Reviews for Number Our Days
winterhorses chapter 32 . 9/20/2018
Rereading this and loving it again! Such a great fic (that should have about 2000 more reviews). Thanks for writing such a compelling story!
Rachel xxoo
StoryMilkiway chapter 32 . 9/13/2018
This is my favorite story on FF
dreamthief19 chapter 32 . 8/23/2018
Wow. This was a heartbreakingly beautiful read. Such a lovely twist on canon. I couldnt put your fic down, I was captivated to know what happened next. I only wish you wouldve showed more of their life in the present Forks, I kept waiting and waiting for them to reunite in the future and it didnt happen until the last second. That twist in the last chapter was unexpected, I definitely didnt see it coming. This fic was so sad at times but so wonderful. Thank you you so much for sharing. I hope you continue to write, you truly have a gift.
Buffy86 chapter 32 . 8/20/2018
This was one of the most interesting stories that I have read in a long time. I'm so glad I found this story, I loved it!
TessLouise chapter 32 . 8/8/2018
I loved this - one of the most engaging fics I’ve read in a long time. Thank you.
TessLouise chapter 18 . 8/8/2018
Awesome! I did NOT see that coming!
TessLouise chapter 4 . 8/7/2018
I love it! The Cullens know...shit just got real!
TessLouise chapter 2 . 8/7/2018
TessLouise chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
So very interesting!
Cassy chapter 1 . 6/30/2018
Love your story! It's awesome thank you :D hugs from Chile
Naijalight chapter 32 . 6/21/2018
Wow. Great story!
Naijalight chapter 25 . 6/21/2018
This chapter was a little confusing towards the end for me. Did she get sent to the future or is she still in 63
ChristyWIX chapter 32 . 5/18/2018
I never would’ve thought about the fact that if the Volturi got young Bella, as a human, they could mold her and use her. I’m so glad that Edward thought it first and was able to take off with her, keeping her safe until she vanished again. I have to think, that was the very first time he was elated that she disappeared. I do hope she acclimated herself to humans and visits her parents. Just to let them know she is okay, no longer traveling and very happily married. They deserve to know that much. I’m glad it was Bella that demolished Victoria. She deserved to be the one to end that bitch. Very much loved this story. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~Christy
ChristyWIX chapter 31 . 5/18/2018
Whoa! Those dark 'trees' that Bella saw upon her first trip was right into the effing clearing during this standoff? Holy crap! Never saw that coming at all. Kudos to Itsjustm3 for seingnthat way back then, wow. I can’t imagine what all those vampires are thinking right now seeing a little Bella pop in like that. Can we believe that the Volturi will simply walk away like that? They all came, all of them, all that way, just to walk away and not demand something. Wowza. I’m hoping that Victoria tries to attack little Bella, because grown up Bella will blow her shit up right quick. That’ll scare some of the guard and the Volturi, I’m sure of it.
ChristyWIX chapter 30 . 5/18/2018
Awww, poor Charlie, Renee and Phil. They will forever think that she traveled and she won’t come back. That is sad. I really liked her first hunt and how she found Edward so sexy taking down the stag, forgetting to pa attention. I wonder if Alice can see Bella now? I wonder if Irina is with Victoria? For that matter, I wonder what the hell Irina's problem is with Bella? It was never explained. Unless she had feelings for Edward and Edward doesn’t know somehow.
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