Reviews for The Tainted Blood of the Father
Dauntes chapter 8 . 1/28
I honestly don't understand who this type of story is for. I logically understand that there's an audience because they're written and exist, but I'm baffled by it. There are elements of this story I enjoyed, obviously I read until now. Finding family, helping Harry, finding the line between Hunters and Wizards, hunting, and multiple other aspects. The problem I have, it the weird fetish with a helpless little vulnerable Harry. I honestly don't get the need to write him as this small little fragile being that never grows, is always vulnerable, and in need to protecting. No power of his own, just always weak and being rescued, all the bad things that can happen, happen to him. It's insufferable. Again, I acknowledge there's clearly an audience for this stuff, I just really don't get it. Thanks.
joelyn chapter 12 . 1/28
Please more
Freedrugstore chapter 12 . 9/17/2024
Quel dommage que cette merveille soit abandonnée…
Alistair-Sinclair chapter 10 . 7/27/2024
Dean/mikeal sam/Lucifer Adm/Raf harry/Gab
Alistair-Sinclair chapter 4 . 7/27/2024
Why does your harry make me think of Gabrielle the archangel
Elaelle chapter 12 . 7/22/2024
S'il te plaît ne laisse pas Dumbledore le rattraper il a des droits et sa famille a la priorité sur les décisions de ce vieux connard. Les gens doivent savoir la vérité sur ce qu'il a infligé à Harry quand il l'a kidnappé. Marre que dans les fic ce fils de pute parviennent à ses fins.
Danger1967 chapter 12 . 5/23/2024
Why are all the best stories abandoned. I hope it's not abandoned and you're just taking a break. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to you possibly completing it. I will keep coming back to check.
LtsHrIt4ThBoyz chapter 12 . 5/17/2024
I 1st read this story a long time ago and have it bookmarked on AO3, but found it again today over here. Any chance you might be going to add a chappie or three ;) this year? ;*
It was a SPN/HP crossover (I can't find it; it may be over on LiveJournal) that 1st turned me on to *any* HPff: It was an accidental find as it didn't reference HP in any summary -which I avoided like the plague (I despise the books with every fiber of my being)!

I'd been curious, back in 2010/11 to see what ff writers would make of "JKR's" best-selling *fanfiction* (plagiarized) in history... They'd all drank the 'kool-aid': "JKR is a 'god'"; Dumbledork is/was a "martyred hero" or "misguided"; Harry wasn't *really* abused, just neglected & mistreated "a little". Worst of all, a lot of them were HP/the doorknob fangirl! Blech! Thus, my aversion.

Your story hits me right in the 'feels', but you've left us hangin' on a 'cliffie' for a long time: Dumblefork is headed to America to find our boy, trash his family, and force the kid back into horror; all for his own little game! (Have I mentioned how much I and my writer/co-writer, VashonBeader, and I loathe, despise, and abhor the MOB? ;D) Harry's got to work up the gumption to tell the guys he's a wizard! It's absolutely vital if he's going to protect his family from Dd's planned depredations AND to allow the guys to realize that not ALL magicals are evil!

Please? Come back to this story soon? Great premise and (though it does 'lag' at times, but only because each of the characters seem to suffer from brain farts, from time to time, which I hope will lessen as time moves on? ;*) mistakes happen from love. THANK YOU for showing a Harry that's *real*! I'm 62 and I *still* have quirks and failures that stem from my childhood. You can just imagine how 'triggered' I was by trying to read JKR's crud, back in 2006! I can only thank the Lord that my mom repented and we were reconciled before she passed in '96. 0:)

Take care and bless you!
MelJ :)
xXMoonlitSorrowsXx chapter 12 . 5/14/2024
Love this story! I like how you made the backstory of America being a young country and it being the wild west of magic and thats why all the supernatural creatures are so feral compared to Britain. I hope you get the chance to continue. I look forward to reading more!
Guest chapter 12 . 4/13/2024
I miss this story. Hope to see a new chapter soon. 'Till then, hopefully.
wandamarie chapter 12 . 3/30/2024
thank you please update the sory when you have a chance
LunaRae7362 chapter 12 . 2/18/2024
When will this continue?
kuba2000p chapter 12 . 2/6/2024
Unfortunately, both canons are terribly repressed in this story. There is no wizarding community in the United States and the men of letters whether the American association or the British one, more importantly, have mysteriously disappeared.
Soul Sendant chapter 1 . 12/12/2023
A disgrace to both Supernatural and Harry Potter.
demonboy121986 chapter 4 . 11/17/2023
I am laughing at this story, while sad to start, its awesome seeing Dean get well Deaned. there relative(not spoiling) is like a mix of Dean an Sam.
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