Reviews for Number Our Days
Guest chapter 8 . 11/23/2017
This story really surprised me! I skipped over it before because I don’t usually enjoy vampire fics, but I’m really impressed. It was so sweet and emotional. I’m glad they finally found each other. I’m surprised the Cullen’s weren’t watching her the whole time though. I thought they’d find her and look out for her in case Victoria got to her.. but they were shocked to see her in Forks and Edward really thought he wasn’t going to see her again. So sad. I hope she can reach out to Charlie, Renee, and Phil one day. She could just write them a letter to let them know she’s safe and alive, at least! They must think she time traveled and was killed in the past. I’d like an epilogue.
SpanishAccent1 chapter 1 . 11/22/2017
My second time reading the story and I forgot how much i loved it the first time
BellaTesoro chapter 32 . 11/14/2017
This was an interesting story.I've left you my thanks along the way in the form of my comments.
BellaTesoro chapter 31 . 11/14/2017
Well this is interesting, seeing a young Bella in the mist of this vampire pow wow. So Bella went in the future too. What are they going to do now? Maybe she can go back to Renee and Charlie, lol and there will be a live human Bella as well as vampire Bella.
BellaTesoro chapter 30 . 11/14/2017
I wish that Bella could have just let Charlie and Renee know she was going to stay in one of her time travel places, that she'd found the love of her life and was happy there...I think they knew she had found love there, it would have been better than them thinking she was stuck somewhere because of a lack of control or that indeed she was dead or hurt somewhere. That's the only thing I feel badly about. You can tell that Bella is a vampire now, she's really badass with getting what she wants, taking what she wants from Edward and he's liking it. Hot.
BellaTesoro chapter 29 . 11/14/2017
Why does Bella feel she is safe now that Edward is in her present? I mean she could still go traveling even though Edward is right there.
BellaTesoro chapter 28 . 11/14/2017
I know they had to go with their making love after finding Edward in her time and place for once, but where are all the questions and answers? How did he find her? How long as he been there? Did he know she was coming to Forks? I have so many questions I wonder why they don't for each other?
BellaTesoro chapter 27 . 11/14/2017
What does Bella mean when she says she hasn't taken a trip through time since she returned to Charlie's? She sure has.
I'm thinking, maybe, tomorrow she'll see the Cullen kids in the Forks High cafeteria ala Twilight? Maybe? I hope so. I always felt Bella would find Edward right there in Forks.
BellaTesoro chapter 26 . 11/14/2017
It's no wonder Bella thought there was something seriously wrong with her and wanted to get checked out in the hospital. She'd gone through such terror and pain with those whiplash travels. I still don't understand Bella's reasoning for not telling Edward what year to find her in. As she stated in this chapter it's like she feared he wouldn't come, really? Silly that.
BellaTesoro chapter 25 . 11/14/2017
How did Edward and the Cullens know Bella was out in the snowing woods? How did they know where to find her and when?
These Denali's aren't very hospitable, at least not Irina and Tanya. We know Tanya had the crush why was Irina a bitch?
BellaTesoro chapter 24 . 11/14/2017
I was hopeful that Elliot would be more important to Bella, stick around with her, bond with her...I mean it's just the two of them that could relate to each other. You might think the guy would want to be of some further help to his great niece. I guess he's too depressed and just giving up on his situation. I thought Bella was going to say he could be turned like her into an immortal. Beats being run over by a bus. I suppose that with this gloom and doom future Bella now has for herself that being turned will be a relief. She won't have to wait around to die and she gets Edward for forever.
BellaTesoro chapter 23 . 11/14/2017
I thought it was hysterical that there were two Bella's at one time in Edward's life and Bella looking at herself in the bed. Could have been a lot of kink going on if this was another kind of story. lol
I'm so happy Bella went back in time with Emmett and had that heart to heart about the proposal and Emmett said Rosalie and Edward were alike in that they were dramatic and all they wanted was to be with Edward and Rosalie and the vampire thing was secondary to that. I guess Bella needed to think on it awhile and know being married to Edward no mater the time or age was still a good thing.
BellaTesoro chapter 22 . 11/14/2017
Aww poor Edward he thought he was going to get his girl to marry him and she just wasn't ready to commit to him. I suppose that was a rejection for him that will hurt like hell, especially since she later travels back in time and away from him. I thought Bella had turned 18 on her last birthday. I guess I'm a year behind, go figure with all this time travel.
BellaTesoro chapter 18 . 11/14/2017
Great chapter. It was good seeing Bella as a badass using her power to help herself and get revenge for the murders that James committed. I wonder now if the Cullens will be sought after by the Volturi? And I was surprised that one to one they couldn't at least over come vampire to vampire. But them being subdued by a vampire allowed Bella to step up and take care of business herself. I wondered why she hadn't left as soon as the stress of being captured by James because previously even the smallest of worries could set that in motion. Maybe her staying with the Cullens has made her more powerful in she has more self confidence and will and so she stayed to help as much as she could.
BellaTesoro chapter 17 . 11/13/2017
I do love these lovebirds too. These chapters with Bella and Edward together are so much better than when they are apart. I don't know if that's it or it's just that the plot is getting so exciting but these past few chapters have been so good.
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