Reviews for Endurance
Guest chapter 23 . 8/31
It's such a good story I wish there was more to read.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/22
Jesus fucking christ, immediately go lock yourself up in a psychiatric hospital you sicko fuck, you are clearly a danger to everyone around you
Themis chapter 23 . 3/10
Cuando actualizaras? me gusta mucho la historia.
DisgustedDidy chapter 23 . 9/18/2023
I went out with my family today and i just couldn’t stop reading this book I was reading it in Target (Can you believe it I love Target) it is much more sadder then the first one but man was it good so far
Linda chapter 23 . 8/27/2023
Love the story so much and hope you are going to finish writing it
desacori chapter 23 . 3/11/2023
Please say you will be continuing your story, really enjoy it
Deanna Bradshaw chapter 17 . 1/21/2023
Please update this one your my favorite writer
Guest chapter 23 . 1/4/2023
This fanfic was updated ch24 in March 2022, on AO3 account. Has the same name under the same author.
Guest chapter 23 . 1/3/2023
The author misteeirene posted chapter 24 on AO3 website in March 2022. It's got the same title & summary of the story. The author's account has the same same as this one.
Guest chapter 22 . 1/3/2023
Hey everyone, misteeirene updated this for Chapter 24 on March 12, 2022. Onto the Archive Of Our Own website.

This author has an account, with the same story under the same title posted there.

I hope this helps those who are worried this was a forgotten story.

Dark Neko 7000 chapter 23 . 4/24/2022
What will happen next time
cathyfaires chapter 1 . 2/16/2022
Please write more I know you use a03 more than here we not have a03 accounts we really need you to write all stories at fanfiction finish we not want missed not finish stories to wonder what happen to them please be there for us smiles
Tr chapter 1 . 2/6/2022
It been 2 years since the last update please post new chapters soon
GrangerIsOurQueen7117 chapter 1 . 1/19/2022
first off wtf did I just read. I'm not one for kink shaming but ya need therapy
DAISY2024 chapter 23 . 7/14/2021
Update soon please this is really good
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