Reviews for Number Our Days
drul chapter 32 . 11/19/2020
Great story! Loved it! I couldn’t stop reading it till the end... I wish there were more chapters...
I loved your characters and Bella's and Edward relationship was so much intense and mature. It's great how you played with the time travel concept.
Thanks for sharing your work! :)
vampdreams chapter 32 . 11/9/2020
Oh my Lord!
This was freaking amazing
I really don't have enough words to explain how good this fic made me feel
You have done convoluted timey-wimey time travel extremely well!
I truly felt like I was travelling the decades with her
Thank you so much for sharing!
aprilelizabeth21 chapter 32 . 10/19/2020
Okay this was honestly one of the best stories I’ve read, highly recommend! I really loved it!
AllieFrost16 chapter 1 . 9/30/2020
One of the best twilight FanFiction’s ever!
addicted-to-fan-fiction8170 chapter 32 . 9/26/2020
Truly Mesmerizing , absolutely Loved it , everything was executed precisely , I am Awe , ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!1
Thank you for sharing
Thank You Again...
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

tulipblossums chapter 32 . 9/26/2020
This was an incredible read. I'm so in love with the slight changes you made to everyone's character - you wrote Bella so well. It was great to be in her head during the journey. I also really loved the tie-ins to The Odyssey. You planned the timeline out so well, bravo! I can't wait to revisit this down the road.
Guest chapter 29 . 9/21/2020
“I shook my head. She was a little annoying, sure, but not worth hating. I'd be okay by lunch time.“

Just reread twilight and started this fic. Love the improvements you made to Bella, Renee, and Rose. I was really struck how awful and condescending Bella can be in twilight. Awesome job.
Nauticalmass chapter 32 . 9/19/2020
This was truly amazing, and I loved every chapter. I’m so happy I found it. I can’t wait to find it again in the future.
Nauticalmass chapter 31 . 9/19/2020
Nauticalmass chapter 28 . 9/19/2020
Gah! I love this.
Nauticalmass chapter 26 . 9/19/2020
This story is so amazing. Like, the best fic I’ve read in years. I wish it could just keep going and going.
Nauticalmass chapter 11 . 9/18/2020
I can’t believe I’ve never read this fic before. It’s so delicious, and I love time travel. My favorite thing is the warmth between Bella and Rosalie.
The Devil In Me chapter 32 . 9/16/2020
this was so good! i loved it
A Sirius Individual chapter 32 . 9/9/2020
no lie I've read this three times. any interest in a short EPOV?
Miranda Flamel chapter 32 . 8/22/2020
That. was. AMAZING
holy fuck
This is for sure one of the best twifics I've ever read
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