Reviews for Stolen
Rhovania chapter 9 . 9/13/2017
I love this story! I hope you find the inspiration to finish this because it is great!
TMI Fairy chapter 5 . 12/5/2015
Groan - Kilia and Filia are the movieverse teenage twits ...
dojoson41 chapter 6 . 10/9/2015
namely a bear?
Nenithiel chapter 6 . 10/7/2015
Poor injured Fili and worried Kili. I do wonder when Dis will come back into the story or how you will tie both parts together.
Nenithiel chapter 5 . 9/16/2015
This chapter seemed rushed. When you change scenes put ### or some other indicator. Waiting to see what happens with Fili now injured.
dojoson41 chapter 4 . 9/7/2015
hhhmmm me thanks that the dwarrows forging, would be easy for one of them to put (discreatly placed runes) the location of their wearabouts engraved in the metal, say a sword?
Luci chapter 4 . 9/6/2015
Poor Dís! :( I love all the details you put into this chapter! You've really thought out this story well! :)
And I totally understand the struggle with writing and school... *sigh*
Nenithiel chapter 4 . 9/8/2015
Good to see what it is Dis has been dealing with. Can't wait to see more of the brothers.
Luci chapter 3 . 9/5/2015
POOR LITTLE FRERIN! *sobbing* I love him...
And that last part is just... AHHHHHH! I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! :)
Nenithiel chapter 3 . 9/5/2015
Would've liked to see more outside Thorin's nightmares. Otherwise, nicely done.
Luthien chapter 2 . 9/2/2015
I love this story. But the CLIFFIE!
Luci chapter 2 . 9/2/2015
I'm glad you persevered and wrote this chapter, because I loved it. Poor boys... And Thorin. They're going to have a hard time without Dís... :( And know I'm DYING to know what will happen next!
singingoompaloompas chapter 2 . 8/31/2015
I love your story! It is well written and off to a great start! I look forward to see how the story will unfold. Thanks for writing :)
Luci chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
I think this is a wonderful, amazing idea, and I can't wait to read more! I love it already! Why aren't there a gazillion reviews?! :)