bunch of stuff. I won't read JK last book again, and it is a tame kitten compared to your version. Most of that is from torture scenes and killing off Fred. Never forgave her for that and I haven't read any more of her books. I come for fanfic that has him alive or a way to get him back if they are about the later books. I'm really not sure if I forgive you about Bill to be honest. You are an amazing author, but this story was way past my comfort level at the end. I will look up the third story in hope that the battle scenes will be over and the rebuild and arithmancy will be strong!
LAB1 chapter 44 . 10/14
Well, that was a different course of events. So sad that Dumbledore didn't live for nearly a year.
LAB1 chapter 41 . 10/14
The sword is cool, but why would Cho die? It seems the same as the necklace that killed Katie Bell. She recovered.
LAB1 chapter 38 . 10/14
Hopefully Bagman works out.
LAB1 chapter 37 . 10/14
Looks like she is on her way to apperating!
LAB1 chapter 36 . 10/14
The talk with her parents didn't go well. I can only imagine what they are going through!
LAB1 chapter 35 . 10/14
I'm glad Hermione figured out the horcrux scar quickly. I was worried she wouldn't figure it out in time.
LAB1 chapter 34 . 10/14
Well, Dumbledore seems much more open and honest here. It helps that Sirius is alive and Harry knew the importance of the prophecy.
LAB1 chapter 33 . 10/14
Deadly force in a fight for your life is sadly necessary. Too bad Bellatrix isn't gone!
LAB1 chapter 32 . 10/14
Great fight scene! I feel awful about Lee!
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